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Thread: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

  1. #2176

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    A free trip of Fly fishing with you and the Prunette. He is to drive to where you are and you are to show him a wonderful time and cook him all the trout (both of them) that you catch this next week....O. K.?...Rumor is though the Papa is next on the liter board for "Dancing with the Stars". We have to get behind him and support by calling 1-866-BR549 and get the votes in before Simon Cowell puts him on American Idol with Tatianna and she starts crying over him...."I don't Know." Hope you guys are having a great time......By the way, your Credit Card was denied at Coit's and Rickster and Steve are still over there washing the plastic Plates....Southside girl is having to be a Car Hop...Bowtie guy is cleaning the Parking lot and Frisky is still trying to explain to coit's that YOU told us it was good. I got out of there early with Doug and MMM and help them find the refinery.....See what you have been missing?????and the Missus General64 said don't forget the brochures....See ya next time:...........Generals64......
    Are brochures in season?

  2. #2177

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Are brochures in season?
    Just start getting your dancing shoes ready......I just don't want to see you in that fancy garb they all wear. Lace up work boots and Osh Kosh overalls will serve well...You can go without a shirt however.....If you can't handle it we'll let the Bowtie Guy or CHHS73. He looked like he was quick on his feet....

  3. #2178

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Just start getting your dancing shoes ready......I just don't want to see you in that fancy garb they all wear. Lace up work boots and Osh Kosh overalls will serve well...You can go without a shirt however.....If you can't handle it we'll let the Bowtie Guy or CHHS73. He looked like he was quick on his feet....
    Listen!! If I'm going on world wide television I want to leave an impression.

    I'll wear a newt costume.

    "The lad searches the night for his newts"

  4. #2179
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    A free trip of Fly fishing with you and the Prunette. He is to drive to where
    you are and you are to show him a wonderful time and cook him all the
    trout (both of them) that you catch this next week... O.K.? Rumor is
    though the Papa is next on the liter board for "Dancing with the Stars". We
    have to get behind him and support by calling 1-866-BR549 and get the
    votes in before Simon Cowell puts him on American Idol with Tatianna and
    she starts crying over him... "I don't Know." Hope you guys are having a
    great time... By the way, your Credit Card was denied at Coit's and
    Rickster and Steve are still over there washing the plastic
    Plates... Southside girl is having to be a Car Hop... Bowtie guy is cleaning
    the Parking lot and Frisky is still trying to explain to coit's that YOU told us
    it was good. I got out of there early with Doug and MMM and help them
    find the refinery... See what you have been missing? and the Missus
    General64 said don't forget the brochures... See ya next
    time... Generals64...
    My credit card was denied? That's what the hotels have been saying all

    A fly fishing trip? Papa don't need no fly fishing trip. He might have some
    fishy thoughts... make that a lot of fishy thoughts but he don't need no
    fly fishing trip. Besides, I'm lost and there ain't no way anyone is going to
    find me. I don't even know where I am. Good luck Papa.

    Hey! Today I hit the Appalachia Trifecta. I caught a Brook, Rainbow and
    a Brown trout! 11 nice ones today! There were a couple that were huge
    but, of course, they got away. At least I have a witness, or did. The
    highway patrol shot him dead when we were trying to out run them.
    There's some talk that we'll be on Fox News tomorrow. It's a white Honda
    Pilot. These North Carolina troopers are touchy. I've got a new dog bite to
    show everybody. Hope it lasts long enough. I didn't need a tourniquet.
    Just a dozen stitches. They say I can leave tomorrow. I used my credit
    card. I hope they don't check it until I'm out of here.

    The cockroaches here at the Buncomb County jail are huge. They make
    those at South East look like gnats. They're huge. I doubt very seriously
    that the ones in the cafeteria at Capitol Hill are this big. Especially up here
    on the 3rd floor. We had tapioca. I think it was tapioca, but it didn't smell
    like tapioca. Has anyone ever had brown tapioca?

    Yesterday I heard a Blue Grass band called BR-549! They were fabulous.

    Don't ever trust Frisky or anyone who wears a bowtie. They're both big
    trouble waiting to hatch. As far as Southside Girl goes, she'll be passing
    out some black eyes to those fresh southsiders. I still put a piece of steak
    on mine.

    Doug and mmm at the same place? Isn't there a law that says they can't
    be within 10 miles of each other? I think the City Council voted
    unanimously on that in 2002. I might be wrong, but we all know that I'm
    never wrong.

    The brochures to Jesse's are in Prunette's car as we speak. Why does Mrs
    Gen64 want brochures to Jesse's. Don't ask me how I finagled taking her
    car on the trip. My ears are still ringing.

    See you in the funny papers... or the police blotter...

  5. #2180
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Just start getting your dancing shoes ready... I just don't want to see you in
    that fancy garb they all wear. Lace up work boots and Osh Kosh overalls will
    serve well... You can go without a shirt however... If you can't handle it we'll
    let the Bowtie Guy or CHHS73. He looked like he was quick on his feet...
    I just had a horrific visual. I may never attend another South Side meeting as
    long as I live.

    We'll have to see what Mom thinks of this.

  6. #2181

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    My credit card was denied? That's what the hotels have been saying all

    A fly fishing trip? Papa don't need no fly fishing trip. He might have some
    fishy thoughts... make that a lot of fishy thoughts but he don't need no
    fly fishing trip. Besides, I'm lost and there ain't no way anyone is going to
    find me. I don't even know where I am. Good luck Papa.

    Hey! Today I hit the Appalachia Trifecta. I caught a Brook, Rainbow and
    a Brown trout! 11 nice ones today! There were a couple that were huge
    but, of course, they got away. At least I have a witness, or did. The
    highway patrol shot him dead when we were trying to out run them.
    There's some talk that we'll be on Fox News tomorrow. It's a white Honda
    Pilot. These North Carolina troopers are touchy. I've got a new dog bite to
    show everybody. Hope it lasts long enough. I didn't need a tourniquet.
    Just a dozen stitches. They say I can leave tomorrow. I used my credit
    card. I hope they don't check it until I'm out of here.

    The cockroaches here at the Buncomb County jail are huge. They make
    those at South East look like gnats. They're huge. I doubt very seriously
    that the ones in the cafeteria at Capitol Hill are this big. Especially up here
    on the 3rd floor. We had tapioca. I think it was tapioca, but it didn't smell
    like tapioca. Has anyone ever had brown tapioca?

    Yesterday I heard a Blue Grass band called BR-549! They were fabulous.

    Don't ever trust Frisky or anyone who wears a bowtie. They're both big
    trouble waiting to hatch. As far as Southside Girl goes, she'll be passing
    out some black eyes to those fresh southsiders. I still put a piece of steak
    on mine.

    Doug and mmm at the same place? Isn't there a law that says they can't
    be within 10 miles of each other? I think the City Council voted
    unanimously on that in 2002. I might be wrong, but we all know that I'm
    never wrong.

    The brochures to Jesse's are in Prunette's car as we speak. Why does Mrs
    Gen64 want brochures to Jesse's. Don't ask me how I finagled taking her
    car on the trip. My ears are still ringing.

    See you in the funny papers... or the police blotter...
    There may be a academy award nomination for your trout hunting video....PRICELESS!

  7. #2182

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Hey Prune! If your in Buncomb County your in the prettiest part of N.C. as far as I am concerned. I live in Ashville and I know it ain't southside OKC but it will do.

  8. #2183

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    Hey Prune! If your in Buncomb County your in the prettiest part of N.C. as far as I am concerned. I live in Ashville and I know it ain't southside OKC but it will do.
    Hey, you guys are close enough to each other to go out on a date...."70 they had a TG&Y reunion a week ago Saturday. Not a whole lot of them left though...

  9. #2184

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    64 I'am not dating men right now and especially not old one's. But seriously where was the reunion and did you go?

  10. #2185

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Hey, you guys are close enough to each other to go out on a date...."70 they had a TG&Y reunion a week ago Saturday. Not a whole lot of them left though...
    There were few there because you and your crew were given a bogus address.......

    Had a great turnout at the actual location.

  11. #2186

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    There were few there because you and your crew were given a bogus address.......

    Had a great turnout at the actual location.
    the TG&Y reunion was in the Conference room of Hobby Lobby. David Green (owner of Hobby Lobby) was a former TG&Y guy. You probably know him from maintenance in the stores he Supervised. Great guy though....Knows his business well...............

  12. #2187
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories... anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    Hey Prune! If your in Buncomb County your in the prettiest part of N.C. as far
    as I am concerned. I live in Ashville and I know it ain't southside OKC but it
    will do.
    We've been driving through Ashville to get to the Davidson and some stream
    south of Brevard. I'm staying in Ridgecrest.

    Macon county is mighty nice. I spent many childhood summers in Franklin and
    on the Cullasaga.

  13. #2188

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    All in all N.C. is a beautiful state, the coast, the outer banks, the mountains and just about all of the rest of the state. If you have time while your in the area check out Lake Lure and Chimney Rock it's real close to the area your in and is one of the most beautiful spots on earth. A lot of movie scenes are shot there. Hope your having a good time.

  14. #2189
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    All in all N.C. is a beautiful state, the coast, the outer banks, the mountains
    and just about all of the rest of the state. If you have time while your in the
    area check out Lake Lure and Chimney Rock it's real close to the area your in
    and is one of the most beautiful spots on earth. A lot of movie scenes are
    shot there. Hope your having a good time.
    We've been fishing and that's it. Wake up, go to breakfast, go to church,
    go fish the rest of the day, find a place to eat and talk fly fishing then go to
    the lodge and talk some more about fly fishing and go to bed, repeat the next
    day. It's been a fabulous time.

  15. #2190

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    well, old Pruner is fishing and having a great time its seems and this just brings back old memories of Crawdad fishing in Lighting. I always wanted to Blood Pincher sized crawdads to practice "catch and Release"....you know, they would catch the skin between your fingers and would NOT RELEASE....but, they sure were good to eat.....Poor man's Shrimp......Welcome to the Southside Memory thread......See ya next time:.......Generals64

  16. #2191

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Allright...back to southside memories. Does anyone remember the big old house that sat on the s.e. corner of s.w. 59th and Kentucky? Also the smaller homes that were at s.w. 61st and s. Douglas and s.w. 64th and s. Douglas? I believe the owners were brothers and would have been some of the early residents of this part of southside.

  17. #2192

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    Allright...back to southside memories. Does anyone remember the big old house that sat on the s.e. corner of s.w. 59th and Kentucky? Also the smaller homes that were at s.w. 61st and s. Douglas and s.w. 64th and s. Douglas? I believe the owners were brothers and would have been some of the early residents of this part of southside.
    If you mean the great big Ranch style home that was on 59th/Kentucky???? I have a great story on that one.....Ready??????.....My In-Laws bought it and had it moved to the east of Norman and they still live in it....

  18. #2193

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    If you mean the great big Ranch style home that was on 59th/Kentucky???? I have a great story on that one.....Ready??????.....My In-Laws bought it and had it moved to the east of Norman and they still live in it....
    So it's a mobile home??????????

  19. #2194

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    If you mean the great big Ranch style home that was on 59th/Kentucky???? I have a great story on that one.....Ready??????.....My In-Laws bought it and had it moved to the east of Norman and they still live in it....
    The house I remember was a 2-story, painted white. We kids used to go explore it because it was vacant around 63-64?

  20. #2195

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    The house I remember was a 2-story, painted white. We kids used to go explore it because it was vacant around 63-64?
    Hey buddy, you lost me on that one...59th & Kentucky???Hmmmm now i've got to get up and get in the truck and drive over there and try flashbacks,,,,

  21. #2196

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Hey buddy, you lost me on that one...59th & Kentucky???Hmmmm now i've got to get up and get in the truck and drive over there and try flashbacks,,,,
    You can have flashbacks at home. Saves gas.............

  22. #2197

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Generals64 View Post
    Hey buddy, you lost me on that one...59th & Kentucky???Hmmmm now i've got to get up and get in the truck and drive over there and try flashbacks,,,,
    64....The house didn't sit on the corner, it was further to the east. I think the owner may have owned alot of the property around that area.

  23. #2198

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    I met a great guy this weekend, he is a poet and writer. He has a neat website I figured you guys might like vrpi.com He is a shriner also as you know these fellas do alot for needy children, I believe he is going to join our little group soon. when you go to his site look at the lower left and click on "Memories of Days Past" sure takes me back!

    Just thought I would share it with yall.

  24. #2199

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by grantgeneral78 View Post
    I met a great guy this weekend, he is a poet and writer. He has a neat website I figured you guys might like vrpi.com He is a shriner also as you know these fellas do alot for needy children, I believe he is going to join our little group soon. when you go to his site look at the lower left and click on "Memories of Days Past" sure takes me back!

    Just thought I would share it with yall.
    don't mean this "Ugly" but, it took a southside pharmacy to get the city's attention. Probably too political to post on this thread and I think six shots was a little too much. But, the old southside boys don't like pistols shoved in their face......

  25. #2200

    Default Re: Southside OKC Memories....anyone?

    I say 6 shots was not enough, but thats for another topic.

    bet no one remembers where hagar slacks were made at in the southside of okc...betcha betcha!!

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