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Thread: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

  1. #1

    Default Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Recently, an Oklahoman transplant to California made some disparaging remarks about Oklahoma in general. Having lived in several different states, I have a different perspective than many life-long Oklahomans. Having lived her nearly 20 years now, though, I've grown to love and appreciate Oklahoma and the unique things it has to offer.

    The topic for dicussion for this thread: Name the things you like most about Oklahoma and then name the things you like least about Oklahoma.

    (Note: If you have a long list of the worst things about Oklahoma, you must come up with at least one good thing about Oklahoma; we're not interested in long rants from malcontents.)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I've lived in Oklahoma for over 20 years and my dad grew up here. For the first 10 years, I constantly heard how horrible it was from my mom. Now, I don't think you could get her to move if you tried. She'd claim she would, but I doubt it.

    Good things about Oklahoma:
    - For the most part, the people are very friendly and try to go out of their way to help when needed (many times only during a crisis, but I think that's just human nature)
    - Low cost of living
    - Only two seasons to deal with - Hot and Cold (Just kidding - this could also be on my bad list)
    - We get to keep all our clothes out all year instead of packing them away - cause you never know what the weather will be in Oklahoma.
    - We have a unique history and when you say Oklahoma - people know where it's at because of the unique shape and the history we have.
    - Our construction, road and traffic headaches are nothing compared to cities like Houston, Dallas, etc.
    - We have "exciting" weather in spring that keeps us alert.
    - We recover from Tornados like it's no big deal
    - We don't have to claim being the resident state of any bad president.
    - Oklahoma has a variety of geographical areas - "mountains", sand dunes, bat caves, beautiful lakes, mesas, etc. etc.
    - My family lives here

    Bad things:
    - Only two seasons to deal with - Hot and Cold
    - We are near the top in too many bad things - like health, uninsured, etc.
    - Most schools in Oklahoma are not as good as they need to be - or could be
    - Road construction projects take FOREVER here
    - There aren't many trees to look at in central and western Oklahoma - can be boring to drive through
    - Many areas of Oklahoma have never recovered from the Oil Bust - over 20 years ago
    - For a state that has such a high number of poor - the system of care should be better (nationwide really)
    - People think we live in teepees
    - There is no beach here and no ocean - help! I'm locked in land and can't get out! (this could also be a good thing since we also don't get hurricanes)

    I could come up with a lot more - but am drawing a blank on others right now. May post more later.
    Last edited by karlanee; 08-03-2005 at 07:03 AM. Reason: spelling error

  3. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    My list of worst includes the following:

    Backward mentality
    Lack ot true growth
    Lack of high end entertainment such as REAL theme parks
    Lack of major league sports
    Major airports are too small for a major city
    Cowtown reputation
    False claims that Oklahoma is in the south (we are Midwest, people)
    Too hot (Heat is heat, so do not say "oh, but it's a dry heat")
    To religious of a reputation
    Failure to allow adult entertainment
    Lack of true quality education
    Roads that are patetic (even Arkansas has high quality freeways)
    Backward expressions
    Not enough jobs that pay a living wage
    No high end higher education facility (as in the reputation of Harvard)
    Mobile homes in the middle of acreges
    Lack of media talent (we use to have a great deal of talent)
    Lack of high end shopping
    Too many ethnic restaurants

    I could go on, however, that is enough for now. By the way... I jus t do not want to do a "best" list.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I could go on, however, that is enough for now. By the way... I jus t do not want to do a "best" list.
    Why does that not surprise me?

    Perhaps if you can't think of at least one good thing to say, then Oklahoma City may not be the place for you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    It's sad to me that you Mr. Anderson say backward mentality in one breath, then in just the next one say we have too many ethnic restaurants. You are a walking contradiction.

  6. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    Why does that not surprise me?

    Perhaps if you can't think of at least one good thing to say, then Oklahoma City may not be the place for you.
    Or maybe there are things in my future that will change this place. Did you ever think of that?... I did not think so.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Or maybe there are things in my future that will change this place. Did you ever think of that?... I did not think so.
    Actually, you are mistaken — again. I did think of that, especially since you describe yourself as a future Ward Five City Councilman.

    It would be hard for me (and many other voters) to get excited about electing someone who has such a negative view about this state. Yes, someone can run for office with the hope of making the community and this state a better place; but not being able to name ONE good thing about the state would raise eyebrows (and cackles) of most of its citizens. Few politicians have ever won office by trashing the place they intend to serve.

    I certainly wouldn't want anyone representing me in a government body that thought so poorly of the place I called home.

  8. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by karlanee
    It's sad to me that you Mr. Anderson say backward mentality in one breath, then in just the next one say we have too many ethnic restaurants. You are a walking contradiction.
    Not really. There is not enough variety. Plus, just count the Mexican and Chinese places. IT seems like they are on every corner... Just like 7-11's.

    By the way. How does the fact most Oklahoman's use obsolete, backward expressions and the fact we have too many ethnic restaurants make those statements contradictory? They are unrelated.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma


    I was referring to your statement of backward mentality. It's backward mentality that says there are too many ethnic restaurants. Thank goodness not everyone agrees with you - or we'd be eating McDonald's all the time.

  10. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by karlanee

    I was referring to your statement of backward mentality. It's backward mentality that says there are too many ethnic restaurants. Thank goodness not everyone agrees with you - or we'd be eating McDonald's all the time.
    That is ok. If everyone agreed with everyone on everything, then imagine how nerve wracking this planet would be. Think about that, please.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I would have to say the best thing about Oklahoma would have to be Tulsa the big T-Town.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by In_Tulsa
    I would have to say the best thing about Oklahoma would have to be Tulsa the big T-Town.
    Which is why the big companies are leaving in droves?

    Seriously, though, it's a nice town (having lived there and having family that lives there). But I'll take Oklahoma City and all the great things that are going on here anyday.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I glad you like it there. I feel the same way about Tulsa that you do about OKC.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Tulsa would be a much better place if community leaders could just get along.

  15. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I moved back to OKC last year and had great expectations of the place! However, I was disappointed at first. Since then, I have realized there is so much here that I really enjoy.

    Pros of Oklahoma:

    Low cost of living
    My family is here
    I LOVE the weather! (Long, hot summers are the best!)
    Not crowded
    Low-cost housing
    No traffic
    Accessibility to most anything
    The revival of OKC - how exciting!!!!!
    Cultural diversity

    Oh, there's so much more that I can't even think of right now!

    Cons of Oklahoma:

    (These don't all directly impact me, but they still disturb me)
    Low quality education
    Low teacher pay
    Crummy roads, though they're just as bad in Michigan!
    Job market
    State regulations on personal/moral issues (tattooing, body piercing, alcohol content of beer, lottery - though I know that FINALLY passed)
    Hokey news reporting - TV & newspaper
    Homes that are delivered by a truck, rather than built. (Hee hee! Just saw one at lunch today!)

    Oklahoma has a LONG way to go, but I sure am proud of how it's doing so far!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I was about to type my response but it is pretty much everything that has been posted already.

    I just don't like the hot weather. Allergies can be a drag too.

    I would like more snow during Christmas time, but I don't want the icy roads.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I love OK, but I didn't see my biggest CON... WIND!!!! It gets so old.

    Admittedly, if that is the worst thing about a place, then it is doing pretty well. I really like it here. I am in my late 20's and a professional, and opportunities seem to be growing. I have friends moving back from Dallas, KC, Detriot, etc... We are moving the ball forward.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I have to say I love most everything about Oklahoma. Construction sucks, schools are good it just depends where you go, and how much you pay attention to your child. Seriously, I love the weather. Keeps me on my toes and I never have to go through my closet to "change seasons."

    On to the councilperson...I took your statement somewhat personally. I'm sure your voters would love the idea of their council person thinking they were "hicks," honestly I dont care. If you can fix everything you outlined that have at it haus.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Pros: family, economic, easy to build wealth here than other locations, love my house, yard, my friends, and increasingly more things to do on the art/cultural front.

    Cons: landlocked, far from friends who have moved elsewhere, not a huge fan of the right leaning politics (but it doesn't really affect me on the day to day).

    Overall: Oklahoma gets a solid "A" in my book.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    My list of worst includes the following:

    False claims that Oklahoma is in the south (we are Midwest, people)
    Are you freaking kidding me? Yeah, we sure SOOO much in common with Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, etc.

    There is NO way Oklahoma is midwestern--considering the staples of our economy (oil, natural gas, wheat, etc.); the quality of our people; the lack of industrial centered cities, and most importantly the great and UNIQUE history of Oklahoma.

    With our Native American influence, the character of our people, and dominant industries I have always said that Oklahoma is southern--but almost a mix of southern and southwestern (akin to New Mexico)--at least more so than any Midwest qualities!!!!!!!!!!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    okay here are my best and worst about oklahoma

    Friendlier people (most are)
    More people to give a helping hand when needed.
    You can get anywhere in the city in less than a hour.
    Every town even when they are side by side, has a different theme and fell to it.
    The every changing weather.. i would be bored if i new it was going to be the same old thing every day.
    Different areas of okc has a theme which i like, its kinda like a disneyland map. the asian district the hispanic district, the entertainment district, the rich district, cowtown district..to bad there isnt a rail transportation that goes around the metro
    the zoo to me is top notch espically wih that cheap ticket price for what you get to see inside.

    the bad thing about okc
    We need a Large theme park frontier city needs to get there act together they have the extra land.
    Shopping we need more choices.. we have a lot of stores but we need the ones that are not in this state yet.
    Even though it is easy to drive around the city most of the time. we need a light rail system or something to help out.
    The omniplex or should i say science museum of oklahoma blablahblahblahblah why change the name, and the price is getting to high, they havent added anything new that is part of the museum without adding a different price i mean there is like a, See the 4 thing package, instead of the museum price what gives..

    OH AND TO ADD THIS IN I am putting this on my bad list THE GIRL SCOUT COOKIES I DIDNT SEE THEM ANYWHERE THIS YEAR. I wan my thin mints..

  22. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    Jesseda, if you want Girl Scout Cookies, just go to WalMart on the next nice weekend day. I'm sure that they'll be out there selling them.

    I know that there are stacks of them around my office. I think I work with the biggest Girl Scout Cookie hogs on the planet. Half of my coworkers buy at least 8 boxes each.

  23. Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    A young lady taking cookie orders came to my door. I hadn't seen that in a while.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    A good entry and bad entry specific to Oklahoma (and not just cities/states in general:

    Oklahoma supports Oklahoma. Its people care and act based upon that care.

    Not enough AGGRESSIVE forward thinking(or action as a result of that thinking).

    PS: I throw in my lot with the people stating we're not a southern state. Geographically I suppose, but our mentality seems to be more a subrural (suburban rural) attitude. "I want a big house on tons of land, built MY way, but only 5 minutes away from the nearest shopping area".

  25. #25

    Default Re: Best & Worst Things about Oklahoma

    I didn't think we were Southern either until I moved to Idaho and couldn't find pecans in any grocery store (Albertsons even) and they told me that was a Southern thing. It was the worst Christmas ever without pecans.

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