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Thread: Rant...

  1. #1

    Default Rant...

    Okay, this has to be said... OKC cops are freakin cowards.

    I have numerous stories to tell, but after this dork Martin Daniel (wish he could read this board so I could say my mind to him as we speak,) pulled his god complex stunt, the cops here in Oklahoma are drawing the line.

    Let me say first off that I won't be supporting them anymore. They call my house wanting a donation, they can kiss my ***. I don't believe in corruption and inferiority complex's, so I won't be supporting them until I know all police stations start filtering who they get out there to be the supposed protector's of our state.

    Now, why cops are bothering me with all this news stems from the fact of many things.

    1. One day while leaving my house, I said I believed cops were corrupt. This was while a cop was at my house due to a scuffle between my step dad, and his sister. She wouldn't leave the property. However, when I said that, and not related to the cop in question, he got irate with me. OVER AN OPINION! That's called being above the law. Hey dip ****, land of the free, remember?

    2. I see cops all the time, no sirens on, just cutting people off the road. Driving 80 mph on the highway. One time I saw this cop speeding, he turned his sirens on to go past red lights. Only I caught him stopping at a store, which I stopped by in to see if something was happening. The clown was buying a donut and laughing it up with the cashier. No emergency, he just wanted a donut. Pathetic.

    3. And now you have this joke of a human Daniel Martin (god I so wish he would read this.) He not only tries to show off some machoness in front of his wife, who is probably cheating on him, so he is trying to show why he is cool, but he stops a paramedic from doing his job, and then they choke this one guy for trying to hurry this lady to a hospital. Pure above the law-ness there. He kept telling a guy he was under arrest just for not seeing him. He looked stressed, but if you're stressed, YOU SHOULDN'T BE A COP!!!

    The city and state needs to fire this punk for being an idiot. An idiot who needs to lose his wife, because he probably vents frustration at her. They need to filter who joins the squad, because I do believe in corrupt cops, and I believe most if not all cops here in the city and state, act as though they are above the law.

    The more I see this, the more I want to give cops the finger... At least I can say what I want here, and I dare some cop to come on here, and say they're going to arrest me for an opinion, just so I can prove how inferior they really are.

    Cops are supposed to protect and serve. Not be arrogant, and choke people, then cover their wrongdoings up.

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Rant...

    Meh, cops are people too. Some good, some bad. You're painting with too broad a brush, IMHO.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rant...

    I agree with MadMonk. A few bad apples spoil the bunch, in the eyes of some.
    With that said, I support your right to voice your opinion. I also agree with your assessment of how the EMT paramedic was abused.

    On the other hand, my brother's a cop. He's the coolest dude I know. I've been to plenty of FOP functions and by and large cops are good folks.

    There are filters in place, job screening, and internal affairs investigators. Sure there is corruption-you get that in any government body. But when you need a cop, lets just hope there is one available to protect and serve you.

    Do I think a cop is going to save my life if a bad guy breaks in my home? Or tries to carjack me? Hell no. That's why I got my concealed carry permit. I'll protect myself. But if you think for a second that soceity would be better off without them, you're sadly misguided.

  4. Default Re: Rant...

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Okay, this has to be said... OKC cops are freakin cowards.
    The one that searched my house after some thug kicked in the door and ransacked the place wasn't a coward. Went in not knowing who or what was behind the corner.

    She definitely wasn't a coward.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rant...

    Sorry to hear about your problems. I've always had courteous, professional interactions with OKC police. Norman, now that's another story.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rant...


    That clearly shows who was wrong in the matter... Funny thing is, they're saying the cop did no wrong, but you can see how he acted in the dash cam video.

    He was so rude, it is pathetic, and this guy is getting paid to be at home.

    So sad... I would like to send a letter to this precinct, or email them about the matter. Any way to do so?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Rant...

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post

    That clearly shows who was wrong in the matter... Funny thing is, they're saying the cop did no wrong, but you can see how he acted in the dash cam video.

    He was so rude, it is pathetic, and this guy is getting paid to be at home.

    So sad... I would like to send a letter to this precinct, or email them about the matter. Any way to do so?
    You must have really wanted to be heard. This subject already exists in another thread:


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