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Thread: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

  1. #26

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Oklahoma living up to its reputation. Ugh. On a positive note, soon federal law will include sexual orientation in regards to hate crimes.

  2. Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Oklahoma living up to its reputation. Ugh. On a positive note, soon federal law will include sexual orientation in regards to hate crimes.
    And what reputation may that be? I've lived several places and never has anyone mentioned Oklahoma as a place where gay people get beaten up because they are gay. Can you provide a link to this reputation? Now if you want to talk about a reputation of our legislature coming up with goofy laws such as the one about public reporting of abortions I'll agree to that one....

  3. #28

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    And what reputation may that be? I've lived several places and never has anyone mentioned Oklahoma as a place where gay people get beaten up because they are gay. Can you provide a link to this reputation? Now if you want to talk about a reputation of our legislature coming up with goofy laws such as the one about public reporting of abortions I'll agree to that one....
    Not even the lefties tend to respond to her hateful, attention seeking comments, Mug. Waste of time and energy.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    haha, its reputation? how stupid.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    And what reputation may that be? I've lived several places and never has anyone mentioned Oklahoma as a place where gay people get beaten up because they are gay. Can you provide a link to this reputation? Now if you want to talk about a reputation of our legislature coming up with goofy laws such as the one about public reporting of abortions I'll agree to that one....
    Some people are too brain dead to think for themselves, mugs.

    Directly from the article:

    "Although Oklahoma isn't known for being particularly gay-friendly, gay men and lesbians are attacked at about the same rate as their urban counterparts in places such as New York and Chicago, Jenkins said."

    People like ronronnie will not let facts get in the way of their dogmatic belief systems.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboose View Post
    Some people are too brain dead to think for themselves, mugs.

    Directly from the article:

    "Although Oklahoma isn't known for being particularly gay-friendly, gay men and lesbians are attacked at about the same rate as their urban counterparts in places such as New York and Chicago, Jenkins said."

    People like ronronnie will not let facts get in the way of their dogmatic belief systems.
    Comparing frequency of attacks isnt the only measurement of 'gay-friendly'. If it were, Iran would be the most gay friendly place on earth, because as their leader likes to say 'there are no gays in Iran'.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    psst Heyuri...there is dont tell..

    Daveskater, my hopes is the virgins is all guys for the 9/11 terrorists...LOL
    I think that was on Family Guy..

  8. #33

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    I am trying patiently to hear more about this story.
    But it angers me a great deal.
    So far I havent launch a retaliatory strike on OBU or ORU.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I am trying patiently to hear more about this story.
    But it angers me a great deal.
    So far I havent launch a retaliatory strike on OBU or ORU.
    Are OBU or ORU responsible? What a disturbing thing for you to even think about. Must be hard living with all that hate and intolerance inside you.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    To me, GM sounded like he was not happy about this but trying to keep a sense of humor and fairness...

  11. #36

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    People get beat up all the time. Just because this guy happened to be gay doesn't mean anything. In fact the title of this thread is deceiving because nowhere have I read that his sexual orientation is why he got beat up, just an assumption.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    To me, GM sounded like he was not happy about this but trying to keep a sense of humor and fairness...
    lol on the nose PQ

  13. #38

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    People get beat up all the time. Just because this guy happened to be gay doesn't mean anything. In fact the title of this thread is deceiving because nowhere have I read that his sexual orientation is why he got beat up, just an assumption.
    ***Homophobe Alert***

  14. #39

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    I agree with Reddirt, wait for more info.
    Dont be too quick on judging it.
    BUT, if its found to be the case 1st air strikes, artillery, then Armor ,and mech divisions for clean up.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    I am not saying that gays should be beat up - I have a gay brother who was beat up once (that I know of) and that is where I'm coming from. And I don't know how this guy was behaving before getting beat up by three thugs. And no matter what, they had to be thugs to do this.

    That all being said - people who broadcast their sexuality in public in rude ways (and I am not saying this man did that but some do) make me want to puke and hit them over the head with a pool cue. Flamboyant gay guys, stupid 18 year old gurls who think they are hot (especially since I'm not, anymore -grrr), brain dead 26 year old young men with muscle tone and a penchant for posing, folks like that.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    People get beat up all the time. Just because this guy happened to be gay doesn't mean anything. In fact the title of this thread is deceiving because nowhere have I read that his sexual orientation is why he got beat up, just an assumption.
    Didn't the guy claim the thugs were yelling homophobic slurs?

  17. #42

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Didn't the guy claim the thugs were yelling homophobic slurs?
    That's what he claimed.

    I'm not seeing any hard evidence. The guy could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've gotten "jumped" a few times in my life, never for anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Maybe he did get attacked because of his sexual orientation, it happens, but I dont see the point in automatically assuming this guy got attacked because of his homosexuality for the sake of him being a homosexual.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    ***Homophobe Alert***

    Says the person that knows nothing about me.

    You know for an "open minded", "love is the answer" liberal you sure do make assumptions without much evidence. Then again that explains 95% of the vomit you spray on this board. Quick, snarky, uneducated, one liners.

    One of my best friends is les, she's taken me to just about every gay club in the city. I'm a pro gay rights republican, I've spoken at a log cabin republican convention on the ills of intolerance a few years ago. I've got several dozen gay friends I have friendships with, the point is...until the hard facts come out this is just another guy that got beat up. I've had people drive by and yell out "***got" or "homo" before and I'm not gay, it's just something retard hillbillies say ad nausium and we dont even know if they actually said things like this.

    Don't start name calling until you have an idea about what you're talking about, or who you're talking about.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Says the person that knows nothing about me.

    You know for an "open minded", "love is the answer" liberal you sure do make assumptions without much evidence. Then again that explains 95% of the vomit you spray on this board. Quick, snarky, uneducated, one liners.

    One of my best friends is les, she's taken me to just about every gay club in the city. I'm a pro gay rights republican, I've spoken at a log cabin republican convention on the ills of intolerance a few years ago. I've got several dozen gay friends I have friendships with, the point is...until the hard facts come out this is just another guy that got beat up. I've had people drive by and yell out "***got" or "homo" before and I'm not gay, it's just something retard hillbillies say ad nausium and we dont even know if they actually said things like this.

    Don't start name calling until you have an idea about what you're talking about, or who you're talking about.
    The facts don't matter to the political Left. You are a racist and a homophobe until your learn to regurgitate the same ideological mantras that they do. NO ONE does intolerance like the Left.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Says the person that knows nothing about me.

    You know for an "open minded", "love is the answer" liberal you sure do make assumptions without much evidence. Then again that explains 95% of the vomit you spray on this board. Quick, snarky, uneducated, one liners.

    One of my best friends is les, she's taken me to just about every gay club in the city. I'm a pro gay rights republican, I've spoken at a log cabin republican convention on the ills of intolerance a few years ago. I've got several dozen gay friends I have friendships with, the point is...until the hard facts come out this is just another guy that got beat up. I've had people drive by and yell out "***got" or "homo" before and I'm not gay, it's just something retard hillbillies say ad nausium and we dont even know if they actually said things like this.

    Don't start name calling until you have an idea about what you're talking about, or who you're talking about.

    Kinda like the racist who says, "I have a lot of black friends." You earn no points because you hung out with some lesbian a few weekends ago.

    It's quite obvious that this guy was beaten up just for being gay. If it turns out that it was for some other reason, then I'll admit that. But for you to sit there and essentially take up for the gay bashers, well... If it walks like a duck...

  21. Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Kinda like the racist who says, "I have a lot of black friends." You earn no points because you hung out with some lesbian a few weekends ago.

    It's quite obvious that this guy was beaten up just for being gay. If it turns out that it was for some other reason, then I'll admit that. But for you to sit there and essentially take up for the gay bashers, well... If it walks like a duck...
    No difference in intolerance for gays and intolerance for anyone who doesn't have the same opinion of you. Intolerance is intolerance, no matter what feathers you may wear. Your comments show conservative-hater, centerist-hater, religious-hater, OKC-hater, - - - if it walks like a duck......

  22. #47

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    ^^^ The only difference is that conservatives don't get beaten to death because "the bible" says it's okay to do so.

    You can do better then that, Mugs. You get a D+... The + is for effort.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    umm, if they were really redneck homophobe gay-bashers like alot of people claim, why did they bite him?

    Wouldn't a homophobe just assume that all homosexuals are infected with HIV/Aids?

  24. Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Thanks, coming from you I could care less - try making some sense with your comments next time.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Gay Tulsan beaten because of his sexual orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    ^^^ The only difference is that conservatives don't get beaten to death because "the bible" says it's okay to do so.

    You can do better then that, Mugs. You get a D+... The + is for effort.
    You really are a special kind of bigot.

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