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Thread: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

  1. #1

    Default Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    So we plan on a back yard garden this year, and selling whatever we can't eat. Are there rules or taxes to be considered if we do a roadside stand somewhere in the city, or sell out of the yard?

    I couldn't find anything in here, okc.gov or oktax


  2. #2

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    Pretty sure you'd have to get a permit from the city as well as any health dept. requirements, etc.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    I was buying some plants at Ruby's on the SW corner of 23rd and Council last fall and I mentioned that I had way too many peppers to eat. The guy who was taking my money mentioned he would buy them from me or trade out for other produce or bedding plants. I never got around to doing it but there may be other places around town that would do the same thing.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    try calling your local farmers market, thet should be able to help you out with all the questions you need answered, especially if they think you are going to or plan on renting a spot.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

  6. #6

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    Check out www.okgrown.com for local farmers markets.

  7. #7

  8. Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    Is anyone from Edmond irritated with all the produce stands you see at road intersections along the northern outskirts of town. I have no idea if they have a permit to set up business wherever they like. It reminds me of Mexico. I'd much rather see them at the Farmer's Market where there is at least some sense of legitimate business instead of selling stuff out the back of a truck.

    And just to be clear, I'm not anti-local grown produce. I just feel that people who set up shop wherever they choose are not competing fairly when other farmers pay rent for booths at the farmer's market as well as grocers paying rent on their buildings and wages for their workers.

  9. Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    Sell to family and friends.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    Is anyone from Edmond irritated with all the produce stands you see at road intersections along the northern outskirts of town. I have no idea if they have a permit to set up business wherever they like. It reminds me of Mexico. I'd much rather see them at the Farmer's Market where there is at least some sense of legitimate business instead of selling stuff out the back of a truck.

    And just to be clear, I'm not anti-local grown produce. I just feel that people who set up shop wherever they choose are not competing fairly when other farmers pay rent for booths at the farmer's market as well as grocers paying rent on their buildings and wages for their workers.
    You have to be careful with those guys. I've seen such fruit stand owners acting so carelessly as to leave the "Dole" stickers on the fruits the sold. Apparently, they were buying their produce either from the supermarket or from the same wholesaler that the supermarket bought from.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    As long as they aren't violating any laws (and I don't know if they are or not), I am not too worried about being "fair" to the competition. If it is legal, sell to the public and offer a better price due to no overhead - that is capitalism and the consumer benefits.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Vegetable Stand? Rules, taxes, etc ???

    And if they're charging higher prices for the same produce, so long as they're not making any untrue assertions, that's no big deal either.

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