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Thread: How many Occupants in an apartment

  1. #1

    Default How many Occupants in an apartment

    Is'nt there a rule or law about how many people can actually live in a 1 bedroom apt.???

    Use to be 2 people for a 1 bed, etc.

    Or am I just dreaming.

  2. #2

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment


    however many you want to cram into a 1 BR apt. never heard of a rule or law for an apt...now, I have heard about rules for max. # of people in a hotel room

  3. #3

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Dictated by both your lease and fire marshall restrictions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Thanks, I have too many people living above me in a one bedroom and I need something to stand on when I complain.

    Thanks for any other comments

  5. #5

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Possibly, but I suspect it varies from community to community.

    Individual leases often cover max # of permanent residents per unit, and number of permissible guests, irrespective of bed # and size.

  6. #6

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    I'm not sure if there's a rule, or not, but I had a similar problem years ago. I was living in a studio and my next door neighbor was in a studio as well, and he had a woman and two small kids living with him, who were constantly running up and down the stairs and slamming the doors. I finally asked the manager if the woman and the kids were on the lease. She wouldn't tell me, but, coincidentally or not, the very next day they were out of there. They visited from time to time, but they no longer stayed even one night.

    I like to think there's a rule and I could use that info again if I ever have another problem, but I'm not 100% sure.

  7. #7

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Ask your landlord or leasing office. There are rules and laws that govern this stuff.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    I used to live around NW 23rd and Meridian and I have seen as many as 6! yes (six) people living in a 1 BR apt..thats just insane! 3 older folks and 3 kids!

  9. #9

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    > living above me in a one bedroom

    Referring back to my earlier comment, if they are above you, I'm speculating you are also a 1 bedroom unit. Look at your own lease for some guidance. Are they partiers or just foot stompers. if it's just the foot stomping, a simple asking might cure it.

    Ages ago, I was the one upstairs, tile floors, and well, I don't flit when I lumber. I also wore cowboy boots, a lot, back then. Neighbor caught me out front one day, made a comment along the lines of my boots looked as nice as they sounded and just chuckled.
    Thick headed though I can be, I paid a tad more attention after that.

    Good neighbor all in all, not like the jerk who lived above me in another building. I hope the spouse, or family, ultimately gave that neighbor a special vacation to see a tall waterfall, from top to bottoooooooooommmmmmmmm.

  10. #10

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    I used to live around NW 23rd and Meridian and I have seen as many as 6! yes (six) people living in a 1 BR apt..thats just insane! 3 older folks and 3 kids!
    Not to one up you, but we have a huge illegal population and it is not unheard of for my families to be living in a basement with 20 adults, mainly in family groups but lots of single males. And lots of sexual abuse, if you can fancy that. And no one wants to report it because they risk deportation. So you end up with wide spread abuse, and fist fights or knife fights when the dad discovers what is going on...

    That is one more reason to stop illegal immigration...

  11. Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Mine is 1 BR and has 4 pernament residents.

    Thunder, Fuzzy, Choco, and Furrball.

    Soon to have 20 to 30 more as soon I add a tank.

  12. #12

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Quote Originally Posted by east coast okie View Post
    not to one up you, but we have a huge illegal population and it is not unheard of for my families to be living in a basement with 20 adults, mainly in family groups but lots of single males. And lots of sexual abuse, if you can fancy that. And no one wants to report it because they risk deportation. So you end up with wide spread abuse, and fist fights or knife fights when the dad discovers what is going on...

    That is one more reason to stop illegal immigration...

  13. #13

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Quote Originally Posted by jbtulsa77 View Post
    Is'nt there a rule or law about how many people can actually live in a 1 bedroom apt.???

    Use to be 2 people for a 1 bed, etc.

    Or am I just dreaming.
    does it REALLy Matter???

  14. Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

  15. #15

    Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    So there you have it folks, 2 adults per bedroom, and children are permitted, ONLY if they are born during the lease, so basically a newborn.

  16. Default Re: How many Occupants in an apartment

    Been there, doing that, lol.

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