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Thread: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

  1. #1

    Default G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    has anyone seen this film yet? Is it good?..great?..awesome?

    Im mildly familiar with the 80s toyline and cartoon series, and read the plot to the movie and was somewhat dismayed that Serpentor wasnt written into the script.

    I particularly dont care much for the other Hasbro blockbuster film this summer: Transformers-Revenge of the Fallen and was pleased to learn that the same crew didnt seem to have any involvement with this film, which means it may actually be good.

  2. Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra


    and no public service announcement at the end

  3. #3

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    I saw it a couple days ago. If you come there looking for things like great acting, a meaningful script, etc., you won't get that. If you want cool special effects, a fun story and silly one-liners, you'll be pleased.

    I quite enjoyed the movie. 20+ years ago, I was a huge fan of the toys/cartoons, so maybe that helped.

  4. #4

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post

    and no public service announcement at the end
    ha ha ha...too funny.

    yup, i couldnt resist. i simply had to shell out the bucks for the first season of g.i. joe, the 80s cartoon.

    best $20 i ever spent.

    by the way, speaking of g.i. joe psa's, try googling g.i. joe psa's and watch the ones by fenslerfilm for a comic relief.

  5. #5

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Channing Tatum is the only reason I would go see it.

  6. Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    ha ha ha...too funny.

    yup, i couldnt resist. i simply had to shell out the bucks for the first season of g.i. joe, the 80s cartoon.

    best $20 i ever spent.

    by the way, speaking of g.i. joe psa's, try googling g.i. joe psa's and watch the ones by fenslerfilm for a comic relief.
    yeah, seen them

    as popular as they are to make fun of, you'd think they would have at least attempted a half-ass try at one for after the movie credits or something... would've made me feel alot better about the price of the ticket.

  7. #7

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    I saw it today. I really liked it. Heard it was horrible. I was rather entertained.

  8. #8

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    im going to see it today. a end of the movie psa? in these modern times what in the world could they possibly advise against? no one listens to advice about anything anymore until they become afflicted, scorn or killed.

  9. Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    im going to see it today. a end of the movie psa? in these modern times what in the world could they possibly advise against? no one listens to advice about anything anymore until they become afflicted, scorn or killed.

    I guess you're too young to remember..

    It doesn't have to be a real PSA.. The ones they did back in the 80's were goofy enough already. it was part of the show though..

    GI Joe wasn't over until after the PSA and the "Knowing is half the battle" line

  10. #10

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post

    I guess you're too young to remember..

    It doesn't have to be a real PSA.. The ones they did back in the 80's were goofy enough already. it was part of the show though..

    GI Joe wasn't over until after the PSA and the "Knowing is half the battle" line
    no no..i remember the psa's. i flourished in 80s cartoons. i was questioning the thought of an end of movie psa. however since people today have attention spans that only last a few milli-seconds im wondering if the message would mentally permeate.

  11. #11

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    Quote Originally Posted by decepticobra View Post
    im going to see it today. a end of the movie psa? in these modern times what in the world could they possibly advise against? no one listens to advice about anything anymore until they become afflicted, scorn or killed.
    LOL its what is consider a inside joke for the fans of the old tv series....

  12. #12

    Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    [QUOTE=Midtowner;246100]I saw it a couple days ago. If you come there looking for things like great acting, a meaningful script, etc., you won't get that. If you want cool special effects, a fun story and silly one-liners, you'll be pleased.

    So its like the original series then. I think I'll have to check it out, it cant be any worse than Transformers.
    I was a huge fan of both as a child.

  13. Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    I don't think anyone going to see GI Joe or any other similar movie is looking for "great acting" and a "meaningful script". LOL You are going to see stuff blow up, special effects, and memories of your childhood.

  14. Default Re: G.I. Joe-The Rise of Cobra

    try to put aside the preconceived notions of it being total crap. it was better than i thought. it was very gi joe for the most part, and i actually want to see what happens next. the biggest problem i had were the special effects. they are horrible, like something from a sci-fi channel special.

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