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Thread: OKC Film Exchange History

  1. Default OKC Film Exchange History

    First let me introduce myself...

    My name is Bradley Wynn and I have been compiling the history of the now & new Oklahoma City Film Exchange District since 2003. This new District is bordered by Walker to SW 2nd to Classen to NW 1st/Colcord. Within this amazing District are the remnants of a once thriving portion of our City's past. Along "Film Row" proper - from Dewey to Shartel and bordered by California and Main stand numerous buildings that were either constructed by or leased by major film studios beginning in the 1920s and right on up to the very early 1980's. This collection of studio offices made up what was called a Film Exchange. This is where theatre owners would go to screen and lease the films they were showing in their movie houses. There were also many ancilliary businesses that provided everything from posters to popcorn.

    Anyway, to make a long story short, I am compiling as much history as I can find about this particular portion of our city before those who remember it are gone. What I am asking, and why I am starting this thread, is for each of you - who are willing - to help me out with the many questions and more I find along my journey. I am also in DESPERATE need of historical photos from the area. None of the info or photos need be about the film stuff only. I want to know everything I can about this portion of our city, period. So, all topics are welcome. I am particularly interested in businesses, buildings, and everyday happenings within the area - and did I mention PHOTOS?? I NEED PHOTOS!!
    I will be checking this thread at least ONCE A DAY and soaking in all you can help me with. I ask that if any of you have any questions, to contact me directly VIA EMAIL (I work best this way and it helps me keep things written down). My email address is bradley@scriptfolio.net. I would appreciate sharing everything in this thread first, though, so that others can help elaborate or fill in missing details of what we - together - uncover.

    To learn more about the new Oklahoma City Film Exchange District, visit the web page I have compiled and am always working on. The address is:

    Oklahoma City Film Exchange District

    NOW for my FIRST question:

    Along the corner of Walker and Sheridan (originally called Grand Ave) was the Trianon (sp?) Ballroom. I want to know more. Anybody remember it, have photos, etc? I would love to know as much as I can about what used to be on that vast expanse of now bare grassy Urban Renewal ground.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Brad, do you have any more firm information on when the City is going to start Film Row streetscape? Also, glad to see the website updated!

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Fantastic website!

    That area has so much potential.

  4. Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    It has been my understanding that streetscapes would begin this summer - perhaps in June. I haven't heard any feedback though on if bids went out or were even awarded yet. I'll let you know.

    But as I have learned since my involvement, starting in 2003 - it is a slow road traveled. I am encouraged though because of the immense amount of effort and private funding that has been thrown into the area. If I'm not mistaken, to date well over $5 million dollars has been invested in the area. That wouldn't have happened if the overall vision wasn't coming to fruition. I know the City has been encouraged by it, despite the time factor.

    I will say this - once those streetscapes begin - that area will be one hot happening place. We are very lucky that so many properties are owned by only a few folks. It helps in cohesive efforts and will keep a good theme throughout.

    BTW - thanks for the comments about the website. I have a HOARD of things to add to it and I am still working on the information for the About section. There just isn't enough time in the day...

    BTW - did I mention I need PHOTOS!!!!!!!

  5. Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Bradley, I took at look at the OHS Star Archives but couldn't find anything. But, they have lots of stuff at the OHC that is not included in those on-line archives. Personally, I don't have any photos of or about the Film Exchange but if I run across anything I'll certainly let you know.

    Good luck with your projects ... everyone wants them to succeed.

  6. Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Bradley, Doug and I both will definitely keep an eye out for you. And folks, Bradley has put together a great site that is worth your time.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Brad, I enjoyed the photos of the workshops you held several years ago. I was a part of those workshops as I was working for a Hollywood studio at that time doing promotions. Also saw Steve in those pics as well!

  8. Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Those were some FUN days!! I'd love to do something like that again in the future, as long as the support was there. I still have all the set peices, etc.

    The Film Society went defunct after I stepped down (after five years, I was burned out). It just showed it was a one-man operation. I hated to see that happen, but it wasn't for me - it was for them - and them didn't want it bad enough, I guess.

    Instead, I just focused on my small business and my family - who patiently stood beside me when they saw me, throughout the Society years. But I got a lot done. There is a new Film District now and I'm proud to have been one of the founding visionaries and grunts involved with that. A lot of industry folks got together too and those conferences definately helped. So it wasn't all for naught.

    OK - enough of that....

    I should be putting some new pics of the Film Exchange area up on the site soon and maybe even a little about the history. Although, if folks go into the site they can read the newsletters I produced in 2006 and get some great info from the early planning to area's unique history. Again, here is the Link:

    Oklahoma City Film Exchange District Website

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Hello all,

    I'm the founder and co-owner of a local video/HD/film production company and we're very likely moving our offices into this area soon. I'm looking forward to reading your site about the history of the area, Bradley.


  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History


  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    Yes, we're excited about the possibilities. Do you office in the area, Metro?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post

  12. Default Re: OKC Film Exchange History

    I'll try to get the history and about portion of the site updated as soon as I can. Right now I'm trying to wrap up an in-depth writing with Count Gregore actor John Ferguson and then there's that Frontier City piece and.......

    Too many brands in the fire.

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