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Thread: Moving back into OKC (Mesta Park area) from Edmond..Questions

  1. #1
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Moving back into OKC (Mesta Park area) from Edmond..Questions

    We've been living in NW Edmond for the last 6 years (Deer Creek) and have grown tired of the long commute and rural/suburban lifestyle...so we decided to move back into OKC...we're looking specifically into the Mesta Park area. Anyone live there? Any general thoughts on the area? We have one kindergarten aged daughter. The local Elementary is good, but we're most likely looking at a private school after that.

  2. Default Re: Moving back into OKC (Mesta Park area) from Edmond..Questions

    Yeah, we drove North the other day and I was thinking .. ugh, I'm so glad we are closer in town... that drive is crazy.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Moving back into OKC (Mesta Park area) from Edmond..Questions

    Glad to see you moving out of Edmond and into the heart of OKC. I live nearby the area and we will eventually move into Mesta/Heritage/Jefferson/Edgemere area. It is very beautiful and nothing like it in OKC as far as the historical structures and HUGE trees. On top of that, the areas are only getting better by the day and more and more unique stores and restaurants are filling in the nearby neighborhoods. Welcome back to OKC!

  4. #4
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Moving back into OKC (Mesta Park area) from Edmond..Questions

    Now if I could just find the right house

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