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Thread: Luther Trent is retiring

  1. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Granted. Square footage was added, however, that is not the point. The point is the fact Will Rogers is the smallest commerical airport of any city our size. One gate is far from acceptable as to the number of gates added. We need the 25 promised now, and a plan in place and ready to start bidding to acomodate a hub. That means a inimum of 30 additional gates, which can only be achieved by a south terminal.

    You also forgot some cities. Nashville, Denver, St. Louis, Salt Lake, Atlanta, Kansas City, Memphis, and Chicago. (Nashville flights may have been discontinued) ALL except Newark and possibly Kansas City are hubs. That is nearly ALL we have to fly into... Hubs.

    I also know of some cities that may be added in the near future, however, those are confidential.

    We could have had some really nice air service if we had a director who put the cleshea "110%" into the job.

  2. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Granted. Square footage was added, however, that is not the point. The point is the fact Will Rogers is the smallest commerical airport of any city our size. One gate is far from acceptable as to the number of gates added. We need the 25 promised now, and a plan in place and ready to start bidding to acomodate a hub. That means a inimum of 30 additional gates, which can only be achieved by a south terminal.

    You also forgot some cities. Nashville, Denver, St. Louis, Salt Lake, Atlanta, Kansas City, Memphis, and Chicago. (Nashville flights may have been discontinued) ALL except Newark and possibly Kansas City are hubs. That is nearly ALL we have to fly into... Hubs.

    I also know of some cities that may be added in the near future, however, those are confidential.

    We could have had some really nice air service if we had a director who put the cleshea "110%" into the job.
    Nashville and Kansas City don't have a hubs. EWR is the Continental/Express hub.

    In the future, if another terminal is required, a midfield terminal would be a logical choice. A south terminal would require lengthy taxi times times for aircraft using RWYs 17L and R.
    Keep in mind we have south winds for many days of the year.

    One that's in between the runways would be nice. That's the same problem that the current IND terminal has-it's north of the parallel runways, and planes taking off to the north have to taxi all the way to the south end and then takeoff. The new terminal's midfield, and between the runways for that reason.

    Just a couple cents...


  3. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Nashville may still be a hub. If you will read my entire post I said Kansas City may NOT be a hub.

    In addition, a "midfield" terminal would not affect taxi times as often planes have to taxi to or from the south as the traffic often departs toward the north, and arrives from the north. That would actually SHORTEN the taxi time from a south terminal. The problem with a "midfield" terminal would be parking. The idea of the terminal being fed from SW 104 is to allow for parking exclusively to that terminal as it would actually be the busiest. Access to a "midfield" terminal would not be logical. It would take too long, plus, it would be difficult for arrival dropoffs and passenger pickup.

    A south terminal is the most obvious plan.

  4. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    Nashville may still be a hub. If you will read my entire post I said Kansas City may NOT be a hub.

    In addition, a "midfield" terminal would not affect taxi times as often planes have to taxi to or from the south as the traffic often departs toward the north, and arrives from the north. That would actually SHORTEN the taxi time from a south terminal. The problem with a "midfield" terminal would be parking. The idea of the terminal being fed from SW 104 is to allow for parking exclusively to that terminal as it would actually be the busiest. Access to a "midfield" terminal would not be logical. It would take too long, plus, it would be difficult for arrival dropoffs and passenger pickup.

    A south terminal is the most obvious plan.
    If you look at a map of OKC, you will notice there is ample space in between the runways, virtually nothing in between. They're building or have built midfield terminals in between runways everywhere around the country-Southwest Florida Int'l, Detroit Metro, Indianapolis Int'l, and I think even Wichita Mid-Continent's getting one as well (I could be wrong on that one, but that's what I heard). Parking will not be a problem, you could have parking on one side (or the landside), and keep the other as the airside. The terminal could be a two concourse structure, w/ a main terminal and two wings stretching out, north and south. And it still could be 30 gates and easily expandable.

    And you missed the part about the winds. Yes, most of the time, traffic lands toward the south, but what about departing aircraft? They'll have to taxi almost more than the full length of either parallel runway before they can takeoff. Oklahoma City has more than 100 days a year of southerly winds. The only period of continuous northerly winds is during the winter months, but then, planes landing toward the north will have to taxi a good distance back toward the terminal.

    On the other hand, if the terminal's midfield, then taxi time is greatly minimized for any wind direction, and it also places the crosswind runway (which is extensively used for takeoffs when winds are straight out of the west or east) near the new terminal as well. It is all possible.


  5. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    You are missing MY point. Please think about my posts before you reply.

  6. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    I did, and only then did I reply. I also looked at an aerodrome chart of WRA before I posted my reply.


  7. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    If you claim to have read my post carefully and then thought about it, then answer the following.

    How long does it take an aircraft to taxi from the current terminal to the south end of both main runways? How would YOU design the arrival and departure ramps for terminal two and the parking structure to logically feed a "midfield" terminal with the exception of a VERY long roadway, keeping in mind the current terminal is nearly in the mid point between each end of the runways?

    Logistics do not support your plan. They do mine.

  8. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Right now, taxi times to the south ends of the current terminal aren't any more than 7 min at most, once planes actually start taxiing. The terminal's almost midway betwen both ends of both main runways.

    Now the midfield terminal. It could be a two-concourse structure, w/ parking in the middle, and the two concourses on the west and east sides (which go north-south along the main runways). So the landside's in the middle, and the concourses would be east and west of the parking lots and garages, basically, they would be seperated, but connected to eachother by skywalks. The access road would still be from SW 104, but in the future, you could also dig under the east runway for a connection to I-35 (nothing wrong in doing that, it's common everywhere in the world). The north and south areas of the complex would be kept open. Each concourse would accomodate 20 gates, so a total of 40 gates would be available by the time both are built. There would be plenty of space in the middle left for ample parking and garages. So both, road traffic and air traffic's needs would be satisfied.

    And if you can minimize a hub airline's taxi times, it's to your and the airline's advantage, which is a win-win situation. In this case, you can. Long roadway, sure, but you can't please everyone to a 100%.

    Ok, I'm done, I'll give you the last word.


  9. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    "Ok, I'm done, I'll give you the last word"

    And I will have the last word. Your plan will not work. The current terminal address is 7100 Terminal Drive. That is exactly half way between SW 54 (the northern edge of the runways) and SW 104 (the southern edge), therefore it IS NOW half way, thus making it midifield. The current terminal would have to be demolished thus costing at least 250,000,000 more than is neccessary. The parking in the middle is not practical as it will disrupt the current flow of taxing aircraft. The only plan is a duplicate terminal. A hub can not operate with 20 gates. It requires a minimum of 30.

    The tunnel although workable, is not the answer. the third main runway would have to run east of Portland, and would have bridges connecting it to the main taxiway.

    The taxi time is usually five minutes. I have timed it many times.

    Now for that last word... Finis.

  10. #35
    Hammond Guest

    Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    I have to wonder. How many of you have ever even met Luther Trent, much less had an in depth conversation about our City and air transit with him? From the posts I've read, so far I would have to conclude the majority are armchair experts.

    Am I saying that we cannot be better that we are? Of course not. Collectively, we are capable of great accomplishments.

    If any of you think you can do a better job than Mr. Trent, I'm sure the City will be pleased to accept your distinguished application. I, as many others, will look forward to your efforts to surpass those that have come before you.


  11. #36
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammond
    I have to wonder. How many of you have ever even met Luther Trent, much less had an in depth conversation about our City and air transit with him? From the posts I've read, so far I would have to conclude the majority are armchair experts.

    Am I saying that we cannot be better that we are? Of course not. Collectively, we are capable of great accomplishments.

    If any of you think you can do a better job than Mr. Trent, I'm sure the City will be pleased to accept your distinguished application. I, as many others, will look forward to your efforts to surpass those that have come before you.

    That's one reason why I haven't made a post on this thread. I know what Mr. Trent's position is/was, however, I have no idea what has happened under his supervision. Because of that I can't make a judgement on what he has or hasn't done.

  12. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Keith, Im sorry

    You do have the right to judge Luther Trent.

    He is/was a municiple official and they all should be held accountable. Any mention of the ORIGINAL airport plan and Luther's response is usually to blow you off about the pax counts. Were are the facts? Where is the citizen insight/oversight committee (like the one for Bricktown).

    Im not saying that all is bad. Surely, the new terminal looks much much better and is larger than the original - but we were promised a two phase terminal expansion; consisting of expanded terminal and two relocated concourses. That was the original plan, costing $110 million and giving us 25 gates. Phase 3 was supposed to be a "future" central concourse, bringing the number of gates to 35.

    Look at the current web site, and it shows that Phase 3 is the completion of the East Concourse only - not a mention of the central!!!

    So, this is why I question his "leadership." I dont care what Cornett says, Luther failed miserably and should be held accountable. If Cornett wont do it, then perhaps it is time for him to go as well.

    You all should not step back and let city leaders get rich off of your tax dollars. You were promised a fully functioning 25 gate, twin concourse facility of 580,000 sq feet - to be completed by end 2005; through two phases [phase I, demolition Concourse C and new Concourse West with new roadways., phase II, demolition Concourse B and new Concourse East with Main Terminal Expansion]. Phase III was supposed to be a New Central Concourse, bringing the total to three concourses and 35 gates - and was to be shelled in above the original cost of $110 mil.

    Why were we shorted with a 420,000 sq ft facility and one concourse, with East now designated as the "expansion" and not the Central? Where is the money? What are they waiting on? Who changed the plans? Why did they try to "sneak" these changes in on you?

    These should be questions every citizen of OKC should have for Luther Trent and the Mike. The should be held accountable and Keith, you SHOULD question them!!!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  13. #38
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    This just shows you how behindour airport is. We're celebrating the addition of a few new shuttle busses, while DFW is celebrating the addition of a new monorail system.


    "Will Rogers Airport deploys new Shuttle Fleet

    Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2005
    Will Rogers Airport officials announced this morning that the airport has has replaced its on-airport shuttle buses with a modern fleet of six new vehicles, two of them designed for people with physical disabilities.

    The shuttle buses will roll into service at 10 a.m. this morning, Tuesday, July 26. They are expected to depart from the airport's Snow Barn, located at 5920 S. Air Cargo Road, and will proceed to the long-term shuttle lot and begin operations.

    According to officials, to symbolize the speedy service available to travelers who use one of the two shuttle parking lots at Will Rogers, the buses have been branded with a Disney-like caricature of a spirited steed and the hip new name, "Giddy Up."

    As well, all six buses are fully air-conditioned and equipped with comfortable seats and ample room for baggage. The buses will operate on a six- to eight-minute schedule as each circles a route from the lower level of the terminal (just outside the baggage claim area) to a parking lot, then back to the terminal’s second level for direct entry to ticketing counters and gates. Shuttle drivers also will load and unload baggage for passengers.

    According to Luther Trent, the airport's outgoing director, said "New shuttle buses are a key part of our plan to make Will Rogers a world-class airport that delivers a safe, secure and convenient experience for all our air travelers."

    He added the new shuttle fleet is being added to complement the $110 million expansion and re-construction of the terminal building at Will Rogers World Airport, which is ongoing and is funded by the Oklahoma City Airport Trust. All of the work is scheduled for completion by early next year."

  14. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    It is really a sad day when a major city of nearly 1.5 million people brag about new shuttles instead of the shiney, new 40 gate terminal that blows away the competition.

  15. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Has anybody heard how the search is going for his replacement? I sure hope they are looking to make a dynamic hire.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    the buses have been branded with a Disney-like caricature of a spirited steed and the hip new name, "Giddy Up."
    New shuttle buses are a key part of our plan to make Will Rogers a world-class airport

    Yes, nothing says 'hip' and 'world-class' like buses named Giddy Up!

  17. Thumbs down Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner
    Yes, nothing says 'hip' and 'world-class' like buses named Giddy Up!

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I can't stop laughing at that one!!!!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  18. #43

    Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    I have to wonder. How many of you have ever even met Luther Trent, much less had an in depth conversation about our City and air transit with him? From the posts I've read, so far I would have to conclude the majority are armchair experts.
    Mr. Trent is a public official that is accountable to the citizens of OKC.

    At the very least, he, the airport trust and their marketing director have not been very helpful in sharing information. People from this forum have sent many letters and emails to the various people involved and they only grudgingly replied, if at all.

    A person in leadership should be judged by accomplishments or lack thereof, and Mr. Trent is no different. And while others may be of the opinion he did a fine job like Mr. Couch, his viewpoint was shared here as well.

    It's obvious several posters here really know their stuff when it comes to airports and commerical aviation and OKC is better served by them speaking out. The criticism here has been specific and constructive and driven by the desire for Oklahoma City to have the best possible facilities and air service.

    You might disagree with some of the points made, but it's silly to argue against their expression.

  19. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Malibu Sooner. I agree totally with you. A tip of the hat to you, sir.

    There are people who will say just because they know someone, they are great at their job. And others who will say they are great at their jobs, but have not experienced a great deal of that professsion (in this case traveling). Therefore, they close their minds due to lack of research and true knowlege.

    As one person who travels as much as he can, and most of that is by air, I have been in nearly every major city in this country, and have seen first hand the airports in these cities. Even if I do not fly into a city, I will drive around their commercial airport and look around. I have yet to see one that is smaller than Will Rogers in a city our size or larger.

    Luther Trent is in charge of the facility. He and the airport trust have control over what expansion is done, and the airline service we have to offer. We are WAY UNDER SERVED.

    This man has NOT done his job to the level we should expect. In fact, if he was an employee of mine, he would have been fired for lack of performance.

    Will Rogers, although a very attractive facelift, is still an embarrasment. A caring person who is aggressive at his or her job is what we need. Not some guy sitting at his desk waiting to retire.

  20. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    The shuttles Giddy Up should have a direct route to the nearest Piggly Wiggly ....

    hip new name? Giddy Up?

    What the ????
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    According to the Oklahoman today, a new director should be named in the next couple of weeks. They said it will be someone that is currently #2 at a big airport or #1 from a smaller airport. I hope it is the #2 at a big airport. There are very few smaller airports I would want to get their director.

  22. Default Re: Luther Trent is retiring

    Quote Originally Posted by brianinok
    According to the Oklahoman today, a new director should be named in the next couple of weeks. They said it will be someone that is currently #2 at a big airport or #1 from a smaller airport. I hope it is the #2 at a big airport. There are very few smaller airports I would want to get their director.
    You are correct. We need the heavy hitter. Maybe our words and my emails paid off afterall.

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