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Thread: future of okc metro

  1. #1

    Default future of okc metro

    this web site shows some intersting plans for okc metro and other towns in oklahoma..

    some we have talked about, some are new

    look at the present area as well

  2. Default Re: future of okc metro



    SE corner of Lindsey and Jenkins in Norman, Oklahoma
    (potential cost of $58,000,000.00)

    18 stories of mixed use of retail, offices and condominiums overlooking the
    University of Oklahoma's Memorial Stadium
    status...seeking administration approval
    That's pretty interesting.

  3. #3

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    i thought the norman 18 story building was interesting, i wonder if this company is going through with all its plans, is shows they are doing the coretoshore thing as well, along with a outlet center in stroud

  4. #4

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by shane453 View Post

    That's pretty interesting.

    Right smack where the old O'Connells and that nasty little scalper hive meets...Eighteen stories!???

  5. #5

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    it says that at the riverwalk plaza in moore they are buildinga hiltons homewood suites?

  6. #6

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Whoa, that proposal for the "Railway District" frightens me. That type of construction belongs on Memorial Road, not in the gateway to Downtown.

  7. #7

    Default Re: future of okc metro


    What about that project? I haven't seen this "Railway District" proposal before. Does anyone know if it actually has legs??

  8. #8

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    I think the most interesting one for us is the "Railway District" that would take up the space between NE 5th, 10th, the rail way and I-235. It would include 415,000 sq ft of retail, 143,000 sq feet of office and a hotel.


  9. #9

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Looks like we were all posting at the same time.

  10. #10

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by stlokc View Post
    Whoa, that proposal for the "Railway District" frightens me. That type of construction belongs on Memorial Road, not in the gateway to Downtown.
    Especially all that surface parking.

  11. #11

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    If they are going to clear out that land for a new mixed-use development, why can't it be a more sophisticated urbanist design? Several buildings of street-level (right up to the street) retail, 3 or 4 or 5 floors of offices or residences or hotels or all three, parking hidden behind in garages, some density of activity. Why is OKC the only city that can't seem to figure this out?

    (I'm just ranting...I know there are people who have figured this out...just wish they could put it in practice...)

    If that gets built like it looks, I predict it will remain half-vacant or will devolve into low-level mediocrity.

  12. #12

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Don't Plano our "Railroad District"!

  13. #13

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    I just had to take a second look on google maps and noticed that there are several nice buildings worth saving... especially on NE 6th.

    Thos would also remove Java Dave's building and the old bindery building on NE 10th... surely those could be saved.

    This Railroad District plan is terrible... then again the company with the concept is out of Dallas... i'm sure they have OKC's best interests at heart.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Don't Plano our "Railroad District"!
    VERY true.

  14. #14

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Platemaker, I agree. Save the nicer buildings worth saving, weave the infill development around those buildings to create a streetscape with some depth and variety. The most interesting "districts" have structures of different sizes, shapes, ages, even heights. If some of the buildings you mention are larger (I haven't looked at them), they could be restaurants or event spaces or little dinner theaters. Or, perish the thought, if they are existing businesses, let them stay what they are. There's no reason a "bindery" can't exist side-by-side with a art gallery. Or a chain store with a warehouse of some type. The "new" construction doesn't have to match the old entirely, as long as it is done with sophistication.

    In general, sweeping, suburban style developments where everything is the "same" do not belong in an inner city.

  15. #15

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Garbage, all of it. OU is going to let them build an 18 story building on the site of the old O'Connell's? Sounds far-fetched.

  16. Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by wsucougz View Post
    Garbage, all of it. OU is going to let them build an 18 story building on the site of the old O'Connell's? Sounds far-fetched.
    If I recall, there was a similar proposal for a bit further east on Lindsay that never was built about 18 months ago. Glad you are such a glass-half-full kind of guy WSU - - though I will miss O'Connells. Stumbled home many a time from there.

  17. Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    I think the most interesting one for us is the "Railway District" that would take up the space between NE 5th, 10th, the rail way and I-235. It would include 415,000 sq ft of retail, 143,000 sq feet of office and a hotel.

    I want to see a street level view of this development. It could be a "Town Center" type of development like the Southlake Town Center near Dallas. Does it have housing above the retail?

  18. #18

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    There has been talk about remaking the Jenkins/Lindsey corner for some time. For whatever reason it's been on hold for some time as well. I seem to recall a drawing in the local press quite a ways back re a large and largely vertical mixed use development envisioned for there.

    Would be interesting to see, particularly with the condo/loft and retail development begun at 12th and Lindsey to the east and what Loft401 up at Boyds and Classen has the potential to become.

  19. #19

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    If I had a dime for every rendering I have seen of some new cool development that never came to fruition...

  20. Default Re: future of okc metro

    Especially right now when the credit for such things has dried up. Unless they have secured credit already, good luck to them!

  21. #21

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    If I had a dime for every rendering I have seen of some new cool development that never came to fruition...
    You'd probably have a good $2 or $3.

  22. #22

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    metro's right... how many bad developments have I seen come to fruition??? WAY TOO MANY!

  23. #23

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Regarding the condo tower in Norman, about two years ago Skylineink had renderings of a big building just south of Lindsey near the Duck Pond; but it was only about 12 stories.

    Boren has said many times he wants condos that would keep alums close to campus. Lots of other schools have similar projects... Helps to keep people involved with the school in retirement and semi-retirement.

  24. #24

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    You'd probably have a good $2 or $3.
    Eh, maybe $5. But the idea that the credit crunch killed these projects isnt true. I remember going to the vegas ICSC convention 5 years ago and saw renderings of two huge projects, one in Moore and one in Norman. None of these ever came close to being done and that was when credit was flowing from everywhere. All I know is that if there is a $15+ million project announced, complete with renderings showing how awesome it is, there is about a 10% chance its getting done. That is just the way its been in this city the last decade.

  25. #25

    Default Re: future of okc metro

    I just posted this web site because it hada lot of interesting things and projects, I have no idea about the company, i just thought ithad some really neat plans, i do hope it goes through. I just wanted to share the findings

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