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Thread: taylor swift..interrupted!

  1. #1

    Default taylor swift..interrupted!

    didnt get to watch the mtv vma awards (i dont even have a cable tv subscription, if that helps...and for obvious reasons)

    but anyhoot, caught word of taylor swift being rudely interrupted during her award acceptance speech being aired live, when suddenly an unsuspecting kanye west rushed the stage in the middle of her speech and gave no reservations to instantly calling out beyonce as having one of the best vids of all-time.

    he then hands taylor the mic again and walks off stage to a roar of boos, while taylor remains dumbfounded not knowing what to do with the microphone in her hands that now weighs the same as 2 tons of lead.

    an obviously speechless taylor is then interrupted again as mtv soon cuts to a parody clip featuring snl's tracy morgan and rapper eminem.

    heres the clip in case you missed it.....


    in case you dont know who beyonce is, shes an overrated pompous lyrical goddess in the eyes of the sugar coated modern pop music industry.

    your thoughts??

  2. #2

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Well, it sure was rude. But from all accounts, Beyonce was quite gracious and gave Swift her own alloted time so that she'd have her moment in the sun.

  3. #3

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Kanye West is a pompous d-bag. I'm not a huge fan of Beyonce, I think she's pretty overhyped BUT I thought she showed a lot of class when she said she remembers how exciting it was when she got her first VMA with Destiny's Child at age 17 and that Taylor deserved to have her moment in the spotlight and called her out onstage. I think that all that little stunt of Kanye's accomplished was reminding everyone what a jerk he is.

  4. #4

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I only caught a small part of the VMA last night, but the part I did catch was when Taylor swifts performace was on. I wasnt familiar with the song and missed part of the start, but I thought it was so good I rewound it to the begining (of her song) to see the whole performance.

    Here it is: YouTube - Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me Live MTV VMA 2009 Performance!

    And here is the original video that was nominated and won the best female video award. YouTube - Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me: Closed-Captioned

    This morning I checked out Beyonces' video nominated for the same catagory. Here it is: YouTube - Beyoncé - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

    While it (single ladies) is a catchy little diddy, very easy to dance to, and all in all not a bad song, the video is very boring and lame. To me there is no comparison in the two.......Swift wins hands down. If Kanye thinks that is one of the best videos of all time it just shows how much he knows (or doenst) about music and perfomance.

    On the news this morning they were showing Kanye entering the VMA swigging a huge bottle of whiskey....hmmm. So the drunk rapper thinks he knows what good music is. Hell, he doesnt even know what good manners are....let alone class. Kanye sucks.

    Kuddos to Beyonce for her very classy moment when she invited Swift back up on the stage. YouTube - Beyonce Saves Taylor Swift's Night at MTV VMA

    It goes to show how uncivil the world is becoming where people can interrupt, disrespect others, and steal what should have been one of Taylor Swifts brightest and proudest moments. It makes me sick. Kanye (drunk) West has a history of being a moron....heres a partial list from guardian.co.uk. Kanye West outbursts: Taylor Swift isn't the first person to get dissed! | Music | guardian.co.uk

    2004: West allegedly walked out of the American Music awards claiming he was "robbed" when country singer Gretchen Wilson won Best New Artist instead of him. "I was the best artist of the year," he told reporters, claiming a conspiracy was at work.

    2005: West goes off-script live on NBC during a Hurricane Katrina benefit concert to tell America "George Bush doesn't care about black people." Mike Myers's astounded expression says it all.

    2005: It's not just MTV awards that get West all riled up. Prior to the 2005 Grammys, the rapper warned there would be a "real problem" if he went away empty-handed. Artists who claimed to "love everybody but themselves" were just engaging in "cliched media training", apparently. Seems he was just getting warmed up.

    2006: West delivered an expletive-ridden tirade when Justice vs Simian scooped the Best Video award at the MTV Europe Music awards in Copenhagen. But Touch the Sky had Pam Anderson in it! West jumped across canyons! Afterwards the rapper responded to criticism by saying: "People were so surprised at what I did. I'm more surprised people thought I had changed."

    2006: An interview with Rolling Stone stokes more controversy and Fox News get to run the immortal headline "Kanye West poses as Jesus, says he's addicted to porn."

    2007: At the MTV Video Music Awards the rapper apparently became "upset" when he had to perform his song Stronger from the Palms' Hugh Hefner Sky Villa instead of the main stage. When he walked away empty-handed after receiving five nominations, he reportedly yelled: "That's two years in a row, man … I'm trying hard, man, I have the number one record, man."

    2008: Ye's ever-expanding blog becomes the outlet for his capital-letter frustration with just about everyone. In reponse to his arrest after an altercation with a photographer. "Let us not forget the paps killed princess Diana" he writes.

    2009: Someone, somewhere, goes a step too far when they assume West's identity on Twitter. "I DON'T HAVE A ****ING TWITTER… WHY WOULD I USE TWITTER???" he writes. Why indeed, when there are so many awards shows to vent your opinion at?

    2009: "South Park murdered me last night", writes West, after the rapper was depicted on the show as a gay man attracted only to male fish. In a rare and apparently fleeting moment of self-awareness, he writes. "As long as people think I act like a bitch this type of **** will happen to me."

    2009: The rapper elicits a chorus of boos when he bounds onstage during country singer Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Video and declares "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!"

  5. #5

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Thank you westside. Everyone is so shocked. Why? It's his typical behavior. People aren't fans anymore....because what he did up to that point was acceptable?? He's always been a douche, always will be. Not a fan, never been.

  6. #6

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    What a big baby.

  7. #7

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    He is to award shows what a certain past Heisman winner is to current trophy presentations ... a needless distraction who should perhaps be denied admittance.

  8. #8

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I felt so sad for taylor swift, did you see how she reacted after that kanye guy gave her the mic back, she was about to break down in tears, she was at a loss for words.. she is 19 years old.. grow up kanye, and learn some manners.

  9. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Kanye West doesn't like white people.

  10. #10

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    She held her own overall for the eve, not an easy feat for a young one thrown a spitball by a mindless dirtbag.

    I'm not a huge fan, but her stock has gone up a few ticks all the same.

  11. #11

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    What's ironic about all the discussion, it is OKC related since Kanye West's mother grew up in OKC and he has numerous relatives here. I think he is a creative guy but he acts like a spoiled jerk.

    Bigray in Ok

  12. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Nothing like a little success to turn someone into a spoiled jerk.

  13. #13

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Is he bi-polar?

  14. #14

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    douche -yes, unfortunately his "fans" err I mean sheep, probably think it was cool and will continue following him blindly.

  15. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Apparently he is a guest on Leno's new show tonight. Can't wait to see if Jay opens with him "What were you thinking!!!!!!"

  16. #16

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I can't help but wonder ... if Momma West would of had access to the same quality of switches which Mrs. Kersey so carefully cultivated during my youth, might young Kanye West have turned out to be a little more respectful?

  17. #17

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    what a lowlife rude punk

  18. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I agree. Beyonce is a class act ...she invited Taylor Swift up during her own speech. That was very cool. Kanye is a complete jerk and everyone is condemning him, good.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  19. #19

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    thanks for the clips, wssooner. until you posted them-id never seen them ( i listen to real music: stones, clapton,zeppelin, van halen, beatles, etc)

    i watched each video totally unbiased, looking for the message. there is in fact a deep message conveyed in swifts vid, one that many women out there are screaming of why do so many men pass up a lady who would give them their total hearts over some other girl who is nothing but good looks on the outside and a careless heart on the inside.

    as far as beyonces vid, it catered to much to male testosterone. too much skin, shaking hips, sexual overtones. can she get the same message across more modestly in her vid?

    it seems in years past that different music genres were each respected in their own right, and their fans supported them, etc.

    today, you have all these genres, sub-genres, rock & rap being mixed together, etc..and everyone is vying for the paramount recording industry spotlight: that ultimate benchmark.

    while its well known that many black people are reknown for being overly passionate about music in general, i feel everyone regardless of race, musical preferences, etc needs to take a step back and recognize everyone for their talent with an unbiased and open outlook.

    i may certainly have my music staples in my music collection, but even i will listen to anything and everything with an open ear and mind initially, and only then i will decide whether or not i eventually like it, love it, or if i think its utter crap.

  20. #20

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I ususally listen to classic rock as well. And being from Oklahoma I listen to some country music.....but I detest old country music...yuck!!! Its funny how many of todays popular songs I've never even heard of because I either listen to my CD's or 96.9 of 107.7. I do however like a wide range of music from contemrary christian to R&B. Even some older more thought out rap and recently to mashups of older songs.

    I totally agree with you on the two videos. One tells a timeless story of teenage love and heartbreak. The other is 3 (very hot) ladies dancing. I'm not even sure what that song is about.

    Edit; (I forgot to mention this) About the Leno show. I've been torn all day whether or not to boycott it. I probably wont since it would be pointless and go unnoticed but I sure hate having to see West tonight. Talk about putting a damper on my long awaited viewing of Lenos new show. Maybe if I'm lucky Leno will decide to uninvite West, or edit the portion of the show if its already taped. If it was my show.......he wouldnt get in the studio. He can apologize if he wants...but theres no apology that will change his actions.

  21. #21

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    countless internet videos popping up on the web with folks saying "to hell with kanye".

    im saying, "to hell with MTV!!!!!!"

    what has happened to MTV anyways? 25 years ago it was a dedicated music video channel that ran music videos all day and night. Today, its nothing but a media channel to promote and influence garbage and decadent juvenile attributes.

    The on-stage antics that transpired last night wouldve NEVER happened on any other channel BUT MTV. Every other network has cleaned up its act tidiously. CBS learned its lesson from MTV during the Timberlake/Jackson/Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction.

    Pointblank: The FCC needs to shutdown MTV once and for all, for its lost all moral credibility and civil standardship.

  22. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I hope Leno calls him on it (if it wasn't pretaped). Kanye will probably have Leno put a muzzle on any questions.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  23. #23

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    countless internet videos popping up on the web with folks saying "to hell with kanye".

    im saying, "to hell with MTV!!!!!!"

    what has happened to MTV anyways? 25 years ago it was a dedicated music video channel that ran music videos all day and night. Today, its nothing but a media channel to promote and influence garbage and decadent juvenile attributes.

    The on-stage antics that transpired last night wouldve NEVER happened on any other channel BUT MTV. Every other network has cleaned up its act tidiously. CBS learned its lesson from MTV during the Timberlake/Jackson/Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction.

    Pointblank: The FCC needs to shutdown MTV once and for all, for its lost all moral credibility and civil standardship.
    YEP - I agree....

  24. #24

    Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    I think Joe Wilsons outburst during POTUSs' speech then Serena Williams behavior on the court then Kayne West its a indication, that spoiled and immature should have gotton a good ole fashioned switching.

  25. Default Re: taylor swift..interrupted!

    ......not to mention Van Jones.

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