Re: Thoughts on Daily Oklahoman & Look at OKC
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Actually the amount of content in a newspaper is determined by the amount of advertising sold. Usually advertisers go all out on Sunday and take Monday off. If the advertising was there you would see more content, however the quality of content, especially local content, would suffer, but you would get more WIRE
No offense, but I dont see the connection between advertising and content. I mean, if there were more advertising, then there would be more ads, right?
Content is dictated by the department of journalism and the editor. Reporters go out to collect the news and assemble it for the editor. The editor then decides what to publish.
I think that is the problem with OKC's paper right there 1) lack of investigative reporting and 2) a super conservative editor/publisher.
A real newspaper would report EVERYTHING going on in a city, not just the hot crime or the "feel good" goofy stories that make you feel like throwing up. Like others have said, there are numerous other sources than the dissappointment to find complete news about OKC (if the Daily even covered it)!
Second point, A real newspaper has an editor board which reports the news and stories without a personal slant. The editor's job is to make sure the grammar is correct and that no laws have been broken by any of the stories. The editor should ensure that proper grammar is used and that words are spelled correctly.
Well, I dont have to tell you all that the daily fails in both - reporters sit in their office and "hardly" report anything when they do come out AND the editor slants the stories to have a rather Christian conservative viewpoint.
Often-times, morality is not warranted when someone is just trying to be informed about local events. But it seems that the stories that do make it into the paper are more riminiscent of a Sunday sermon than responsible (and neutral) journalism. It should not matter what someone's beliefs are.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!