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Thread: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

  1. #476
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Any of you guys or gals remember the Sporting Goods department at the
    T.G.&Y. Store on 74th and South Penn?I started that department many years
    ago... (1965)... Any stories to help me jog my memories?
    I remember a super door buster! A really nice Remington .22 rifle for $15 or
    $20 to the first customer. Dad bought one for my brother for @$50 that day.
    I think we still have parts of it.

    There was always a sale or gimmick to get us into the sporting goods
    department. It was like the newspapers ads were all focused at my Dad.
    "Whoa! Look at what's on sale at TG&Y. I need another tackle box!"

  2. #477

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Any of you guys or gals remember the Sporting Goods department at the T.G.&Y. Store on 74th and South Penn?????I started that department many years ago....(1965)....Any stories to help me jog my memories????
    My cousin (he has the same last name, 64) retired a few years ago from OCPD as a Major. He and I are the same age. He worked security there many times and bought many a personal firearm there. You most likely know him. Works for the federal gov't. now.

  3. #478

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Which was the last store to close its doors? The last one in okc metro?

  4. #479

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Which was the last store to close its doors? The last one in okc metro?
    ================================================== ===========
    That's a semi-loaded Question Papa:.....The last store in OKC was probably the store at 74th st.. The others were turned into a Bargain type store....didn't fly. However, there was a TG&Y store still opened after the stores in OKC closed. McCrory's kept dragging their feet (good business) on the stores that were still profitable......That store was in New Mexico (Santa Fe)...There is still a store on I-40 (Rt. 66) in Grants New Mexico....I (being in Salvage) bought all of the fixtures, desks etc. at the main office on 36th & Santa Fe.....I can't remember the exact year on that.....I know I got a copying machine worth thousands of dollars (help me out Jimbo....you know the machine) for almost Nothing....$5.00....

  5. #480

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ================================================== ===========
    That's a semi-loaded Question Papa:.....The last store in OKC was probably the store at 74th st.. The others were turned into a Bargain type store....didn't fly. However, there was a TG&Y store still opened after the stores in OKC closed. McCrory's kept dragging their feet (good business) on the stores that were still profitable......That store was in New Mexico (Santa Fe)...There is still a store on I-40 (Rt. 66) in Grants New Mexico....I (being in Salvage) bought all of the fixtures, desks etc. at the main office on 36th & Santa Fe.....I can't remember the exact year on that.....I know I got a copying machine worth thousands of dollars (help me out Jimbo....you know the machine) for almost Nothing....$5.00....
    If it was from the office, it was a Xerox, because that's all the brass would let us buy. We had a big sale over a matter of about a week in September of 1986. We sold stuff for crazy cheap prices. A lot of it was hand-made furniture that the guys at CFC had built out of the best materials available.

    By the time you bought all the stuff that was left, it was probably mostly those Cole and Steelcraft desks that would withstand a nuclear attack.

    A bit of trivia, while I lived in the Tulsa area (1989 - 1996), the "new guys" opened a T.G.&Y. Store inside Eastland Mall. It was really odd, like they were trying a "new concept" or something. It wasn't there long. It was about like the variety store that was in Shepard Mall.

  6. #481

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    was hand-made furniture that the guys at CFC had built out of the best materials available.


  7. #482

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    was hand-made furniture that the guys at CFC had built out of the best materials available.

    ================================================== =========
    Central Fixtures Corporation:....another division of TG&Y. They built the fixtures for us and quite a few other companies. Hobby Lobby still uses the same type of fixtures.....

  8. #483
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Central Fixtures Corporation... another division of TG&Y. They built the
    fixtures for us and quite a few other companies. Hobby Lobby still uses the
    same type of fixtures...
    Every time I walk into Hobby Lobby I smell CHEAP! I mean it. The only time
    that place is worth the money is when everything is marked down 75%, then
    you better have a 50% coupon.

    TG&Y was never that bad. Are you serious?

  9. #484

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    Every time I walk into Hobby Lobby I smell CHEAP! I mean it. The only time
    that place is worth the money is when everything is marked down 75%, then
    you better have a 50% coupon.

    TG&Y was never that bad. Are you serious?
    to avoid "smelling" cheap have you tried aftershave or cologne?

  10. #485

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    I was kind of a youngster when TG&Y closed up the Moore location, maybe 8 or 9. But I remember when they closed to remodel, that was the longest few weeks of a childs life. No new matchbox cars, no chicken salad sandwiches at the little food bar and such. I remember pestering my mom every day if TG&Y was open.

    I also remember my mom buying a polaroid camera, still have the test photo of me that the clerk took. The smell of the garden center and the not so good smell of the restrooms also are good memories. Im only 31 but I look back at those times with fondness.

    Oh yeah I also remember Dad taking us to get kites every spring.

  11. #486

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    was hand-made furniture that the guys at CFC had built out of the best materials available.

    Central Fixtures Company - T.G.&Y.'s construction division.

  12. #487

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by drum4no1 View Post
    I was kind of a youngster when TG&Y closed up the Moore location, maybe 8 or 9. But I remember when they closed to remodel, that was the longest few weeks of a childs life. No new matchbox cars, no chicken salad sandwiches at the little food bar and such. I remember pestering my mom every day if TG&Y was open.

    I also remember my mom buying a polaroid camera, still have the test photo of me that the clerk took. The smell of the garden center and the not so good smell of the restrooms also are good memories. Im only 31 but I look back at those times with fondness.

    Oh yeah I also remember Dad taking us to get kites every spring.
    ================================================== ============
    When I was 16 years old (1965) we remodeled the first remodel of that store. the location was down that center to about where the Ace Hardware was. That was always a good store.....Then, I helped close that store out completely....

  13. #488

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Just found this post. The TG&Y at 29th and Agnew was my first real job. I worked there in 1960-61. When went to the store at 29th and Kentucky when my manager was transfered.
    At the Agnew store I remember one day two young boys stole some "BBs" in the cardboard roll and had them in their pants up side down. Top came off and the
    BBs came out their legs. Only thing they could say was "DON'T call my dad"

  14. #489

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    posted this on the Southside memories but, this week-end was the week-end we did the "Turkey Drop" at 74th st. Thought it would give the customers time to get up the nerve to kill and clean the birds.....

  15. #490

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    I worked at the SW 29 & Agnew store in 1960-61? Moved to the 29th & Indiana/Kentucky store with my manager, Mr Hoskins. Was at the Indiana store when an 18 wheeler lost a tire and it came thru our front window. Remember on Agnew we stopped some young boys stealing BB's. They were the kind in the cardboard tube. They had them in their pants and the lid came off......BB's down the leg. All they could say was "Please, don't call our dad"

  16. #491

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by nmania View Post
    I worked at the SW 29 & Agnew store in 1960-61? Moved to the 29th & Indiana/Kentucky store with my manager, Mr Hoskins. Was at the Indiana store when an 18 wheeler lost a tire and it came thru our front window. Remember on Agnew we stopped some young boys stealing BB's. They were the kind in the cardboard tube. They had them in their pants and the lid came off......BB's down the leg. All they could say was "Please, don't call our dad"
    ================================================== ===========
    When the Indiana store was opened the Agnew Store was closed. John Robinette was the last store manager in that store (29th/Agnew). The village Idiot was working there then. They transferred everyone at Agnew to the Economy Square store....August, 1964....I was there ....I had worked at Airline then 59th & Penn and then 74th & Penn then and then...they loved to transfer you around. The store at Indiana/Kentucky was the store I really wanted when it opened.....That was in about 1967 or 68....I got the store at 59th/Penn in October 1968 and and was there until May 1971.....

  17. #492

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by nmania View Post
    I worked at the SW 29 & Agnew store in 1960-61? Moved to the 29th & Indiana/Kentucky store with my manager, Mr Hoskins. Was at the Indiana store when an 18 wheeler lost a tire and it came thru our front window. Remember on Agnew we stopped some young boys stealing BB's. They were the kind in the cardboard tube. They had them in their pants and the lid came off......BB's down the leg. All they could say was "Please, don't call our dad"
    I don't remember a TG&Y at 29th an Indiana/Kentucky. When did it close? Which corner was the 29th and Agnew on?

    I mainly remember the Capitol Hill, Reding, 74th and Penn, and the 29th and May locations.

    Can someone give a rundown on the okc locations? No Moore, MWC, Del City, etc. Just Okc, including the stores that closed in one location and moved to another.

    Is there a book that would give the info.?

  18. #493

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    No Book that I know of just old memories....Here we go.
    Family Dollar is in the spot where 29/Kentucky was (N.E. Corner)
    Airline Shopping Center .... Agnew (SE corner 29th/ Agnew)
    Economy Square .... 59th/May
    44th S. May Reding Center 44/Walker
    59/S. Penn 59th/ S. Western 44th/ Shields
    Capitol Hill 74/ Penn 44/High
    N.W. 6th/Western N.W, 36th/ Western Casady Square
    23/Council 23/Meridian 63/N.W. Highway
    16/Indiana 16th/May N.
    I know I'm missing a couple of them still but the rest were Del City, Edmond, Midwest City, Moore, outlying areas....at one time there was about 50 in the OKC area.......

  19. #494

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    No Book that I know of just old memories....Here we go.
    Family Dollar is in the spot where 29/Kentucky was (N.E. Corner)
    Airline Shopping Center .... Agnew (SE corner 29th/ Agnew)
    Economy Square .... 59th/May
    44th S. May Reding Center 44/Walker
    59/S. Penn 59th/ S. Western 44th/ Shields
    Capitol Hill 74/ Penn 44/High
    N.W. 6th/Western N.W, 36th/ Western Casady Square
    23/Council 23/Meridian 63/N.W. Highway
    16/Indiana 16th/May N.
    I know I'm missing a couple of them still but the rest were Del City, Edmond, Midwest City, Moore, ....outlying areas....at one time there was about 50 in the OKC area.......
    ================================================== ===========
    The ones that I missed were:...23/McArthur....N.W. 10/May...N.E. 23/Eastern (tough store)...N.W. Highway and Council....Then, there were 2 in Edmond, 2 in Del City, 2 in Midwest City, Mustang, Tecumseh, Choctaw, one at N.E. 23/Douglas....2 in shepherd Mall..Mayfair Center...50th / Shartel/...33rd and N. May (general Vicinity)...Moore...2 in Norman....Purcell....

  20. #495

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    I don't remember when the I/K store closed because I had moved on to bigger and better.....Griders. The Agnew store was on the SE corner next to Mac Drug.

  21. #496

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by nmania View Post
    I don't remember when the I/K store closed because I had moved on to bigger and better.....Griders. The Agnew store was on the SE corner next to Mac Drug.
    ================================================== ============
    there were about a half dozen Assistant managers trying for that store when it was built.....I really wanted the store but, I ended up being there only on the store lay out. I had been pushed deeply into The Sporting Goods Departments for the company. They attempted to put in a fishing department in the Kentucky store (didn't work)...Agnew was there where you say it was. When that store was closed (1964) we had a close-out sale and did pretty good...Still always felt the neighborhood store was needed. there was another store located a 44th and S. Penn that I had forgotten about...Former Woolworth Store.....The store you are talking about was kept open by McCory's as it fit their demographics....later on Family Dollar took the lease over and is still in business there....

  22. #497

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by nmania View Post
    I don't remember when the I/K store closed because I had moved on to bigger and better.....Griders. The Agnew store was on the SE corner next to Mac Drug.
    ================================================== ===========
    Grider's was one of the last individual stores in OKC. Buy for Less just bought them out....

  23. #498

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ================================================== ===========
    The ones that I missed were:...23/McArthur....N.W. 10/May...N.E. 23/Eastern (tough store)...N.W. Highway and Council....Then, there were 2 in Edmond, 2 in Del City, 2 in Midwest City, Mustang, Tecumseh, Choctaw, one at N.E. 23/Douglas....2 in shepherd Mall..Mayfair Center...50th / Shartel/...33rd and N. May (general Vicinity)...Moore...2 in Norman....Purcell....
    Several buddies and used to tube fish in lakes and farm ponds. One of the guys went to the N.W. Highway and Council store to check on a new tube-cover. They had a display and he could not find a price for the cover. He asked the salesperson who went to check the price. She came back and told Don the price, but that was the last one they had on hand so he told her he would take it. He ended up with every thing on that display. Rod, reel, chest-waders, paddle-pushers, mini tackle box....... all for the price of the tube!!

  24. #499
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ... there was another store located a 44th and S. Penn that I had forgotten
    That's the TG&Y we went to until the "World's Largest" was opened.

  25. #500

    Default Re: T.G.&Y. Stores:Gone but not forgotten

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    ================================================== ===========
    The ones that I missed were:...23/McArthur....N.W. 10/May...N.E. 23/Eastern (tough store)...N.W. Highway and Council....Then, there were 2 in Edmond, 2 in Del City, 2 in Midwest City, Mustang, Tecumseh, Choctaw, one at N.E. 23/Douglas....2 in shepherd Mall..Mayfair Center...50th / Shartel/...33rd and N. May (general Vicinity)...Moore...2 in Norman....Purcell....
    Specifically, where was the NW Highway and Council location? I can not place a strip center on that corner prior to 1986.

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