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Thread: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

  1. Default Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    Somebody on here mentioned that this was a good was to build green. I did a little research and it sounds like a interesting technology. Was curious if anybody on here and either built with it or known somebody that did.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    Quote Originally Posted by ChargerAg View Post
    Somebody on here mentioned that this was a good was to build green. I did a little research and it sounds like a interesting technology. Was curious if anybody on here and either built with it or known somebody that did.
    The Brownstones at Maywood Park are ICF Buildblock.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    I would suggest talking to Bert Belanger. At one time he was involved with the company that was promoting that for new construction.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    I'm living in a house built with them. The energy savings are excellent. The first floor of our house is literally cold in the summer, and we didn't even run the airconditioning on the first two floors during the over 100 spell. I'm not a person who thinks it's fine to live in a house that's 75 to 78 degrees either. Our first floor stays at about 68, and the second floor at 70. The walls provide great sound insulation, although the windows let sound in just as any windows do.

    Because there's three inches of foam between the concrete walls, you have to be a little more creative hanging heavy items, but it's definitely doable.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I'm living in a house built with them. The energy savings are excellent. The first floor of our house is literally cold in the summer, and we didn't even run the airconditioning on the first two floors during the over 100 spell. I'm not a person who thinks it's fine to live in a house that's 75 to 78 degrees either. Our first floor stays at about 68, and the second floor at 70. The walls provide great sound insulation, although the windows let sound in just as any windows do.

    Because there's three inches of foam between the concrete walls, you have to be a little more creative hanging heavy items, but it's definitely doable.
    What was your cost per square foot for construction if you wouldn't mind sharing that info?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Has anybody in the OKC area had experience with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)?

    Quote Originally Posted by trison View Post
    I would suggest talking to Bert Belanger. At one time he was involved with the company that was promoting that for new construction.
    pat garrett has a company called build a block .. which is an ICF company

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