Well, he is a grown man on the out of wedlock thing.
I'm offended that he attacked a teenager, notwithstanding that some don't like the mother. Like I mentioned before, if she really is a crappy person/mother - all the more reason to be gentle with the kids. The girl didn't do anything to deserve that. Attack Mom if you don't like mom. It is not open season on the teens just because. Anyone who would do that is flat out mean.
All Letterman had to do was say he was wrong, didn't think through the joke and apologize. Hell, he even admitted that saying that about a fourteen your old would be wrong but started splitting hairs over an 18 year old. It wouldn't have killed him to be gracious/kind. He just wouldn't do it. Shame on him for not being a bigger man and putting kindness ahead of his pride/defensiveness. Wouldn't have cost him a cent to simply say the "joke" backfired and apologize to the young girl if it caused her embarassment. Wouldn't you do that if you smarted off about a neighbor's kid and everyone heard it? We all would. We'd be embarassed that we said something mean and apologize. He's human, he screwed up, admit it, apologize and stop acting like a jerk.