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Thread: bing.com

  1. #1

    Default bing.com

    Does anyone actually use this and like it??

    It has not been useful to me once and frankly annoys the crap out of me. Just wondering if anyone loves it and can tell me why. If it's actually useful, I just need to suck it up and give it a chance. I had to do that with facebook. Hated it forever. Now with my new phone, the mobile version of it is easier to use than myspace. I think that's the true reason why everyone is moving over there.

  2. #2

    Default Re: bing.com

    For travel it's great.

  3. #3

    Default Re: bing.com

    just another version of a not so spectacular search engine.

    Google has nothing to fear from bing

  4. #4

    Default Re: bing.com

    It does a good job with quilt related things but, admittedly, that is a pretty limited target audience.

  5. #5

    Default Re: bing.com

    I have been using it for a while and comparing the two. I can't tell much difference in speed and results between it and Google. Sometimes one is marginally better and sometimes the other and sometimes there is no difference.

    Then again this is an early version of Bing and it seems very likely to me that it will improve. More data from more searches will also likely make the decision portion better. Clearly the idea of Bing is fantastic if it can be achieved even minimally.

    At the same time Google seems less devoted to the search engine and differentiation and isolation of results seems to continue to be elusive. So the size and scope of the Google database is both a positive and a negative for their current software.

    On the business front it seems to me that one has to respect Microsoft even at this stage in its life.

    At this point it seems to me that Google continues to be the undisputed leader but Bing is certainly the closest thing I've seen to a legitimate contender.

    And in that regard I remember when Novell was the undisputed network leader and Microsoft introduced its first effort. The other day I mentioned Novell and no one knew what I was talking about. Similar examples could easily be recited for browser, database, and web server.

    So I never take Microsoft too lightly.

  6. Default Re: bing.com

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    And in that regard I remember when Novell was the undisputed network leader and Microsoft introduced its first effort. The other day I mentioned Novell and no one knew what I was talking about. Similar examples could easily be recited for browser, database, and web server.
    Just because nobody knew what you were talking about doesn't mean that Microsoft leads in the network, browser, db or web server areas.. Need I remind you of the Novell servers running 3.12 that were forgotten about and running for years without reboots(I can show you a screenshot of one that's been up for over 6 years)..

    Of those 4, they may lead in the browser war(for now), but I don't know of any successful shop which works on a solely MS framework.. not even Microsoft.. they've been caught enough times using Apache instead of IIS and MySQL instead of MSSQL..

    As for home-based networks, I've saved a few families at least $1000 when they've asked me about home network solutions by introducing them to the wonderful world of DIY/Linux-based servers..

    Sure, they aren't able to call some guy in another continent with a fake accent and a barely functional comprehension of the English language when they can't figure out how to remote-connect to thier WHS who will gladly help them for a $75 service fee, but I took the 15 minutes to show them how to restart the server manually and/or which free forum they can look on for free help from hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom probably helped write the software they're having a problem with.

    Back on subject, MS is currently trying, again, to topple Google... While this isn't a bad thing (competition is always healthy); MS again oversteps normal competition and uses FUD and semi-criminal activities to accomplish the goal.

  7. #7

    Default Re: bing.com

    Mosaic and later Netscape had 90% of the browser market when Microsoft entered the market at zero.

    Novell had nearly all of the NOS market until Microsoft came along again at zero.

    There were several people hawing Sybase but Microsoft made it common.

    Microsoft was not the inventor or the innovator of any of this and I am not in the least arguing that.

  8. Default Re: bing.com

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    Mosaic and later Netscape had 90% of the browser market when Microsoft entered the market at zero.

    Novell had nearly all of the NOS market until Microsoft came along again at zero.

    There were several people hawing Sybase but Microsoft made it common.

    Microsoft was not the inventor or the innovator of any of this and I am not in the least arguing that.
    I'm not disparaging your support of Microsoft in the least.. Please don't get me wrong.. Microsoft has had a HUGE influence in regards to all the technologies discussed in this thread.. I'm just trying to make it clear that despite the fact that Microsoft has a large market share in Web servers, DB servers, Network servers and Browser software, that by no means indicates they are the best at what they are trying to do...

    the Toyota Corolla is the best selling automobile of all time.. That doesn't mean it is the best automobile on the market. Of the top 5 best selling vehicles, the Ford Model T is #5.. you can't buy one today.

    You can't buy Windows 3.11 either, but that doesn't mean it isn't superior, on many levels, to Windows Server 3000, or OS/2 Warp3, or Apple Douchebag 3750-GlacierPanther .

    The point is that just because it has the Microsoft name(or Apple, or Sony, or Nintendo) behind it, doesn't make it the best.

    A perfect example is Open Office.. It is superior to Microsoft Office in every possible way. The current price of MS Office Ultimate is $679.95.. The Price of Open Office is $0

  9. #9

    Default Re: bing.com

    Seems like any other web browser to me.

  10. #10

    Default Re: bing.com

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    I'm not disparaging your support of Microsoft in the least..
    Just to clarify I am not supporting Microsoft but simply pointing out that Bing is new, delivers decent performance, and attempts differentiation.

  11. #11

    Default Re: bing.com

    Don't know, figure someone here will. Is Bing a new search engine, or is Bing a new dress for the same MS Search that's been around for some time? to me it looks like a new dress but I'm not real inclined to peek under the hem.

  12. #12

    Default Re: bing.com

    good. Sounds as though it's not replacing or taking over anything anytime soon so I shall pass on wasted time and effort getting to know it. Thanks all!

  13. #13

    Default Re: bing.com

    IT is great for maps. You can do a birds eye view that is nice!

  14. #14

    Default Re: bing.com

    I only use it for the cashback. It takes forever to get $, but hey it's still money in the bank sometime later!

    I still use google for searching.

  15. #15

    Default Re: bing.com

    I prefer Google.
    Bing sucks in every possible way, and not in a good way!

  16. #16

    Default Re: bing.com

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I prefer Google.
    Bing sucks and not in a good way!
    Fixed it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: bing.com

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Fixed it.
    I dont own bing.com
    if i did it would be differant.

  18. #18

    Default Re: bing.com

    bing is great for travel and the cashback awards for shopping are great as well. The search engine itself is light years ahead of the likes of yahoo, altavista, dogpile, etc. . . However, google still wins hands down for relevant search results.

  19. #19

    Default Re: bing.com

    Bing, so far as I can tell, is just a relabeled MS LiveSearch engine with a pretty good marketing push. I admit that I like the cashback feature, but I also note that some of their cashback product searches have included questionable merchants - especially true when I was looking at photography stuff a while back.

    Bread and butter searches? Google all the way.

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