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Thread: Wow frontier city new owners are great

  1. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    I bought 5 Season Passes this year. After a few trips to White Water and one to Frontier City... I really wish I had spent that money on one trip to Silver Dollar City or Six Flags in Dallas.

    White Water is okay but they nickle and dime you for everything! Even after buying the passes, you have to buy a parking pass, then rent tubes, then a locker, then an ice chest storage fee, then $9 for a soda cup ($1 refills) $5 Dippin Dots.. and I haven't checked any other food as we bring sandwiches but it's just crazy. I thought the water park was fun but after one or two times, the kids don't even want to go anymore!

    FC - After waiting in line for a half hour. The first ride we rode at FC broke down as soon as we got on.

    The second ride was the bumper cars... omg, omg. They had 8 cars running and the operator took forever to get the kids on and off ... it was a joke. We waited and I'm not exaggerating.. a good 40 minutes. Completely unacceptable as the park was nearly empty!

    Eruption.. the best ride there was Closed as were a few others.

    We stayed about 3 hours and that was pushing it. I told myself a few years ago that I would never buy Season passes again but was hoping that the new ownership had updated and improved the park. It is okay but the whole atmosphere seemed depressed and not fun at all. Just a complete waste of money in my opinion. Maybe we will enjoy Fright Fest.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    I wouldn't hold your breath Karried. That park needs some MAJOR revamping in the form of remodeling of the physical park and restructuring of the managing system. I love Frontier City, but it's never going to be a great park.

  3. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I bought 5 Season Passes this year. After a few trips to White Water and one to Frontier City... I really wish I had spent that money on one trip to Silver Dollar City or Six Flags in Dallas.

    White Water is okay but they nickle and dime you for everything! Even after buying the passes, you have to buy a parking pass, then rent tubes, then a locker, then an ice chest storage fee, then $9 for a soda cup ($1 refills) $5 Dippin Dots.. and I haven't checked any other food as we bring sandwiches but it's just crazy. I thought the water park was fun but after one or two times, the kids don't even want to go anymore!

    FC - After waiting in line for a half hour. The first ride we rode at FC broke down as soon as we got on.

    The second ride was the bumper cars... omg, omg. They had 8 cars running and the operator took forever to get the kids on and off ... it was a joke. We waited and I'm not exaggerating.. a good 40 minutes. Completely unacceptable as the park was nearly empty!

    Eruption.. the best ride there was Closed as were a few others.

    We stayed about 3 hours and that was pushing it. I told myself a few years ago that I would never buy Season passes again but was hoping that the new ownership had updated and improved the park. It is okay but the whole atmosphere seemed depressed and not fun at all. Just a complete waste of money in my opinion. Maybe we will enjoy Fright Fest.
    Oklahoma City needs something that will blow both Frontier City and White Water Bay out of the water. I know some of these major casinos can afford it. Some are beginning to reach resort status.

    If I had major $$$$, I would put something in Oklahoma City that the entire nation would want to visit. I'll keep my ideas under the lid. I've had it with every single owner of Frontier City and White Water Bay nickle and diming the properties. Larry Nichols is the first to do something huge for the city. He is setting the precedent. Here is a warning for property owners in OKC that are responsible for the city's attractions...

    If you lack vision, move out of the way, or a new generation of movers and shakers will trample you. Your days are coming to an end!
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  4. #79

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    the real issue with frontier city has always been that they have not been able to acquire additional land for expansion for years (and still havent from what i can see)

    many of the newer rides are rides that do not occupy very much land area, but take riders off the ground and toss them up into the immediate air above and back down again. i know that was a vague generalization, but you get the idea.

    what is now the nightmare used to be called the orange blossom in the early 1980's before they relocated the coaster and basically enclosed it in an aluminum barn.

    also in the early 1980's there were 3 water rides that were all side-by-side. i can only recall the name of one of them, it was called the chute-out.

    one of the best rides i recall was one kind of close to where the pirateship stands. it was a water ride where riders used a yellow plastic board to ride down a slide with a sharp, high incline. if you gently tipped the nose of the board while going down it produced a huge splash.

    ive always thought the surrounding landowners were probably refusing to sell their homes to the park, cause it always seemed that fc needed land for ride expansion.

    the tin lizzy was relocated around the ferris wheel,..the last roller coaster fc added was in early 90's, the wildcat..which imho isnt any better than the silver bullet. both are heavily outdated rides for the avid thrill seeker who is seeking much more from a coaster.

    the great thing about fc is the lines are generally shorter, but the technology of the rides indicates why this is the case.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    the real issue with frontier city has always been that they have not been able to acquire additional land for expansion for years (and still havent from what i can see)
    The park actually owns a lot to the west of Frontier City (on the other side of Coltrane). You can see it on Google Maps or if you're on one of the taller rides in the park. When FC was owned by Six Flags, the lot was used to store a disassembled rollercoaster from (now defunct) Six Flags Astroworld...it might still be there, I don't know. I think the problem is either that a) it's not practical to use the lot (too expensive?) or b) they would encounter opposition from area residents if they wanted to move across Coltrane. I think that if they could find some way to turn the other lot into a parking lot and expand into the north side of the park, that would be the best place to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    the tin lizzy was relocated around the ferris wheel,..the last roller coaster fc added was in early 90's, the wildcat..which imho isnt any better than the silver bullet. both are heavily outdated rides for the avid thrill seeker who is seeking much more from a coaster.

    the great thing about fc is the lines are generally shorter, but the technology of the rides indicates why this is the case.
    The park actually added a new rollercoaster, the "Steel Lasso", last year in 2008. It's a smaller coaster (on the land where the Swingin Six Guns + Tomahawk + bathrooms used to stand), which is because (as you said) they're pretty much out of land unless they invest a substantial amount of money into the park.

  6. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    I saw they have military monday (i know off topic) but anyone have any idea what the discount is? I've only been to frontier city once, but i loved it, sure its not big or anything but the lines weren't very long and i liked that

  7. #82

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSkater View Post
    Me and my two kids went there last year, and the only saving grace at that park was the awesome cave.

    I'd go back just to crawl around in that cave again, but wouldn't go in to the park even two more steps.

    Wow. I'm speechless.

    We just went to Silver Dollar City over the holiday and were amazed at how clean, manageable and entertaining it was. The cave was indeed awesome and we loved the numerous water rides.

    Conversely, we visited Six Flags a couple of years ago and found it to be rather run down and rusty.

    Honestly, Silver Dollar City is one of the nicest amusement parks I've attended, and I've been to most of the big ones.

  8. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Yes, I love Silver Dollar City.. during Christmas it is a winter wonderland with thousands and thousands of lights.

    And summer is really fun with the water attractions ... the roller coasters put ours to shame easily. I could ride Wildfire a hundred times.. in fact last time we went we were able to go over and over without waiting in lines .. it was beautiful.. dusk and then night time views of the Okark mountains .... stunning really.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #84

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by xd0nn4x View Post
    I saw they have military monday (i know off topic) but anyone have any idea what the discount is? I've only been to frontier city once, but i loved it, sure its not big or anything but the lines weren't very long and i liked that
    Almost the entire price of the ticket! Last year it was 50 cents for military to get in on Military Monday...I'm not sure if that's changed or not.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    it was beautiful.. dusk and then night time views of the Okark mountains .... stunning really.
    Yes, yes, yes.

    The natural Ozark Mountain forest and flora are breathtaking. It is a true PARK in every way. Very nicely manicured and clean, with friendly, competent staff.

    We also found the food and drink prices to be more reasonable than we expected they would be.

    And you are dead on about the lines. The longest we waited for a ride was about 15 minutes or so.

    Silver Dollar City has held up very well over the years, more so than virtually any of the other parks mentioned on this thread. And it's a very unique, non-Six Flags-like experience.

  11. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    I agree, it's a great park and that whole region has a lot to offer. We've gone to Silver Dollar City and then made the swing over to Eureka Springs for a weekend. Sounds cheesy, but the only word I can think of is "charm."

  12. #87

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    There's nothing cheesy about Eureka Springs. It has great shops, fabulous restaurants, cool, artsy people, etc.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    When in the Branson region and hunting things to do, take in the Shepherd of the Hills one evening. Well worth the price of admission.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    i admit branson has it , my family loves silver dollar city, we are taking the kids again this year at the end of october to see the fall colors and the craft festival at silver dollar city, its so peaceful during that time up there, and the employees at silver dollar city are so friendly, we never had a problem in that park, very clean park as well.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    As someone who has been to Six Flags over Texas, FC, and Silver Dollar City/Celebration City over the past year, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that FC is doing things a bit better.

    First off SDC doesn't have many thrill rides at all. Two roller coasters that are high on the thrill list, and my seven year old wasn't even scared of either of them. Park looked nice, sure, but it's empty when it comes to the ride department. I would say This park and FC have about the same amount of rides, and the same quality thrills on their roller coasters. As for Celebration City... A great park with a nice look to it... CLOSED!!! That park had more rides than the other park they owned, SDC, and it doesn't even do nothing but sit on the corner of the street, unopened. The best of the two parks closed. So now Branson can only rely on a park with two thrill rides.

    Now for Six Flags... OMG I will never go there again. Went to Fright Fest there last October, and was the worst experience EVER!!! They had three haunted attractions. Each lasted 10 minutes or less, and one of them resembled a haunted house. One was based around pirates and was downright laughable with some loser trying to act like Jack Sparrow. You know what's worse? When a park like FC is WAYYYYY more decorated than Six Flags was. That's right. Six Flags, only had one part of their park decorated, which was the main courtyard just inside the entrace. The mexican themed part of the park, was still decorated like mexico. They could've at least decorated the park more. We got to ride one ride, and it took 1 1/2 hour to get on, which was the Titan. Every other ride had just as long as a line, and we wouldn't have had time to ride many.

    On the other hand, FC last October had the park fully decorated. Webs lining the buildings all around the park, and orange lights in all lamp posts. Ghost show near the Steel Lasso was great as ever, capturing the feel of FC, and even spooky music playing throughout the park.

    FC has done way better in way of cleanliness and upkeep ever since PARC took over. Six Flags ran that place into the ground. These people are doing way better than Six Flags ever could.

    Oh and I know a website where FC officials post and read input and give people info on future projects... The Nightmare has been taken out of the building, and the building may be demolished for a new ride soon. White Water is getting a new ride next year I believe (was supposed to be this year,) and the land to the west of the park is indeed owned by the park, and they could use it, but someone lives in a house nearby that is stopping them from developing it, so they use it as their BONEYARD! That is what they call it.

    To the person who said FC/WW days are numbered because some big tycoon is going to come and make something better. A lot of what people say in this city is more bark than bite, but I would like to see a huge park come. However, everyone blames the economy for something, so I expect the same talk from someone who had a big mouth to begin with. It won't happen anytime soon. If that's the case, what's to stop some big tycoon from plopping down 4 billion for an NFL franchise (with the same 4 billion covering the cost of land, and development of an NFL capacity stadium?) That's all that stops an NFL team from coming to a state that has none... Money.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    No they don't. I'm sure there are employess who do, but not most. Regardless if they drink or not, working there is hell. There isn't much incentive to work hard or to put a smile on your face. Believe me.
    No they don't? You say that like you know, which you don't, obviously.

    Regardless if working there is hell or not does not mean it's okay for a bunch of underage kids that run dangerous rides to drink.

    If you worked there, you must not have been allowed at the parties

  17. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    the last roller coaster fc added was in early 90's, the wildcat..which imho isnt any better than the silver bullet.
    In addition to the Steel Lasso mentioned above, you are also forgetting the Diamondback, which was added in the late 90's and, though short, is definitely the most thrilling coaster in the park.

    BTW, has the Eruption been open for anyone who's been there lately? The last couple times I've been there, it's been closed and I never see it going when driving by.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  18. #93

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by Armani View Post
    No they don't? You say that like you know, which you don't, obviously.

    Regardless if working there is hell or not does not mean it's okay for a bunch of underage kids that run dangerous rides to drink.

    If you worked there, you must not have been allowed at the parties
    I worked there, and what people do on their off time is their business, but no one ever operated rides while under the influence. Its irresponsible of you to spread foolish rumors, when you dont have a clue about wha you're talking about.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Apparently there was E.coli in the park's water! As a result, they closed the park for a day and for now they cannot serve food or drink using their water.

    Tulsa World: Frontier City re-opens after E. coli in water found

  20. #95

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    stuff like this happens, im just glad the park took action and closed it down to investigate, and that they are still cautious...

  21. #96

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Yeah, the park could've played ball like that fat dumbass who owned that peanut butter plant, and knowingly sent out peanut butter, despite having salmonela in it.

    The park was very professional to close for a day while they worked this issue out. Best of all, they did so before anyone had a chance to get sick from it.

    Kudos to FC.

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