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Thread: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

  1. #1

    Default The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    I see historical examples of the flag post 1941:

    Oklahoma State Flag - About the Oklahoma Flag, its adoption and history from NETSTATE.COM

    and contemporary examples such as this:

    Flag of Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I notice the font is different; indeed, the font on the former example is reminiscent of a popular typeface dating to that era, whereas the font on the latter has a more businesslike air to it. I see both examples interchangeably when doing an image search, yet all the actual state flags I see these days have the square-ish font on the example shown on Wikipedia. Is a provision made for the style of font to be used?

  2. #2

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    if you look at your first link, it doesn't appear that any such provision is made. all that is stipulated is that the name 'oklahoma' appear in white under the shield on the flag's face.


  3. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Here's the current legal description:

    1. The Osage Indian warrior’s circular rawhide shield of amber buckskin is center upon a field of French Blue. On the face of the shield shall be six small gold brown crosses that match the thongs lacing the edge of the shield. The vertical bar of each cross shall be twenty-five percent (25%) longer than the horizontal bar, the lower width line of which shall be placed at the fifty percent (50%) mark of the vertical bar and the top width line shall be placed at the top twenty-five percent (25%) mark of the vertical bar. The width of the horizontal bar shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the vertical bar;

    2. The edge of the lower half of the shield shall be fringed with seven pendant eagle feathers of white tipped with gold brown;

    3. Across the face of the shield at right angle shall be a calumet or Indian pipe of peace, which shall have a ruby red bowl, flesh stem and be decorated with a ruby red tassel at the end. Above the calumet, lying at a right angle shall be an olive branch of Dartmouth green; and

    4. The name Oklahoma in white letters shall appear under the shield on the face of the flag.

    C. The standard colors used in production of the state flag shall be:

    1. Pantone Matching System, Pantone Inc., latest edition:

    a. field: French Blue PMS 285c,

    b. shield: amber PMS 465c,

    c. feathers shading: flesh and gold brown combination PMS 486c and PMS 174c,

    d. crosses and thongs: gold brown PMS 174c, and

    e. calumet: stem of pipe flesh PMS 486c, body of pipe and tassel ruby red PMS 195c, and olive branch Dartmouth green PMS 554c; and

    2. Colors shall be colorfast and shall not bleed one into another.
    Apparently, as noted, no font is mandated.

    OSCN Found Document:[SB 1359] - An Act relating to definitions and general provisions; amending 25 O.S. 2001, Section 91, which relates to the state flag; requiring standard colors and design used in the production of the state flag, etc.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Apparently, as noted, no font is mandated.
    Great, now someone is going to do it in comic sans....

  5. #5

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    Great, now someone is going to do it in comic sans....

    Or, if some recent legislation passes/were to pass...

  6. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    ^^^ That cracked me up! OKLAHOMA!

  7. #7

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Shouldn't it be more like this?

    I crack myself up sometimes. Thanks for inspiring me Free Wont!

  8. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Lets say Jeri Askin or Mary Falin won the Governor election.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Oooooh, what about in dingbat? I mean, if there's no font requirement that one has to look cool.

  10. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    For Luke!

  11. #11

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?


    Sally Kern and Mike Reynolds would not go for the Star of David in there.

    Expect a bill on the font, sometime this next week.

  12. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    I wouldn't laugh as much as I did at that comment, except for that fact it would probably be true if they read this board. Oh dear. Now I'm depressed by that thought.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    This is courtesy of a post I made on another thread. For all you anti Obama-ites. Enjoy!

    Yeah, I may have made it but would you have artistically taken the time to create it? I don't think so.

    The blue I couldn't cover up around the seal represents the few of us that voted for the guy!

  14. #14

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    For Luke!

    Shabbat Shalom and welcome to Oklahoma!

  15. #15

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?


    Sally Kern and Mike Reynolds would not go for the Star of David in there.

    Expect a bill on the font, sometime this next week. "

    I'm suprised that Sally Kern doesn't give this passage from the Old Testament as much validity as any other?

    Genesis 12:3 (King James Version)
    3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    In this passage God is speaking to Abraham the father of Israel.

    Has she, Sally Kern, expressed any anti-semitisim that would lead you to believe that she would propose such a thing, or were you just having fun?

  16. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Oh she hasn't expressed any anti-Semitism, but she's anti-pretty-much-anything-not-fundamentalist-Christian, so take it as it were...
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  17. #17

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Oh, so that was one of those 'I don't know where she's coming from' type of things, or I'm just having fun.

    As a fundamentalist christian, she will take the word of God seriously. As stated earlier Genesis states "3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee", so she will not be against the Israelites.

    Now I'm going to have to take the information you post with more scepticism since you have a tendency to 'fudge' on things.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    I'm not exactly sure what the big deal is..I jokingly made that comment, and I'm sorry if it offended you.

    She's not exactly known for tolerance..

  19. #19

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by jstanthrnme View Post

    Expect a bill on the font, sometime this next week.
    Or better yet, expect a bill establishing an official state font...

  20. #20

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    No offense, I was just looking for clarification. I have a little difficulity grasping the concept of her being against the symbol of a group she would back more than Girl Scouts or Little League amusing, but I guess it takes all kinds.

  21. Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?


  22. #22

    Default Re: The difference in fonts on the Oklahoma state flag--when did it happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by workman45 View Post
    As a fundamentalist christian, she will take the word of God seriously. As stated earlier Genesis states "3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee", so she will not be against the Israelites.
    Throughout the Bible, Israel has always been a people group based on relationship to God, not race. Galatians 3:28 & 29 makes clear who Abraham's descendants are, and it's not modern day Israel: "28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise."

    Basing official public policy on a faulty reading of Scripture is certainly a road we do not want to go down. Unfortunately, this public policy is the status quo. Instead of stirring up a hornets nest in the Middle East, Christians should be on the forefront of helping find a peaceful solution. And in my opinion, a two state solution seems to be the best option.

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