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Thread: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

  1. #1

    Default Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Now that OKC has grown, has a lot of good momentum and has new facilities, what would it take?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    they could have a rodeo in the Bass Pro parking lot.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    I doubt we'll get it back. We're not Vegas and can't offer what they offer. But that's not all bad. I wouldn't want to live in Vegas. And if I had to choose I'd rather have an NBA team any day of the week over the NFR. We have plenty of grand horse shows at state fair park and can keep working on getting more. That's not to say we can't try to get The NFR back...we're doing all the right things improving state fair park, but I wouldn't get too upset about not getting it back. All we can do is what we can do.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    The NFR is not coming back, but OKC has had the International Finals Rodeo for many years, it is January 15-17, 2010 at the State Fair Arena.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Let's bring the IGRA to OKC!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    The IGRA comes here every year.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Here's the info. IGRA Rodeo Calendar
    I once had a client who participated and said it was great fun. I have never been so I can not tell you that first hand. It was also featured once in a show called Only in America with a NYTimes reporter Charlie LeDuff.
    A brave buckaroo - Washington Blade: Gay and Lesbian News, Entertainment, Politics and Opinion

  8. #8

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Straight cowboys wouldn't dare be seen at a gay rodeo. They look down upon on gay rodeos pretty much so.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Bunty, they are just afraid of gay men with ropes and spurs and quirts and wearing leather. <vbg> My, my. Just makes you want to go out and bulldog a steer.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Cowboys already love the facilities at the State Fair Arena, so I doubt there's anything else they could do to lure them back.

  11. Default Re: Wonder what it would take to get the National Finals Rodeo or an equivalent back?

    Or perhaps putting more money into the purse of the IFR to make it more of the crown jewell of rodeo. Going to the NFR was just such an event when it was here. I miss it. I'll contribute $20!

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