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Thread: Madagascar???

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Madagascar???

    Has anyone out there seen Madagascar? Supposedly it's supposed to be the Shrek2 of the summer. We're thinking about seeing it this weekend. Just wondering if anyone had any reviews.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Madagascar???

    It's not Shrek or Shrek II...wait for video

    Thanks for all the great posts

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Madagascar???

    Quote Originally Posted by okieopus
    It's not Shrek or Shrek II...wait for video

    Thanks for all the great posts
    So, do you not feel it's worth going to see?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Madagascar???

    It's okay....

    It has funny parts, but I would not pay 8 bucks to see it.

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith is much better, funny action and great story

  5. #5
    ErnieBall Guest

    Default Re: Madagascar???

    It was disappointing. It had a few good funny moments but it did not come close to approaching the quality of other animated films such as Shrek (both) or Finding Nemo. I would pass on seeing it until it comes out on DVD.

  6. #6
    terrared Guest

    Default Re: Madagascar???

    My little boys enjoyed it but hubby and I were glad when it was over. It's no Shrek or The Incredibles that's for sure!

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