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Thread: OKC in the NYTimes

  1. #76

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    I think to see that article as negative you'd have to bring your own negatively about OKC to the table. Seeing that sort of self hatred positively makes me cringe.

  2. #77

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Again, what was portrayed positively about OKC in that article other than selling out the Ford Center. There were lots of things they could have portrayed positively about the city and they chose not to... empty airport, fields, cows, nobody recognizes him, etc.

  3. Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by BFizzy View Post
    Again, what was portrayed positively about OKC in that article other than selling out the Ford Center. There were lots of things they could have portrayed positively about the city and they chose not to... empty airport, fields, cows, nobody recognizes him, etc.
    I've read the article 3 times now and fail to see anything negative about Oklahoma or OKC in it.

    There was plenty of positive in the article about the city *and* the state:

    that we temporarily adopted the Hornets after Katrina

    "a place where solitude and stability are rolled into one"

    the gorgeous landscape

    I agree with ECO.. it seems that you are just trying to read your own negativity about OKC into the article.

  4. #79

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    I read it once and felt like it was definitely more about KD than OKC, but it seems like there were more subtle jabs than glowing remarks.

    I love OKC. I just didn't like the article. I don't see how you can mistake my negativity toward the article as negativity towards OKC.

  5. #80

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    The smallest market in the NBA??? I thought SLC,NO,MEM were all smaller!!and about not knowing who KD is PLEASE,this article is BS! empty airport and cows,OMG! I think the people around the country that read crap like this thinks OKC is a small city with no tall bldngs. and nothing to do and it makes it seem like we arent sports savy!wich is false this city is sports crazy!
    SLC and New Orleans are definitely smaller. Memphis is very similar in size to OKC. Yeah, there are some misassumptions in this article that aren't terribly flattering. It's like being damned by faint praise, IMO.

  6. #81

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by BFizzy View Post
    Again, what was portrayed positively about OKC in that article other than selling out the Ford Center. There were lots of things they could have portrayed positively about the city and they chose not to... empty airport, fields, cows, nobody recognizes him, etc.
    The guy doesnt work for the OKC Chamber of Commerce, he writes for the NY Times.

    Just be happy that OKC has a budding superstar of a basketball player that is even deserving of an article in the NY Times.

  7. #82

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    The guy doesnt work for the OKC Chamber of Commerce, he writes for the NY Times.

    Just be happy that OKC has a budding superstar of a basketball player that is even deserving of an article in the NY Times.
    OMG. I was just replying to the OP saying that the article was positive about OKC. It wasn't.

  8. #83

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    The most interesting part of the article was that Kevin Durant drives a GMC Savana Van.

  9. Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  10. #85

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Someone writing about NYC could just as easily describe the abundant dog piss as Time Square. All this amounts to is people not wanting OKC described the way it is - they want it described like it is a frickin' travel pamplet. It is like it has to be packaged in a way that really isn't OKC to be acceptable to some. This was an article about a talented young man in a midwestern city and how strange is that? We are used to seeing them glitzy and with babes on their arm with people falling all over themselves for a chance to kiss up. OKC isn't like that. This "superstar" can wander around and be himself. For some of the readers of this board, this is awful. For others, we read it as real world meets celebrity and thank god the boot lickers don't overpower in our little neck of real world. Don't mean to be harsh, but come on.

  11. Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    Someone writing about NYC could just as easily describe the abundant dog piss as Time Square. All this amounts to is people not wanting OKC described the way it is - they want it described like it is a frickin' travel pamplet. It is like it has to be packaged in a way that really isn't OKC to be acceptable to some. This was an article about a talented young man in a midwestern city and how strange is that? We are used to seeing them glitzy and with babes on their arm with people falling all over themselves for a chance to kiss up. OKC isn't like that. This "superstar" can wander around and be himself. For some of the readers of this board, this is awful. For others, we read it as real world meets celebrity and thank god the boot lickers don't overpower in our little neck of real world. Don't mean to be harsh, but come on.
    I agree, East Coast Okie, and I certainly wouldn't ask him to describe the article as a travel pamphlet. And you're right, OKC doesn't drool over stars like many coastal cities.

    My apologies.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  12. #87

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    None needed, whatsoever.

  13. #88

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    All this amounts to is people not wanting OKC described the way it is - they want it described like it is a frickin' travel pamplet. It is like it has to be packaged in a way that really isn't OKC to be acceptable to some.
    This is the last time I will type it. I was simply disagreeing with the OP about the article speaking positively of OKC. It was neutral/unbiased at best. I don't care what the NYT says about OKC. I definitely don't expect them to go out of their way to describe the city like it is described in a "frickin' travel pamplet".

  14. #89

    Default Re: OKC in the NYTimes

    Quote Originally Posted by BFizzy View Post
    This is the last time I will type it. I was simply disagreeing with the OP about the article speaking positively of OKC. It was neutral/unbiased at best. I don't care what the NYT says about OKC. I definitely don't expect them to go out of their way to describe the city like it is described in a "frickin' travel pamplet".
    Okay then.

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