I think this is what the AMA is asking for..
What the American Medical Association wants from health care reform:
•A tax on the value of employer-sponsored health benefits. The revenue would fund tax credits to buy insurance for individuals and families earning up to 500 percent of the federal poverty level ($110,000 for a family of four).
•Reform of Medicare payment guidelines, including repeal of a formula that requires steep cuts in physician fees and compensation for coordinating patient care with hospitals and specialists.
•Exemption from malpractice lawsuits if physicians show they followed medical best practices, also known as evidence-based guidelines.
•National standards that would extend Medicaid to all persons below the poverty line.
•Higher taxes on alcohol, high-sugar beverages such as sodas, and fatty foods.
What the AMA opposes:
•Any new government-run insurance program that would replace private insurance.
•Large cuts to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements.