HOT ROD, I tend to agree with you about the article. They seriously slanted it to act as if Tulsa has plans to equal or "one up" OKC. The author is dilusional if he thinks that is the reality. As you mentioned, he forgot to mention numerous other cultural things in OKC that Tulsa doesn't have a comparison to, as well as things on the boards that will or are likely to go through very soon here.

As for we are competing with Dallas, Denver and Seattle, you're kidding yourself. You live in Seattle and should know we're not 1/4 of what Seattle has or offers. Those are all Tier 1 cities. We're competing with the San Antonio's, Sacremento, Austin, Des Moines, Omaha, Charlotte,Louisville, Memphis, and other Tier 2 cities, we're just now starting to cross the line into a Tier 2 city, where some of these other cities already have been. We won't even be to the top half of this tier until we get our streetcar going.