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Thread: OKC Seminar

  1. Default OKC Seminar

    My wife pointed this out to me inthe Oklahoman this afternoon and I jumped right on it. You can get tickets for $4.95 if you jump on it right now. I don't think that offer lasts long. I have a small business and this will be a plus. Here's the link. Its on June 30th at the Cox Convention Center.

    Get Motivated Business Seminar

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC Seminar

    I saw this too, the line-up of speakers is awesome. Joe Montana. Colin Powel. Speaking at one event? That's pretty cool.

    A side note, you probably should have posted this in Metro Area Talk, or OKC Underground.

    Welcome to OKC Talk.

  3. Default Re: OKC Seminar

    thanks - I'm still getting used to everything.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC Seminar

    What's the gimmick? By that I mean how much does Zig Ziglar charge for the "course" that you're whipped up into buying before you leave the Cox?

    Has anyone been to Zig's seminars?

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC Seminar

    If you can't self-motivate and you're running a small business, you're doing the wrong thing.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC Seminar

    I think I would prefer the motivational speaker that ties the Bible to business practices..."It's what we need in these times blah blah"

    That commercial is douchey for sure and I would hope no one would waste their money on that a** clown...Talk about a cheap gimmick

  7. Default Re: OKC Seminar

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    If you can't self-motivate and you're running a small business, you're doing the wrong thing.

    Do you run a small business? Trust me - every little boost helps. It kinda falls under the whole - 'who motivates the motivator?' scenario. When you give it your all ALL THE TIME it wears you down. I can always use an energy boost and motivational inspiration from others who inspire.


  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC Seminar

    I work in the family business which is a small business. I suspect it'll probably be me running the business a few years from now. I also have many friends and colleagues who are small business people, not to mention the clients of the family business who count on us for services and advice. My small business credentials are decent.

    A big part of my undergraduate degree focused on things like leadership (actually have a lot of academic background in the area) and communications skills in the workplace. It's my opinion that all of that stuff is about 99% malarkey. I've taught classes, seminars, etc. on leadership. It boils down to this: do what you need to do to succeed. Sometimes it takes planning, sometimes it takes execution, sometimes it takes some or a lot of both. After you've done any sort of business for awhile, you get a sense of what works and what you need to do. You might need to hire a consultant or get some information if you plan to expand, but otherwise, leadership and motivation are not things you can learn by sitting in a seminar -- these are things you learn by doing.

    Whatever though. It's not for me, but whatever floats your boat. If it works for you to have some speaker tell you you're awesome and that you need to go do the stuff you know you gotta do, then great. Go do that.

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