If that were true, then the folks growing up during the depression should have all weighed about 1,200 lbs each.
Amid all the hype and nonsense, folks, its about one thing.
Don't buy into the "villain food theology." Too much of any *one* kind of food (and anything else) isn't good for you. Too much inactivity. Too much activity. Too much (this), too little (that). If you're poking down McDonald's
seven days a week, don't be surprised at the result.
Get into some activity. Eat a few different things (heck, my wife even gets me to try a spinach salad and some veggies once in a while, even though I loathe most such things). And I speak as one of the sinners in this regard; I'm no virtue of health and fitness by any means - have fought weight all my life, just as my dad did, and just as his mom did, and just as my dad's mom did - and there wasn't one word of "lazy" in any of their vocabularies. They were/are some of the hardest working folks around.
But this idiotic notion that if we all have more money, or had more "doctors per capita" (or whatever) that we'd magically be "more fit" is just ludicrous.
Eat less.
Do more.
Maybe I could get a federal stimulus grant and start a program with that theme