It's almost time again!
deadCENTER Preview Party
Friday, May 29th, 7:30-9:30pm
Sponsored by the XO Lounge and X-Rated Vodka in the Hip Basement of the Colcord Hotel
$100 per couple grants you access to the event featuring, food, fun, film clips, and cocktails
$250 per couple grants you access to the event AND! two All-Access passes to the festival.
This is the only fundraiser deadCENTER hosts all year long. C'mon, if you divide $250 by 12 parties (Preview + the 11 at the fest), 3 Panels, 1 Screenplay reading, and 90 films, that works out to be... . 84cents per event, per person. You can afford that!
The All-Access Pass gets you GUARANTEED entry into all deadCENTER Screenings - that's over 90 films folks!
GUARANTEED entry into all deadCENTER Parties - coffee or cocktails, you're looking at 11 chances to drink and get a snack! GUARANTEED entry into the Panel Series - and we've got some FIERCE faces coming into the 4-0-5 this year - you can't miss!
And an awesome goody bag, with a program, and a t-shirt, maybe some gum or breathmints or something AWESOME. See you in the deadCENTER of the action! RSVP now by calling 405-246-9233 or go Go online now for more about the fest!