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Thread: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  1. #1

    Default Carrie Prejean sex tape

    LOVE this. Looks like Carrie Prejean made a sex tape staring only herself. Schadenfreude!

    November 8, 11:50 PMAnaheim Celebrity Headlines ExaminerJodi Jill

    Carrie Prejean has been experiencing some minor difficulties on the home front. First, she lost the Miss California crown. Then she decided not to pursue a 1 million dollar lawsuit after the people behind the Miss California USA pagaent took the time to reveal their trump card - the scandalous tape of her solo sex act.

    Now, TMZ.com reported on November 8 that one of the individuals in the room during the showing of this rather explicit tape was, well, her mom. What's a mom do when she sees something like this from her daughter? Well, that information wasn't shared, but you would expect there to be at least a “conversation.” An Oh My God moment maybe, with the look of a mortified mother?

    So little Miss Homophobe isn't as pure as the driven snow? I take great pleasure in this story, but apparently not as much as experienced by Miss Prejean lol. Kharma is indeed a b!tch. Love it!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Obviously not. But remember that she never asked for any of this to happen to her. TMZ and its despicable star has made it his (her) personal vendetta to destroy her because she has her beliefs. Despite the fact that the left has supported TMZ and has truly outdone itself digging into her most private affairs, she isn't going to back down. I don't condone some of what she has done but as she has said, she was young and she was stupid and never imagined it woudl hurt her later in life. I guess that makes her like about 30 million other teenagers on social networking sites.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    A sex tape with herself...and mom walks in?

    As bizarre as that is...how did the lawyers get the tape?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    The people of TMZ are just trash. They thrive on the failure and misfortune of celebrities. Anybody who thrives on misfortune always gets theirs in the end. Fate and Karma always make sure it serves you a crap sandwich ten times the size of the one you fed to the world.

    It is one thing to condemn someone for the viewers but.. it is another to go all out and attempt to destroy the person for speaking their mind.

    People have a right to their opinions regardless if they are politically correct or not. The homosexually does nothing more than hurt their own image when they throw a fit about offensive speech.

    I know If I were homosexual, I would never take myself so seriously that I got mad every time somebody called me a name or criticised my lifestyle.

    I would live my life the same as I do now. I have thick skin. I do not sweat the small stuff. I treat everyone how I like to be treated. I do not make time for people that just make life hell. My mission in life is to make as many friends as possible regardless if they have my beliefs or not.

    I believe you can never have too many friends. You never know when the person you may hate for some stupid reason will be your hero.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I refer that as the "two fools and a camera" event. There are sex tapes all over the place like that. She is saying that she made the video to send to her then boyfriend - no one else was involved. Years later (long after the relationship ended), the tape has surfaced. She says he sold it, he apparently says he doesn't know how it got out there.

    Personally, I don't see anything morally wrong with what she did. It turned out to be foolish but there are many thousands of men carrying around videos/photos of their wives and girlfriends, even ex girlfriends, who would never share them. But some would. And when you are young, you sometimes are too trusting. The moral reprobate in this instance is the one who released the tape and the ones who are circulating it. I see this kid as a victim.

    The same people who think a woman can walk down the street naked and be immune from rape because she is a victim, for some reason frequently don't see the same logic should apply if a young person foolishly trusted someone with a sex tape. If someone in a scanty skirt isn't asking for it, why would someone who shared a video with someone she loved be somehow asking for this kind of grief?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Oh I don't think there is anything morally wrong with making sex tapes, and she is certainly entitled to hate on whomever she wants. It was just mind numbingly STUPID of her to side with god, jesus, and "morality," knowing that she had such skeletons in her OWN closet.

    She's just not pretty enough to get by on her looks being THAT stupid. Oh well lol.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Ah, so if someone does something like that once in their life, they can never again speak for what they think is moral?

    Whatever side you take on the issue, that's just a dumb argument to be making ron.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    It just came out that J Lo has a sex tape now. Where's your new self-righteous, assumptive and hateful thread RR?

  9. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Oh I don't think there is anything morally wrong with making sex tapes, and she is certainly entitled to hate on whomever she wants. It was just mind numbingly STUPID of her to side with god, jesus, and "morality," knowing that she had such skeletons in her OWN closet.

    She's just not pretty enough to get by on her looks being THAT stupid. Oh well lol.
    If you believe in the tenets of Christianity, every human except Jesus has skeletons in his or her closet.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    and even He had rumors dropped on Him

  11. #11

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Being a god loving christian does not mean you have a life free of mistakes and stupid decisions. I never heard Prejean say that all homosexuals should be punished or something like that. She just stated she did not agree with gay marriage. To me that is just like a vegatarian saying they do not approve of people that eat meat.

    I think too many people take a opinions too seriously these days. Opinions are opinions and nothing more. Some people prefer mayonnsaise, some prefer mustard while others prefer horseradish. Do people fight over condiments? No.

    I think society could save itself a lot of grief by gaining a little self esteem and learning to ignore the small things that irriate them. Learn to pick your battles, fight actions not opinions.

    Bottomline the moral to our story is... Never do anything in front of a camera that will come back and haunt you later.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I think too many people take a opinions too seriously these days. Opinions are opinions and nothing more. Some people prefer mayonnsaise, some prefer mustard while others prefer horseradish. Do people fight over condiments?

    It depends, actually. Did Bush prefer mayonaise and is Obama a mustard fan? If the subject comes up on the message board, I'm betting someone can find an angle to get into an argument over it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Little Mister Homophobe?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    FWIW, I agree the scadal media is a terribly dirty business. I sometimes feel a little guilty just looking at the headlines while in line at walmart. On the other hand, I love a good distraction as much as the next human and I pay more attention to the dirt of the rich and famous than I would sometimes like. However, one needs to understand the water cooler gossip, right?

    Ms. Prejean has been enormously self-righteous about her loss of the pageant and continually has presented herself as a christian martyr. I believed from the beginning she was playing this silly but fascinating event that for money.

    Seeing the how quickly the christian right was coming to her defense, she adopted the well paying role of professional "witness" to rake in the easy money on the fundamentalist speaker's circuit. Throw into the mix her book and you have a small, quick fortune and fame of a sort many people are willing to trade their dignity for.

    To ronnie's defence, if Prejean, as America's Best Christian, had committed one incident of poor judgement, she might seem less venal and greedy to me. However, it is clear to me she is merely a Grady County stripper in Aimee Semple Mcpherson's gowns.

    I don't wish shame and humiliation on too many people. However, if you are going to present yourself as the great white crusader for all that is good, wholesome, and christian, it might be nice if your life actually reflected that.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    So much for accusing the conservatives of being sanctimoneous, self righteous prigs. I think we all know who the ones are that are will to give the benefit of the doubt and compassion. Politics trumps humanity, for many.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Oh I'm not at all happy with Obama on gay rights issues, Fire. NOT. AT. ALL.
    It's just sometimes we have to take the bitter with the sweet, and come next primary, I will likely support someone more progressive/liberal on social issues.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    "Young women should resist the pressures of popular culture and of sex. Our bodies are temples of the Lord. We should earn respect and admiration for our hearts, not for showing skin to look sexy." - Carrie Prejean, from her memoir Still Standing.

    I'm assuming she wrote this after she appeared in that self-sex video. Do as I say, not as I do. Stupid bimbo got busted. Whatever.

  18. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Ms. Prejean has been enormously self-righteous about her loss of the pageant and continually has presented herself as a christian martyr. I believed from the beginning she was playing this silly but fascinating event that for money.
    I'm sure I haven't seen every interview so there may be some things out there I've not heard but from what I've seen of her, she is very stern in the defense of the way she was treated in the pageant and then in the fact that she has been shredded personally by simply expressing her conservative religious beliefs. She said from the beginning she had done things she regretted doing. As things such as photographs and sex tapes trickled out she stood up and admitted she did them and that she regretted doing them.

    I am not religious but IMO she IS a Christian martyr because she has had to withstand a viscious organized effort of destruction of her personal life all for telling what she believes in. If there is a criticism to make at her it is that she didn't admit right out what she had done but in retrospect, I don't imagine anyone who was not out looking for publicity would have just up and said, "Look, I've done naked pictures and I've done a sex tape but now I have my beliefs." She said she had done things she regretted. It was the TMZ folks and other left wing folks who went looking for dirt to dig up on her.

    Remember, she never asked for any of this to happen. She simply participated in a beauty pageant and was intentionally asked a question that became controversial.

    Seeing the how quickly the christian right was coming to her defense, she adopted the well paying role of professional "witness" to rake in the easy money on the fundamentalist speaker's circuit. Throw into the mix her book and you have a small, quick fortune and fame of a sort many people are willing to trade their dignity for.
    Oh, EO, I've heard a few folks on the religious right chastise others on the right for what she had done in her past. I don't have any criticism of her at all for becoming a speaker because she has a right to actively defend what's been done to her and to speak out against the active attempts to destroy her life. Listen to what she says and you will hear its mainly warnings to other young women to NOT do the things she did, to stand up for what you believe in and to not cave in to pressure simply because its not the "in" thing.
    She's got to make a living and she has chosen to do it in a way that invites further attacks from the left.

    To ronnie's defence, if Prejean, as America's Best Christian, had committed one incident of poor judgement, she might seem less venal and greedy to me. However, it is clear to me she is merely a Grady County stripper in Aimee Semple Mcpherson's gowns.
    You obviously haven't heard what she says. She openly admits to what she did and accepts full responsibility for it. She's not defending herself for the photos or the sex tape, she's defending the fact she was so visciously attacked and so much effort went into destroying her personally simply because she is a religious person and expressed she is against gay marriage.

    I don't wish shame and humiliation on too many people. However, if you are going to present yourself as the great white crusader for all that is good, wholesome, and christian, it might be nice if your life actually reflected that.
    I guess all those entertainers and sports figures who self-destructed by using drugs and now make their livings making speeches and helping prevent others from making the same mistakes are also self-riteous hypocrites too. You criticize her for her actions because it is all current. Had she done this 10 years ago you wouldn't have much to say about it.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Prejean: if she was on trial would have prejury herself..
    She 1st claimed she didnt do anything immoral.
    Then the tape was made by her boyfriend at the time and she was 15 years old.
    Now its her who made it and now she was 20 years old.
    When you stand up for morality and spoke with..well lets face it with a double standard.
    You are gonna get slapped.
    I dont like her for her lies, I am sure she has other skeletons in her closet.
    You can either bring them out, with humility or someone would bring them out amidst great embarrassment to you.
    Or finally, my way: is to learn to remodel the closet, and use those skeletons as decor. lol

  20. #20

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond_Outsider View Post
    Seeing the how quickly the christian right was coming to her defense, she adopted the well paying role of professional "witness" to rake in the easy money on the fundamentalist speaker's circuit. Throw into the mix her book and you have a small, quick fortune and fame of a sort many people are willing to trade their dignity for.

    To ronnie's defence, if Prejean, as America's Best Christian, had committed one incident of poor judgement, she might seem less venal and greedy to me. However, it is clear to me she is merely a Grady County stripper in Aimee Semple Mcpherson's gowns.
    "Christians" bring 99.9% of their problems upon themselves with their public displays of religion. Then they turn around and claim "persecution" by those evil liberals and the MSM when they pull dumb moves like Prejean did. I've seen stuff like this happen repeatedly, but one incident I'll always remember. At a party, this good "Christian" girl got good & drunk and performed oral sex on more than one guy at the party, and no telling what she did afterward. Then she goes right on off to a theological seminary college as if nothing happened. Now the deal was that this girl was not so drunk she did not know what she was doing, because she knew perfectly well what she was doing and knew perfectly well the Baptist church's stance on the consumption of alcohol and premarital sex. She was 150 miles from her home town and just decided to slut it up one night and figured nobody she knew would find out.

    So what's the point you ask? If you live in a glass house and don't want your Christianity shattered when you throw the moral rocks, you need to STFU before you open your mouth in the first place. Quietly go to church, quietly consume your booze, quietly engage in all the premarital sex you please. But if you don't want your religion thrown back in your face, you had best think carefully about what you say and who you say it to, especially in a public venue.

    Personally I'd love to see Miss Prejean butt nekkid and jiggling. I think she should pose for Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler while working the strip club circuit....sell that booty for all it's worth. There'll be plenty of Christian business men out of town on "business" that will be patronizing those strip clubs and magazines who would greatly appreciate lusting over that wholesome naked Christain body.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I guess all those entertainers and sports figures who self-destructed by using drugs and now make their livings making speeches and helping prevent others from making the same mistakes are also self-riteous hypocrites too. You criticize her for her actions because it is all current. Had she done this 10 years ago you wouldn't have much to say about it.
    I think OJ is a hypocrite as is Kobe, so is Frank Gifford, so is the Former Governor of New York, so is Ensign,Craig,Coburn,Boren.
    She has a hard time recounting events from her life..where i came from that means a liar.I doubt she suffers from Dementia.
    The only way you are going to get a higher standard is call a person on it.
    Just like journalism, education, government, law enforcement, dont sit there and let someone who wants the fame or the pedestal of notoriety slide in there.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    "Christians" bring 99.9% of their problems upon themselves with their public displays of religion. Then they turn around and claim "persecution" by those evil liberals and the MSM when they pull dumb moves like Prejean did. I've seen stuff like this happen repeatedly, but one incident I'll always remember. At a party, this good "Christian" girl got good & drunk and performed oral sex on more than one guy at the party, and no telling what she did afterward. Then she goes right on off to a theological seminary college as if nothing happened. Now the deal was that this girl was not so drunk she did not know what she was doing, because she knew perfectly well what she was doing and knew perfectly well the Baptist church's stance on the consumption of alcohol and premarital sex. She was 150 miles from her home town and just decided to slut it up one night and figured nobody she knew would find out.

    So what's the point you ask? If you live in a glass house and don't want your Christianity shattered when you throw the moral rocks, you need to STFU before you open your mouth in the first place. Quietly go to church, quietly consume your booze, quietly engage in all the premarital sex you please. But if you don't want your religion thrown back in your face, you had best think carefully about what you say and who you say it to, especially in a public venue.

    Personally I'd love to see Miss Prejean butt nekkid and jiggling. I think she should pose for Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler while working the strip club circuit....sell that booty for all it's worth. There'll be plenty of Christian business men out of town on "business" that will be patronizing those strip clubs and magazines who would greatly appreciate lusting over that wholesome naked Christain body.
    She can tattoo a fish symbol on her cheek, so Christians can be sure its going to another Christian enterprise..lol

  23. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Prejean: if she was on trial would have prejury herself..
    She wasn't on trial. She was competing in a beauty pageant. Big difference.

    She 1st claimed she didnt do anything immoral.
    First, who is to say making some erotic pics is immoral. Sure, the religious folks will say so. Her mistake, which is her biggest mistake, is that she entered this pageant knowing what she had done yet signed papers saying she had never done them.

    Second, do you think she is going to volunteer this type of information - really? "Oh, I've done naked pictures and a sex tape, but thats in my past." She fully stated she had done things she wasn't proud of when the pics first came to light.

    Then the tape was made by her boyfriend at the time and she was 15 years old. Now its her who made it and now she was 20 years old.
    I believe the story is that she made it when she was 17 for her boyfriend and as of 2 days ago when she was on Hannity and the clip I saw, that was still the age.

    When you stand up for morality and spoke with..well lets face it with a double standard. You are gonna get slapped. I dont like her for her lies, I am sure she has other skeletons in her closet. You can either bring them out, with humility or someone would bring them out amidst great embarrassment to you.
    No doubt she learned that lesson, but again, the reality is that people who have done that type of thing aren't going to admit it. If you'd had pictures taken of you doing something some people would call lewd I doubt you'd come right out and tell people either.

    The bottom line is that she never asked for any of this to happen. She was simply in a beauty pageant and was, likely intentionally, asked a question about a very controversial question by someone who had a vested interest in the answer. She was set up.

    The rest is simply heat she has taken due to an intentional effort to publicly destroy her simply because she has been firm on her beliefs.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I said IF

    And if you bother to think this out, the pageants have moral clauses.
    She failed!!

  25. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I said IF

    And if you bother to think this out, the pageants have moral clauses.
    She failed!!
    I also didn't point out you say "she prejury herself" but I'm not going to nitpick.

    I agree, she shouldn't have been in the pageant in the first place due to the morals clause in the contract - thus she was relived of her duties - but she was intentionally set up for what happened to her by Mr. TMZ - it just got bigger than they expected.

    And, I DID bother to think it out, I said "Her mistake, which is her biggest mistake, is that she entered this pageant knowing what she had done yet signed papers saying she had never done them."

    gotta run

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