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Thread: Obnoxious commercials

  1. Default Obnoxious commercials

    What do you think are the most obnoxious commercials. And why?

    Mine for one is Oklahoma Discount Furniture. I like my hearing too much to listen to that loud mouth.

  2. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    How about the 100 no agent, I get tired of seeing that ad every 5 seconds on every channel, and that same woman it drive me crazy just to hear her voice. It just makes me sick everytime I see that commercail. The discount furniture is another very annoying commercail to, I get tired of it I have ot mute the tv or change the channel just so I don't have to hear it.

  3. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Actually it is 800 no agent. The only thing I personally do not like is Paulette Kinsgton's voice delivery. Ahe needs to be bit softer.

  4. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Yup that is the one, sounds like she is trying to scream or is in a hurry to get all the words out she just hollers throught he whole ad. Either way I hate it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    800 no agent
    I don't like any of her commercials. I noticed she has a number of commercials that are all very similiar. I'm sure shes a good person. I just don't like the commercials.

    I also have a dislike for Big Red Sports and Imports on the radio. The norman guy. Now he is a real jerk and so is his son. But thats okay I would never buy my car in norman anyway. The used car salesman stereotype is alive and well down there.

  6. #6
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by rxis
    800 no agent
    I don't like any of her commercials. I noticed she has a number of commercials that are all very similiar. I'm sure shes a good person. I just don't like the commercials.

    I also have a dislike for Big Red Sports and Imports on the radio. The norman guy. Now he is a real jerk and so is his son. But thats okay I would never buy my car in norman anyway. The used car salesman stereotype is alive and well down there.
    Yeah, but don't you like his cool mullet?

  7. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    I can't believe so many people dislike this commercial! I thought for sure the phone would be ringing off the hook upon hearing that break some glass - screeching whine, imploring them to call, voice ......

    Why oh why, would they ever choose someone with that tone, that pitch, that ear splitting annoying vocal catastrophe?

    I'm so pleased to hear that I'm not the only one that changes the channel immediately.

    You know what else I don't like, the silent commercial with the two attorneys, obviously it's not very effective since I can't remember their names, but they drive me crazy and the Mathis ones? Won't even go there.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Speaking of Mathis, have any of you guys seen the new Fowler commercials mocking the Mathis Bros. commercials? They're quite creative and hilarious. I wonder what the Mathis Bros. think!

  9. #9
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Speaking of Mathis, have any of you guys seen the new Fowler commercials mocking the Mathis Bros. commercials? They're quite creative and hilarious. I wonder what the Mathis Bros. think!
    I think they are hilarious. As soon as I saw the commericial , I laughed all the way through it. I really dont think that Mathis Brothers will say anything about it. Its all good fun. They probably got a kick out of it too.

  10. #10
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    How about attorney's Vaughn and Conway? They always make it a point that they will get to you and help you no matter what. They have been seen in scuba gear, flying a helicopter, skating on the ice with an OKC Blazer hockey player, and many other things.

    Now, it seems as if one of them is in trouble for domestic abuse.

  11. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    attorney's Vaughn and Conway

    Yes, those are the perpetrators! The silent attorneys - I don't like their commercials at all - they are so irritating.

    I guess I'm not a lover of commercials unless they are funny - check out the Bear - Salmon commercial I posted on another thread - now I think that is hysterical.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    attorney's Vaughn and Conway

    Yes, those are the perpetrators! The silent attorneys - I don't like their commercials at all - they are so irritating.

    I guess I'm not a lover of commercials unless they are funny - check out the Bear - Salmon commercial I posted on another thread - now I think that is hysterical.
    I agree and saw the spot. Yes, it was quite funny. I look at a commerical and rate it based on creativity. I guess that is natural coming from a guy with a broadcasting degree. The one's I like best are singing commercials that are not donuts. For those that do not know what a "donut" is, it is a commercial that has copy first, then a local tag, then more copy. In other words, it has a hole in the center. When someone sings a jingle (example from the current era is the Burger King spot with the singing black cowboy) and there is no voice, it shows more crativity and talent than some schmoe standing in front of a camera talking (although not a "schmoe," Paulette Kingston is an example). Some are funny. "ALFAC!"

    Another example of a bad commercial is when it is nothing but video and instrumental music and never a mention of the product... Maybe a logo, but no mention of the product. you need voice and then mention your product a minimum of four times in a 30 second spot... Just do not over do it.

    Of course, when the sound is turned all the way down, and some clown screams in your ear "OKLAHOMA DISCOUNT FURNITURE!!!!!" THAT bugs me.

  13. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    If it's any consolation to anyone, Oklahoma Discount Furniture no longer has "three great locations"; the store west of Penn Square (sharing a building with Beverly's Pancake Corner) is now a Worldwide Furniture, the second such store I've seen. (The first is in the Asian District, north of the milk bottle on Classen.)

  14. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by windowphobe
    If it's any consolation to anyone, Oklahoma Discount Furniture no longer has "three great locations"; the store west of Penn Square (sharing a building with Beverly's Pancake Corner) is now a Worldwide Furniture, the second such store I've seen. (The first is in the Asian District, north of the milk bottle on Classen.)
    Maybe the guy will scream softer. "TWO GREAT LOCATIONS!"

  15. #15
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    I saw the worst commercial I have ever seen in my life tonight. Norman Chrysler Plymouth has their pitch man, "Norman Nobody," acting like he is taking a sponge bath while washing a truck. The music sounds like stripper music, and he acts like a complete fool.

    I have seen him in other commersials, and he does a good job, however, he really sunk to the bottom on this one.

  16. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    He wasn't eating a burger at the end, was he?

  17. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    But... might I add that you guys all remember the names of the places and what they are advertising for on the irritating commericals... For the most part, I forget what they are selling when it's really funny... I usually only remember the funny part. So, while I don't plan on buying furniture or a car soon... and I sure hope I won't need a lawyer... the commericals do seem to stick when they rub me the wrong way!

  18. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    What are your thoughts on the Paris Hilton -- Carl's Junior Commercial?

  19. #19
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Well if I really wanted to see a skank eat a hambuger I would have lunch at the Red Dog.

  20. #20
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by OklaCity_75
    Well if I really wanted to see a skank eat a hambuger I would have lunch at the Red Dog.

    You got that right.

  21. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by OklaCity_75
    Well if I really wanted to see a skank eat a hambuger I would have lunch at the Red Dog.

    That is so funny!

  22. Talking Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by okcgoddess
    What are your thoughts on the Paris Hilton -- Carl's Junior Commercial?
    I'm just upset that it's not more like her 'home video' =)

  23. Default Re: Obnoxious commercials

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    I saw the worst commercial I have ever seen in my life tonight. Norman Chrysler Plymouth has their pitch man, "Norman Nobody," acting like he is taking a sponge bath while washing a truck. The music sounds like stripper music, and he acts like a complete fool.

    I have seen him in other commersials, and he does a good job, however, he really sunk to the bottom on this one.
    i actually thought this one was kinda funny. just because he was mocking the paris hilton carls jr. commercail. all his other commercials are horrible, though. they have nothing whatsoever to do with a car.

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