At the risk of sounding like an alarmist, and after reading more than a few really sobering "treatises" (for lack of a better word) about the economy, I can't help but wonder if folks shouldn't start thinking about getting into precious metals (if they haven't already).
This may be completely stupid from a financial expert perspective, but I see the US printing money in the coming years like it never has before, and what I understand suggests that's the first chorus you sing before you enjoy a round of hyperinflation as companies race to increase prices to compensate for the loss in value of the currency.
That tells me gold is, once again, a potential haven. I've never been one to buy into hysteria, but when I hear a pretty mundane report about banks failing faster than the FDIC can clean them up, and that the FDIC itself is guaranteed to require additional funds (beyond the additional borrowing authority it was recently granted) just to keep up, it makes you scratch your head and go, "geez..."
'Splain to me why I'm nuts.