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Thread: Sauced

  1. #26

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by mecarr View Post
    Just curious, why did you wait an hour and 15 minutes before seeing what was going wrong with your order? For a place like Sauced, I would usually get up and do something after 15 minutes...
    I had just taken day 1 of the Bar Exam and actually wasn't very aware of the passing of time at that point. 15 minutes vs. an hour and 15 minutes would require a watch or some sort of chronographic device to have made me aware of the passage of time.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I had just taken day 1 of the Bar Exam and actually wasn't very aware of the passing of time at that point. 15 minutes vs. an hour and 15 minutes would require a watch or some sort of chronographic device to have made me aware of the passage of time.
    Have you recieved your results from the BAR yet?

  3. Default Re: Sauced

    It takes awhile. It'll be October before we find out.
    Still corrupting young minds

  4. #29

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    It takes awhile. It'll be October before we find out.
    Gotcha. Looking forward to the celebration thread!

  5. #30

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    It takes awhile. It'll be October before we find out.

    Bummer. They used to be able to end the obligatory nail chawing by the middle of September or thereabouts.

    Luck to him, and to you as well. Married lawheads at times don't get through the maze with the marriage still intact without a rather excellent better half.

  6. Default Re: Sauced

    I appreciate that.
    Still corrupting young minds

  7. #32

    Default Re: Sauced

    You're welcome.

    I've known too many folks who were married before one became a 1L who were not married before year three ended. Only occasionally did it seem to be for the better.

    He had a lot on his plate during school, to be sure, but oh my stars and planets, you had the three years of hades that is having to cope with living with a law student

    Again, luck to you both

  8. Default Re: Sauced

    Four years. Mid was there for FOUR years. I'm quite proud of myself for being as patient as I have been (though it may not have appeared that way at times!) because I know I'm not normally that way for anyone.

    Now he gets to listen to me gripe for 2 more summers about grad school

    And....we have completely hijacked the thread.

    Sauced is ok. Not outstanding. I've never been to the restaurant, only had the pizza when it was delivered. A lot of my students like it, but I think they're young and don't know any better
    Still corrupting young minds

  9. #34

    Default Re: Sauced

    Sept 9th, actually..

  10. #35

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Sept 9th, actually..
    It will be interesting to see whether or not the bar passage rate will rise up to the 90% level that it was it at consistently for many, many years, until it abruptly fell to 56% last February. Poor OCU clocked in at 42% pass rate last february.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Sauced

    > until it abruptly fell to 56% last February

    in a word, wowsers.

    > Sept 9th, actually..

    Ah, that's more like it. Again, luck.

    > we have completely hijacked the thread.

    True that. On the other hand, it's a thread about so-so pizza and bad service, so we haven't exactly made it less interesting. The place does seem to have its following though, so, and moving back to track, I hope things work out for the owners and noticeable improvements abound as we slide toward fall.

  12. Default Re: Sauced

    Hmm. I was told October. Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Mid.
    Still corrupting young minds

  13. #38

    Default Re: Sauced

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    Hmm. I was told October. Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Mid.
    If you go to the OK Bar examiners website, it says sept 9th the grades are released and on sept 22nd is the swearing in ceremony. Results are posted on that website.

  14. Default Re: Sauced

    Well, that's good to know now. He told me October. I was just going on his good word.
    Still corrupting young minds

  15. #40

    Default Sauced ?!?!?!

    So, um, what happened to Sauced? Looks closed as all get out...

  16. Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    Yep. It's going to reopen with new owners who think it's important to serve good tasting food. Some would say this is a new concept for Sauced. We'll see how it goes.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    Please let us know once it reopens. If they're going to serve good tasting food, I'll put it on the oughta try 'em list.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    I thought the food was decent, did it go south recently?

  19. Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    It was once very good. But in the past year or two I've been there (and this is from quite a few other people too), it seems as if the operators had a "too cool for you" attitude and were really putting out a poor product.

  20. Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    It was once very good. But in the past year or two I've been there (and this is from quite a few other people too), it seems as if the operators had a "too cool for you" attitude and were really putting out a poor product.
    This is exactly what I've heard from multiple sources. Quite a few of my students would hang out there, and it doesn't appear that teenagers care about bad service. But even they noticed a change in the quality of the food.
    Still corrupting young minds

  21. #46

    Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    "Too cool for you" is a nice description. I'm tired of hipster snobbery.

  22. Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    To be fair, everyone is too cool for me. It's a very low standard to meet ....

  23. #48

    Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    For the record, Steve. You're one of the coolest people I know.

  24. Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    Oh you don't know that me well. I'm only cool when I get to hang out with Doug, a glass of Dewars in his one hand, a cigar nearby, telling stories on his porch. At that moment, he eludes so much coolness that some rubs off on me. But that's about it.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Sauced ?!?!?!

    I once ran into Steve at supertarget in Edmond. Supercool time....

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