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Thread: Wow frontier city new owners are great

  1. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    All I know was that they spent last year repainting rides and buildings. They also replaced light bulbs.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    What they should have done before all the housing developments started being built in that area, FC should have bought land and expanded. I say build a larger/better theme park, and quit giving all of our money to SF in Texas and St. Louis. Generate some tourist revenue for Oklahoma.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Good customer service comes from the heart of the person doing the serving,, regardless of pay, regardless of social stature, regardless of <fill in the blank>. It is as much a definition of character as whether you run a red light if no one else is around - its what you do when no one is looking (or, in the case of retail, if no one is paying you and your employer "treats you like crap.")

    There has to come a time when you look at the mirror and recognize that whatever effort the person in the mirror gives is 100% dependent upon....the person in the mirror. It is a choice. You may hate your boss, you may hate your pay, you may hate the job, you may hate the environment, your boss may have delusions of grandeur, you may hate the company, but what you do in service to others is your choice.

    It is sad to me to hear the position in this thread opined by some to amount to "Screw me, screw you." And then we wonder what's happened to the very notion of being in service one to another....
    All I'm saying is when all of your employees are unhappy, it shows. Even when they're trying to do a good job, it STILL shows. And it also says something about the moral character of those in management when they treat employees like they're no better than the trash that gets carried out at the end of the day. It goes BOTH ways. What is it about this board that puts people on this high moral authority anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    They claimed that because the job was seasonal, there was no requirement for overtime. I never checked the veracity of that.
    Well, maybe there is a separate category for seasonal. I've never dealt with that before. But it sounds like a cop-out to me. A lot of employers tell their employees lies about not owing overtime, knowing full well their employees will believe it. I had a company put me on salary several years ago and then put me on a 45-hour weekly schedule. Because I was on a salary, it never occurred to me they owed me overtime for the extra five hours I was working every week. Unfortunately, by the time I found out, the statute of limitations had passed me by and it was too late to go back and collect. Salary is how a lot employers get out of paying overtime.

    And now...congrats to Frontier City for making some needed changes. Just don't be breaking any labor laws. Somebody could be watching! And do keep up the good work. Because we are all watching.

  4. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBojangles View Post
    What they should have done before all the housing developments started being built in that area, FC should have bought land and expanded.
    They actually have tons of land surrounding the park--to the north as well as the west across Coltrane. There's room to at least double the size of the park and still have plenty of parking.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  5. #55

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Want to take the family to a real theme park try Worlds of Fun in KC. It was between Silver DOllar City and Worlds of Fun and we chose Worlds of FUn. We took our 5 kids there last year and had a blast, And it was just for a weekend. We have a problem with hotels due to how many kids we have, So we rented a little cabin right there on the park grounds! Very cool. Quick little 5hr drive and your in Kansas City.

    They have great food, Lots of shade (which six flags texas lacks big time) reasonable prices and tons of stuff the kids can enjoy. All of our kids were 10 and under at the time. Also met very many friendly employees. We will be returning.

    Frontier City is okay, But sometimes we like to travel and see new things.

  6. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I have worked my fair share of S**t jobs over the years but, I always made the effort move on when it got the point that I hated going to work.

    Regardless of your work environment or pay you should not take it out on the customers. You should make every effort to treat every customer with respect and find solutions to their complaints.

    The problem with workplace abuse is the fact that nobody ever reports it. Sure everyone complains but, nobody has the courage to confront all levels of management and voice their concerns. You always here the typical line "This place sucks but, I am not saying anything. I have got kids to feed and bills to pay." Millions of people are more than willing to complain, but only a few are willing to act to initiate change.

    BomberMWC did you any of your fellow employees make a complaint to people above that manager who told you that you could all be replaced. If he was the store manager, did you got to District, Regional or Corporate. I know I would have. Somebody on up in the chain would have come down on that type of behavior because it is represents a hostile work environment.

    Few people realize they cannot fire you for making a legitimate and tactful complaint. If they do, you can probably sue them for hostile work environment or wrongful termination.

    Actually because of complaints from that day, that particular manager was fired. Many of the other managers at that location were sent to other stores as well. Did it make a difference? No, because they just shuffled crappy managers from other stores to ours until they went bankrupt and close the place. What made that place interesting is that the head store manager wasn't bad. She really did try, but the corporation wouldn't give her the manpower to do what needed to be done on the floor...which is what makes or breaks retail. All that "assistant" manager level crap is what killed the environment at the store....the power trip folks.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBojangles View Post
    What they should have done before all the housing developments started being built in that area, FC should have bought land and expanded. I say build a larger/better theme park, and quit giving all of our money to SF in Texas and St. Louis. Generate some tourist revenue for Oklahoma.
    That's just like the people making 20k a year and buying a 350k house.

    It's in the cards, my friend. BUT they do have to make money with what they currently have before spending a good $100 mil or more. But they currently own PLENTY of land.

    As for the work ethic/treatment issue, I think it's somewhere in between. The whole machine has to work together. The payment issue isn't as bad as the management. I do think that it is up to the employee to take pride in his work and not just take a paycheck every week, but an environment that supports such practice is essential.

    I also think many of Frontier City's problems stem from the fact that the OKC public has such a negative view of the place. Working there isn't considered a "real" job.

  8. #58

    Smile Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    they need to get more rides and they need to move it to down town okc on the river and make the park bigger and with more stuff to do get a very big furis weel to make the park a tourist place to be and maybe put a hotel in the park to keep guest hapy and spending money im very glad that six flags dosent own frontier city they sucked we always got the left overs rides and acts

  9. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Longest run-on sentence ever?

    It's not practical to move the park. They already have plenty of land for growth where they are, along with mature trees for shade and good infrastructure for the most part. They are right on a major interstate with high visibility. It would cost millions to move downtown, not to mention the cost of land and the cost of adding any rides on top of what they already have. Many (most) theme parks are in the suburbs and do fine. Worlds of Fun, Six Flags St. Louis, Six Flags Fiesta Texas... all are on the edge of the city on a major interstate.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  10. #60

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Not to mention, it would not make sense downtown. Do you go to Six Flags of Texas in downtown Dallas. Sorry but I'll pass on having a theme park downtown. Now, maybe on the river somewhere east or west of downtown, perhaps closer to the fairgrounds might be a good idea if someone wanted to open a new theme park.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    i just want them to do something and make this city better im tired of being asamed of my home town.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    they should buy that ride son of beast its in a them park my friend was telling me about its a cool coaster its big

  13. #63

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian30 View Post
    They should buy a ride called Son Of Beast. It's in a theme park that my friend was telling me about. It's a cool coaster, plus it's big.
    This should be how the sentence should look. Not trying to make fun, but if you want to get respect and not be treated like an idiot, you might want to work on your punctuation and sentence structure.

    In regards to moving the park to DT, it would take too much money and time to do it and would not be rewarded with financial gain. There is going to be so much development in that area in the next ten years (if the Central Park, Convention Center and some sort of rail get approved) that we won't need or want a theme park down there.

  14. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    I've been to Six Flags Elich Gardens (sp?) in DT Denver and it was small and nothing special. And it seemed like there was little to no room for expansion there without cutting into parking for it and the Pepsi Center.

  15. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Yeah Elitch Gardens is a good example. They moved it downtown at great cost, and obviously it didn't pay off, as Six Flags sold it off. It is very much locked in, and also remember that theme parks (good ones, like we want to see) require lots and lots of surface parking. Not something we want to see in our urban center. Elitch also has a very stale, designed feel and little shade because it's new. Frontier City has the great trees and an organic feel of a park that has grown over decades of history.

    I've also seen talk about moving to the location of Crossroads Mall. That would be an even more illogical idea. It's not cost-effective to move downtown, so it certainly isn't cost-effective to move to another suburban area with much lower property values and a much higher crime rate.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian30 View Post
    i just want them to do something and make this city better im tired of being asamed of my home town.
    Are you serious? There is SO MUCH being done to make this city better. I'm sorry new roller coasters are the only thing that excite you.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  16. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    It wasn't the actual Crossroads location, but somewhere very near the highways down there that I heard was considering or planning to relocate. That never happened.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian30 View Post
    i just want them to do something and make this city better im tired of being asamed of my home town.
    What? You shouldn't be ashamed of OKC. If a bigger theme park will make you proud of your hometown, you should reconsider your criteria. OKC has a lot going for it. I moved back to OKC from Atlanta (5 times bigger than OKC) because of the great opportunities here and getting in on the ground floor of a city on the rise. Many people from all over, especially California are flocking here for the cost of living, and the quality of life ever improving here. We have NBA, AICCM coming up, CoreToShore, Oklahoma River becoming a world class venue, downtown becoming more dense, several great districts throughout the city, low cost of living and doing business, MAPS 3, Devon Tower, local economy doing far better than most of the country, and more. Nothing to be ashamed of. As the Gazette says, if you're bored in this town, it isn't our fault.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    adrian, tired of being ashamed, pullllllllllease. This city hasa lot going for it for its size (which is growing at a healthy rate). OKC is being noticed all around this country, that is far different than lets say 15 years ago.. look at what has happened here this past decade alone!!! asamed (ashamed) I think not.. Impressed I think so!!!! I say good day, good day to you sir!!!

  19. #69

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Cause everyone knows you can just point at an existing ride at a park and say "I'll take that one!"

  20. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It wasn't the actual Crossroads location, but somewhere very near the highways down there that I heard was considering or planning to relocate. That never happened.
    Of course it didn't.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  21. #71

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Just so people know...most the 16 and up kids that work there drink A LOT. They party hardy and show up to work hung over most of the time. Some the managers are kids too so what do you expect? I stay away from FC.

  22. Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    No they don't. I'm sure there are employess who do, but not most. Regardless if they drink or not, working there is hell. There isn't much incentive to work hard or to put a smile on your face. Believe me.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    this guy was fired from frontier city last week, it sad that he was picked on by most of the staff,

  24. #74
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    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    Maybe he just saw Adventureland.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Wow frontier city new owners are great

    my best friends live right behind fc and they can hear all the concerts every summer

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