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Thread: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

  1. #1

    Default IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    IAO Celebrates Birthday at New Home on Historic Film Row

    August 29, 7pm until Midnight
    IAO's new home at 706 W Sheridan on the historic Film Row in Downtown Oklahoma City

    2009 marks the 30th year of Individual Artists of Oklahoma's (IAO) existence. IAO was founded in 1979 by three poets as a grass-roots alternative arts organization. IAO's mission is to sustain and encourage emerging and established artists in all media who are intellectually and aesthetically provocative or experimental in subject matter or technique.

    IAO is celebrating its history and recognizing its founders and contributors. While commemorating IAO's past, the event also looks forward to our future marking the beginning of a new chapter for the organization, as we introduce the community to our new location at 706-708 W. Sheridan on historic Film Row.

    The event will feature visual elements of IAO's history and honor those who helped to make IAO what it is today ... a thriving, exciting and unique part of Oklahoma's arts community. From its conceptual beginnings IAO has grown to now host a year-long calendar full of events and exhibits including film screenings, poetry readings, performance arts and visual arts.

    For more information visit:


  2. #2

    Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    I went through the space last night. Its a great interior. Much better for displaying art and moving around in crowds than the old long/deep space. A great deal cleaner/brighter too. Curious to know who helped with designing the interior.

  3. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Wow, the upcoming Out of Sight exhibition is pretty unique.

  4. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    Wow, the upcoming Out of Sight exhibition is pretty unique.
    What's that? I couldn't find it on the site.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  5. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    What's that? I couldn't find it on the site.
    Click on the Call for Entry (pdf) near the bottom

  6. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Oh thanks. That is interesting.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  7. #7

    Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    So, how was it? Spent the eve helping youngest with a project, so we dinna make it to the gala.

  8. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    I'll be posting some great new pictures of the before and after of the space IAO now occupies. This is the site I have built from my years working on the film excange district project:

    OKC Film Exchange District Homepage

    Bradley Wynn

  9. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    I had a good time... I performed at it and had a good response. There were girls on skates that had roller-boogy routines while I played, which I thought was pretty cool. 13 seeds and el paso hot button also played.

  10. #10

    Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location


    The new home of Individual Artists of Oklahoma is a currently a construction zone that developer Chip Fudge hopes will become downtown’s next hot spot. Photo by Steve Lackmeyer, the oklahoman

  11. Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Steve, can you answer the question of whether the current construction is related to the streetscape or not?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. #12

    Default Re: IAO celebrates 30th birthday at their new Film Row location

    Yes jbrown, that has already been confirmed. It is the streetscape project.

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