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Thanks drums :smiley
I will agree that Rick will tend....to....drone....on....forever at times.
The real problem is that each station tries to outdo each other when a storm cloud passes, so if Morgan sees Mitchell is on the air, he gets all twitchy ...then if Gary "I'm Under Contract 10 years after I'm Dead" England sees ANYONE airing something, he has to run to the bridge of his own little Weathership Enterprise over there at KWTV, fire up the Getner, and start cranking out mesocyclone updates....at that point, its deadlock, and no one will go off the air until someone ELSE does first....it gets kinda ridiculous...finally, someone blinks (usually when the sun comes out and everyone realizes they're not really gonna die), and they go off the air.
Actualy, Brady Brus on KSBI does a pretty decent job of just relaying basic warning info without getting too hysterical...just don't watch him enough, tho...