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Thread: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    One thing I've noticed, which I'm sure is a consequence of the variability of franchisee implementations, is that a DQ store in one county may be a borderline dive, but one down the street may be really, really nice. I recall one store I visited in a suburb of Atlanta, and it was spit-and-polish clean and sharp looking, while one I has gone into in Gainesville, Florida was a pit.

    I know folks have varied opinions of McDonald's, but one thing I remember from a relative that used to work in one was that one thing that "corporate" McDonald's wouldn't tolerate from a franchisee were reports of dirty stores. They sent out "undercover" corporate monitors to franchisee stores periodically to assess their compliance with corporate rules, including cleanliness right down to the bathroom toilets. Now I'm not saying there aren't dirty McDonalds stores, but there is at least an intent to keep the places clean with an awareness of corporate consequence....don't think Braum's does anything like that.

  2. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Never have I heard anyone in Texas refer to the "Texas stop sign."
    I've seen that phrase on billboards in Texas.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    There are very good Dairy Queen stores in Anadarko, Clinton and Okmulgee, as well as in Chickasha. Also a good one in Blackwell and one just off I-35 around Tonkawa.

  4. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by easternobserver View Post
    There are very good Dairy Queen stores in Anadarko, Clinton and Okmulgee, as well as in Chickasha. Also a good one in Blackwell and one just off I-35 around Tonkawa.
    Since when was there one that opened in Okmulgee?

  5. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    > I may just have to treat myself to a trip to Chickasha...

    Make an old style night of it,. some Jake's Ribs, hit the DQ, enjoy their drive-in
    About the Chickasha trip, I'd also be compelled to have me a smashed onion burger at JW (or J&W) Grill nearby. Best ever.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 View Post
    This is very hypocritical because the chickashaDQ is the dirtiest nastiest fast food resturaunt in oklahoma
    actually no...try going to the mcdonalds off of I-35 and 10th street.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Peanut Buster Parfait > Blizzard

  8. #33

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    One thing I've noticed, which I'm sure is a consequence of the variability of franchisee implementations, is that a DQ store in one county may be a borderline dive, but one down the street may be really, really nice. I recall one store I visited in a suburb of Atlanta, and it was spit-and-polish clean and sharp looking, while one I has gone into in Gainesville, Florida was a pit.
    DQ corporate has pushed through a renovation package which has upset some of the old line DQ franchisees. Most of the stores around here have been redone but I know many of the small town ones have lagged behind. McDonald's has been going through the same thing with the McCafe concept.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    I know folks have varied opinions of McDonald's, but one thing I remember from a relative that used to work in one was that one thing that "corporate" McDonald's wouldn't tolerate from a franchisee were reports of dirty stores. They sent out "undercover" corporate monitors to franchisee stores periodically to assess their compliance with corporate rules, including cleanliness right down to the bathroom toilets. Now I'm not saying there aren't dirty McDonalds stores, but there is at least an intent to keep the places clean with an awareness of corporate consequence....don't think Braum's does anything like that.
    A McDonald's franchise is much more expensive than a DQ franchise and their franchise agreements are much stronger and the requirements to obtain a franchise are much higher.

    Braum's are all corporate owned, and yes, they need to have a better plan in place to deal with both the service and cleanliness of their stores. That has always been a disappointment in what is otherwise a quality place.

    Quote Originally Posted by dalelakin View Post
    Peanut Buster Parfait > Blizzard
    I like both, although I usually get the PBP 2to1 against the Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard. We alternate going between DQ, Amy's Ice Cream or Culver's or Freddy's if we are up in North Austin. We have been finishing up some that I brought back from Braum's in my trip to Altus.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    It appears to have been there for 30 years or more.
    Dairy Queen
    Something Different - Dairy Queen

    1000 E 6th St
    Okmulgee, OK 74447-4706
    (918) 756-4554

  10. #35

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    Braum's are all corporate owned, and yes, they need to have a better plan in place to deal with both the service and cleanliness of their stores. That has always been a disappointment in what is otherwise a quality place.

    from what ive heard, working at braums compared to other fast food chains in quite rigorous. next time you go to braums, feel free to ask them how hard their job is.

  11. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    I've lived in Okmulgee for nearly 2 years and had taken trips thru it since then. I don't remember one being there and definately have not been inside the resturant. The next time I drive thru, I will try to remember and find this place.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I've lived in Okmulgee for nearly 2 years and had taken trips thru it since then. I don't remember one being there and definately have not been inside the resturant. The next time I drive thru, I will try to remember and find this place.
    It is at the corner of 6th and US 75.

    okmulgee dairy queen - Google Maps

  13. #38

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    DQ is a Texas staple, or has been in the past, because it has long been the only fast food chain the small towns. (Whataburger? Ha! Maybe in the small towns down near the coast, but nowhere I've ever been. In Corpus Christi, they're on every corner, though. No mistaking where headquarters is for that company.) What makes it a "staple" is that it's something that's always there, like milk in your fridge, not that its headquarters is there.

    And the "Texas stop sign" thing definitely was an advertising campaign on the part of DQ. It was on TV commercials and on roadside billboards.

    I certainly wouldn't argue with bringing the Blizzard back to town. I don't buy lookalikes at other chains. I just wait until I go somewhere and buy the real thing.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    When I was little, a local family ran a DQ up the street from the house, right next to a fam style diner they owned. Later in my youth it became a Daisy Queen. What caused the split, I dunno. To even ask was way beyond my interest level at that age. Everything still tasted delicious so daisy v dairy meant nada to a kid.

    But fab ice cream, a cinder block wall to sit and eat it on, then back on the bike again. I do miss those simple days.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Burger King married Dairy Queen and they lived together at the White Castle where they raised a son who grew up and left: a Jack, who lived in a box.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    They sometimes hopped on a Subway to go visit uncle Peppe Roni of the Pizza clan. A little Quizno for you. Did Peppe live in a hut, a shack, or an Inn?

    Answer - all three, peppi, he really got around

  17. #42

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    from what ive heard, working at braums compared to other fast food chains in quite rigorous. next time you go to braums, feel free to ask them how hard their job is.
    I have no doubt their jobs are hard.

    They still need to extend their QC efforts to their stores, because I believe there are more than a handful of people who would echo the sentiments about the inconsistent cleanliness of their stores. To me, its counterintutive that exclusively corporated-owned stores would exhibit such inconsistency.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    I know the DQ in grove has been going strong for at least 20 years. Its ran really well. I remember the times when I was "good" during the grocery shopping at IGA my mom would stop thru DQ on the way home and I would get a sundae in a mini MLB batting helmet. Also my mom wasnt a very good cook so I always asked for an ice cream cake for my bday. Good memories. Plus its just tough to beat that steak finger basket.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_4_PREZIDENT08 View Post
    This is very hypocritical because the chickashaDQ is the dirtiest nastiest fast food resturaunt in oklahoma
    Yeah, but only because the Country Cottage in Locust Grove is closed.

    For the time being.

    Someday it'll reopen and regain it's rightful title. I miss that place. They had the best e-coli burgers I've ever tasted.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    FYI...if you're heading down to Dallas on I-35 and you want to do the DQ thang...there's one in Valley View 13 miles south Gainesville @ Exit 455 and one in Denton @ the hwy 380 exit. Both are right off of I-35. Gainesville had 4 DQ's in the 70's but now they're all gone.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    I remember while growing up, there was a DQ within walking distance of my house. That was a treat in the summer. Eventually the land lord decided he wanted to open up an ice cream shop so he booted them out... Of course, this wasn't in Oklahoma, so it doesn't have much to do with the conversation apart from it being a DQ.

    My local favorite right now is Rusty's.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by aintaokie View Post
    FYI...if you're heading down to Dallas on I-35 and you want to do the DQ thang...there's one in Valley View 13 miles south Gainesville @ Exit 455 and one in Denton @ the hwy 380 exit. Both are right off of I-35. Gainesville had 4 DQ's in the 70's but now they're all gone.
    theres also a DQ going northbound towards wichita on I-35..i think its in a town called Billings..in Kay County, inside of a gas station..its was three years ago at least when i was there last in summer 06.

  23. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by mireaux View Post
    theres also a DQ going northbound towards wichita on I-35..i think its in a town called Billings..in Kay County, inside of a gas station..its was three years ago at least when i was there last in summer 06.
    That was there the last time I went that way, about a year ago. It's the Billings/Marland exit. I think the exit number is 203.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    My mother worked at a DQ near N. May and Britton Rd. in the '60's. It was a fantastically managed store, very clean and all the food was awesome. They cleaned the store from top to bottom every day and most of the surfaces in the kitchen were stainless steel. It was one of Mr. Dunn's DQs and he was a real taskmaster. To this day, there is just nothing I enjoy better than a Peanut Buster Parfait. I guess it's the combination of salted redskin peanuts, fudge and ice cream. Nothing else like it!

  25. Default Re: Dairy Queen ever coming back to OKC?

    RealJimbo, that is an awful avatar!!! You need to crop out that pix to remove all that white blank space.

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