Okay, so with all the recent debate, thinking and re-thinking about Core-To-Shore, it seems the majority is not in favor of C2S as proposed. The majority of OKC citizens DO seem to be in favor of a mass transit system. My good friend Jeff Bezdek says we need at least $100 million to run an effective streetcar system. The Ford Center improvements are a one year tax for a projected $121 million but due to decline in economy is going to come in closer to $100 million.
I am proposing that the Council, Mayor Mick, OKC Chamber and others, really take a hard look at this and get some more outsider opinion for another 6-9 months or so before we make what could be the biggest blunder in OKC history in decades. Why don't we have a MAPS 3 for public transportation. Make it a 18-24 month tax (Similar to the model used for Ford Center improvements) to fund a respectable public transportation system. Before the tax expires, city leaders would have had more time, public input, outsider input for revisions that will clearly take us where we need to go, without this rush-rush, Obama-style stimulus gimme my piece of the pie mentality we seem to have going lately with MAPS3. MAPS 4 could then be other projects including a well-thought out C2S proposal.