Southside OKC Memories
Get Together
Coit's Root Beer Drive-In
2500 S. Western
August 15, 1:30pm
Bring memories, memorabilia,
photos, yearbooks, etc...
Southside OKC Memories
Get Together
Coit's Root Beer Drive-In
2500 S. Western
August 15, 1:30pm
Bring memories, memorabilia,
photos, yearbooks, etc...
On the Nastalgia & Memories page it says I have 436 on this thread (south
side OKC memories.)
Did I win anything?
You logged 436 out of the 2377 total post, oops make that 2378, Prunepicker I must say, that aint half bad. Did you win anything you ask, I dont know. Depends on how the judges figure the scores. If you look at the shear numbers then 436 will give you a lock on first place. On the other hand if the percentage of individual/total post is the criteria used in scoring 436/2378 wont get you the GOLD. But have no fear you get the GOLD. I point you to the Political Humor thread. Out of 231 total post 125 of them belonged to you. 125 out of 231 thats remarkable, your closest competition was Thunder with 15. Talk about overkill 125 to 15 you should feel bad. What can you call this other than absolute total thread domination. Congratulations, you are the man(by the way, hope your feeling better)
Forget about Malibu.
How about the "dirt" go-kart tracks.
Even though it was "paved" the track at I40 and Scott St. was a blast as well.
I don't care anything about Nostalgia...........
I enjoy just talking about past places and events........
Guess that makes me more concerned with history......
Should we start a history thread to replace nostalgia?????
How did I get here in the first place?????
Had something to do with make-out spots, pole dancing at Albertsons and 16 year old exotic dancers........
Tomorrow's the day!
Southside OKC Memories
Get Together
Coit's Root Beer Drive-In
2500 S. Western
August 15, 1:30pm
Bring memories, memorabilia,
photos, yearbooks, etc...
At this moment I do plan to be there tomorrow....see you guys then!! (Make that today!!)
It was a great reunion today! hard to believe it has been a year since we started out get together`s .....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ALL!
I found the link to the video of our original get together if anyone wants it just send me a private message.
Soonergirl26, at the meeting today you said two things you'd heard old folks
say. One was whippersnapper. What was the other?
I had a great time, too. Thanks for the link to that video, grantgeneral78 ... very nice.
After I left, I did drive by where you guys were talking but I'm not sure that I got it right ... I had though you said on the SOUTH side of the river on the east side of May but I didn't see any turnoff area there. But, on the north side of the river, I did. But those don't look like the kind of places that I expected ... a few old small frame houses. I drove as far as one could go until intersecting with the graders, etc., on the I-40 construction.
Is that what you meant, Generals64?
Yes, it used to go up to the river. That is the last of the area. On the South side of the River area off May Ave. If I remember correctly, there were three designated streets there. The old Railroad cars that were put together was a house for some family at one time. They were (long ago) just Shanties built with whatever they could find......I have you a couple of more pictures since yesterday....Also Thanks for coming and being part of the Southside Kids.......
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