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Thread: Very interesting, which family was it?

  1. #1

    Default Very interesting, which family was it?

    Museum Tower
    Dallas, TX

    The first 20 units, worth $40 million, went on sale a month ago, he says. So far, 12 buyers have put down 15 percent nonrefundable payments, and the rest are expected to close by the end of the month.

    An oil-and-gas family from Oklahoma paid $4 million for one of two junior penthouses.

    Museum Tower will be a gem | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Cheryl Hall | Business Columnist | Dallas Morning News

  2. #2

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    That is an awesome building.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    The smallest apartments will sell for a little under $800 a square foot, according to the article. Not a lot of parking, either, that I can see.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The smallest apartments will sell for a little under $800 a square foot, according to the article. Not a lot of parking, either, that I can see.
    It has a huge multilevel parking garage. Private garden, pool, art gallery, private library, and concierge service that includes a Niemen Marcus personal shopper. Considering the impeccable views of downtown and hip uptown art district location, the pricing on the condominiums is probably about right.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    At $800/sf, wouldn't the developer assume that your driver was already circling the block?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    FYI - Check the date on that article one more time.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    I am aware of the date on the article, I posted this on here, because of the fact that an Oklahoma Oil and Gas family spent 4 million on a penthouse in this building. Found that interesting and was looking for feedback.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by circuitboard View Post
    I am aware of the date on the article, I posted this on here, because of the fact that an Oklahoma Oil and Gas family spent 4 million on a penthouse in this building. Found that interesting and was looking for feedback.
    However, were we to have something like that here, we'd have the one oil and gas family in the penthouse and the rest of the building empty.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by circuitboard View Post
    I am aware of the date on the article, I posted this on here, because of the fact that an Oklahoma Oil and Gas family spent 4 million on a penthouse in this building. Found that interesting and was looking for feedback.
    There are rich families in every state. It could be anyone. My question, rather, is didn't this Museum Tower get axed when the economy took a nose dive? OH, I just noticed the date on the article.

    Musuem Tower = pipe dream.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    There are rich families in every state. It could be anyone. My question, rather, is didn't this Museum Tower get axed when the economy took a nose dive? OH, I just noticed the date on the article.

    Musuem Tower = pipe dream.
    From my understanding, it has been put on hold but not axed. When the economy starts a turnaround my understanding is they will proceed with the tower. This makes sense because the pent up demand for high end condos are strong in Dallas due to the considerable amount of super wealthy in the city.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    ^^^Museum Tower has been planned, put on hold, restarted, put back on hold, etc. for over a decade now. I have no doubt that demand for lux high rise condos is high in Dallas. I just highly doubt that Museum Tower will ever be anything more then an idea.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    ^^^Museum Tower has been planned, put on hold, restarted, put back on hold, etc. for over a decade now. I have no doubt that demand for lux high rise condos is high in Dallas. I just highly doubt that Museum Tower will ever be anything more then an idea.
    Azure tower just completed construction and is very similar to Musuem tower. I would say it is far from pipe dream just the economy slowed down. They have presold 50 milllion dollars worth of units. Time will tell....

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Very interesting, which family was it?

    were we to have something like that here...
    It would be suburban condos at $250/sq foot, with attached individual garages, and people would complain about the price and parking... and it wouldn't get finished either.

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