Originally Posted by
HVAC Instructor
I bet you would feel completely different if it was your family in this situation. Your profile says you are a law student. And above you state that the marijuana laws in the Antlers area are essentially ignored, and it is likely these people rubbed someone the wrong way. If this is true, then local law enforcement is selectively enforcing the law as a vendetta against this family. And as a student of the law, you should be outraged if what you speculated is indeed the case, unless your aspiration within the law is to become an unethical prosecutor interested in convictions at all costs rather than seeking justice. Surely that is not true about you.
Marijuana laws are overfilling our prisons and costing us untold billions of tax dollars. Oklahoma has some of the longest prison sentences in the nation for minor marijuana offenses. We need our aspiring young lawyers working to put an end to these ridiculous laws that serve only to create criminals where none previously existed.
If I were on their jury, I would do everything I could to convince the other 11 to issue a "not guilty" verdict. An unjust law should not be enforced by a rational jury, and it's the last line of defense for these people who, as you have speculated, may simply be victims of a government officials vendetta.