Here is what the website says about the aquatic centers.
There are going to be 4 or 5 and cost 10 to 12.4 million a piece!
Health and Wellness Aquatic Centers for Seniors
The Senior Health and Wellness Aquatic Centers included in the new MAPS proposal reflect the demographic shifts taking place in our community (the number of seniors is expected to double by 2030). They (4-5) will be evenly geographically distributed throughout the city and will serve as community gathering places, provide significant aquatic elements for exercise and therapeutic benefits, and will each be programmed to meet the specific needs of their individual areas. The Centers demonstrate a new way of thinking about health and wellness in Oklahoma City and set a new standard for our residents' quality of life, as well as helping us keep pace with competing cities.
Cost: $50 million
Description: This project will construct multiple state-of-the-art health and wellness aquatic centers for senior citizens at locations around the city.
Seniors are an ever-growing demographic in America, and Oklahoma City is no exception.
Many American cities are establishing world-class aquatic senior centers.
These centers will promote a healthier community.