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We have too much 3rd world thinking in this city already. Underdeveloped neighborhoods served with all city services increase taxes for everyone else, or it results in an inefficient supply of services. There is a reason for planning and order to development. Buying property and holding the city as hostage isn't right either. So, property owners of vacant lots should pay a TRUE fair share of what it takes to maintain the area.
Awhile back I was in Beirut. There are many standing examples of buildings torn up by the war. They have been their as a blight for 20 years. The reason....vacant buildings aren't taxed. The owner has no incentive to clear the building and do something more productive with it. It doesn't cost them to hold it. They hope it is enough of a problem that they will be bought out. The government subsidizes this blackmail with no taxes. Face it, there are many who are happy to be leeches. The citizens should have a right to be protected from them through actions of city government oversight. Remember, your INDIVIDUAL rights end when they abridge MY individual rights. I don't want to pay for leeches.