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Thread: Inglorious Basterds

  1. #1

    Default Inglorious Basterds

    Caught this last night at the Warren and it was excellent...Great dialogue, characters and of course in your face violence...The main villian steals the show...Great character and Tarantino is the master at writing long drawn out suspenseful scenes

    Nice return for Tarantino as it's been awhile since he trotted out a good one

    It is a great movie but I would still put it behind Pulp and Reservoir...Should definitely catch it in the auditorium at the Warren before it moves to a smaller room

  2. #2

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Caught this last night at the Warren and it was excellent...Great dialogue, characters and of course in your face violence...The main villian steals the show...Great character and Tarantino is the master at writing long drawn out suspenseful scenes

    Nice return for Tarantino as it's been awhile since he trotted out a good one

    It is a great movie but I would still put it behind Pulp and Reservoir...Should definitely catch it in the auditorium at the Warren before it moves to a smaller room
    Heard an interview with him testerday on NPR and wondered if the movie would be good.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    i think they exposed trailers and previews for this film far too early. much of the hype it generated has mostly waned by now.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    I thought it was quite good. Could have used a little more of the Basterds onscreen but it was pretty good.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
    I thought it was quite good. Could have used a little more of the Basterds onscreen but it was pretty good.
    That was surprising...You would think he would have plastered Pitt all over the movie but just like Kill Bill and Deathproof (suck) Tarantino loves him some women kicking ass

  6. #6

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    Quote Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
    I thought it was quite good. Could have used a little more of the Basterds onscreen but it was pretty good.
    I've heard that there is already a prequel lined up.... My guess is it would give you exactly what you were looking for....

  7. #7

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    Yes, it was a great movie. However, if you do not like Tarantino movies I doubt you will like this one. I also put this movie slightly behind Pulp and Reservoir, but if you liked those movies you will like this one.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Inglorious Basterds

    At the end of the movie when Brad was in the woods with the villain his bow tie kept changing in the scene. Sometimes draped on both sides of his neck and sometimes not. Also the street car tracks stopped at the sidewalk in front of the cinema. The latter not really a glitch, but rather something I noticed. I found the spin on the music score and the name and arrow effect interesting. Made it a bit humorous to me. The fire scene in the auditorium was great. I could almost feel the flames on my back.

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