I know we had a thread on this a while back, but I couldn't find it. Listening to my police scanner this morning, I heard about another gas drive off at a 7-11. I am really sick and tired of people stealing gas, causing prices to continue to go up, and cheating the retailer.
Here is my suggestion. If the clerk or someone else gets a tag number and description of the vehicle, I feel the police should find out who the owner of the vehicle is and issue them a ticket. I think the minimum amount of the ticket should be $200.00. Even if it wasn't the owner driving the vehicle, it still belongs to them, so they are responsible for any violations that occur if they loan the car to someone.
If the owner isn't the culprit, then the owner can find out who was driving the vehicle and let them pay the ticket. It would just take one time for a person to learn their lesson.
I know that we are short handed when it comes to law enforcement, however, this has become a huge problem and there needs to be a solution.
Any comments?