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Thread: The Miss USA Pagent

  1. #26

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. T in OKC View Post
    The Bible also says its okay to keep slaves. Going to stick with that as well?
    OMG thank you!!

    I hate when people pick and choose what parts of their bible they're willing to follow, and what parts they simply consider out of date.

    And as far as Miss Whatever's opinions, people have the right to be biggots, but don't forget people also have the right to call them on it.

    p.s. I can't STAND Perez Pigface Hilton.

  2. #27

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    OMG thank you!!

    I hate when people pick and choose what parts of their bible they're willing to follow, and what parts they simply consider out of date.

    And as far as Miss Whatever's opinions, people have the right to be biggots, but don't forget people also have the right to call them on it.

    p.s. I can't STAND Perez Pigface Hilton.
    You think this lady is a bigot because she is opposed to same sex marriage? So is Obama. I guess you think he is a bigot, too? So does Hillary. Bigot?

  3. #28

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    You think this lady is a bigot because she is opposed to same sex marriage? So is Obama. I guess you think he is a bigot, too? So does Hillary. Bigot?
    Obama and Clinton just say that for political reasons...If the polls start showing the majority favor it they would flip in a heartbeat

    And so would 90% of the other folks whose income depends solely on votes

  4. #29

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    She shouldn't feel bad. There are some people who don't even agree with ME.

  5. #30

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    You think this lady is a bigot because she is opposed to same sex marriage? So is Obama. I guess you think he is a bigot, too? So does Hillary. Bigot?
    Yeah, I think Ms. Whatever is a bigot. Hilary and Obama? Like someone said before, they're whatever they think the voters want them to be.

  6. #31

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Courageous sidestep. You really add a lot of brain power to the board.

  7. #32

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    thanx. You too sweetheart.

  8. #33

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Yeah, I think Ms. Whatever is a bigot. Hilary and Obama? Like someone said before, they're whatever they think the voters want them to be.
    I think that's the most honest statement made by a liberal on this forum. The sad thing is, no one seems bothered by it. He's still their messiah and he can do no wrong.

  9. #34

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    ^^^Okay, first off I'm not "a liberal." I'm a registered republican. The difference between you and me is that I can think for myself and don't need an R or D next to a candidate before I think it's okay to vote for them. I prefered Obama to McGramps, so sue me.

    Class dismissed.

  10. #35

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    ^^^Okay, first off I'm not "a liberal." I'm a registered republican. The difference between you and me is that I can think for myself and don't need an R or D next to a candidate before I think it's okay to vote for them. I prefered Obama to McGramps, so sue me.

    Class dismissed.
    Yes, it's OK to vote for whoever you want, I agree with you. However, anyone who claims to be a republican, and votes for the most liberal presidential candidate in decades--how is that consistent with being a republican? There's plenty of liberals and RINO's with an R next to their name. Don't be embarrassed to come out of the closet and admit you're a liberal. It's quite common nowadays.

  11. #36

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    In Oklahoma, you have to choose a party to vore in primaries. Doesn't mean you are a rank and file.

  12. #37

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Miss California's answer could be viewed as honesty...or as a loose cannon. She was in a contest to select a person to represent the Miss USA pageant. From the pageant's point of view, do they want someone with some diplomacy or not?

  13. #38

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    While her answer will not be held up as an example of great rhetorical ability, I thought she kept her composure and gave an honest answer.

    She said that others have the right to their own opinion, but that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman. How are some of you defining that as bigotry?

  14. #39

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    ^^^Okay, first off I'm not "a liberal." I'm a registered republican. The difference between you and me is that I can think for myself and don't need an R or D next to a candidate before I think it's okay to vote for them. I prefered Obama to McGramps, so sue me.

    Class dismissed.
    We won't sue you, By the time your Pres. Choice is thru with you, you won't have any money left or a constitution to base the suit upon.

  15. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by joel228 View Post
    While her answer will not be held up as an example of great rhetorical ability, I thought she kept her composure and gave an honest answer.

    She said that others have the right to their own opinion, but that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman. How are some of you defining that as bigotry?
    I think her answer is an incorrect opinion personally, but seriously. The outrage is ridiculous. The majority of the country agrees with her.

  16. #41

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    The outrage and name calling is just evidence of the societal neutering of our individuality. If you aren't politically correct, someone is going to be throwing a tantrum. "Wrong" thoughts are just so dangerous and immoral, afterall. Get with the program!

    Pass the vanilla pudding.

  17. #42

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    Miss California's answer could be viewed as honesty...or as a loose cannon. She was in a contest to select a person to represent the Miss USA pageant. From the pageant's point of view, do they want someone with some diplomacy or not?
    So, does Obama's answer regarding this issue make him a "loose cannon" or was he just being "honest"?

    In a 2007 Chicago Tribune interview, Barack Obama said, “I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue ... my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”

    How is that much different than what Miss California said?

    "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.”

    Source: TheHill.com - Obama and Miss California

    Perhaps another poster said it correctly, "Obama just said that for political reasons". In other words, he lied. I think most people would agree with that, even his supporters. What say you?

  18. #43

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    I think her answer is an incorrect opinion personally, but seriously. The outrage is ridiculous. The majority of the country agrees with her.
    Her opinion is incorrect? According to who? Who decides who's opinion is correct and who's opinion is incorrect? How about we all have our own opinions, and simply disagree with those who's opinions are different than our own? Now that's a thought!

  19. #44

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    I think that unless his values are dissimilar to the majority of Americans, President Obama told the truth. For all his reported socialist leanings, Mr. Obama has lived his personal life pretty mainstream. One wife, two kids, support his family, be a good dad, etc. Nothing in his personal life suggests to me that he has anything other than a traditional view of marriage. Just because he is a liberal doesn't mean that he doesn't have this view of marriage. This is certainly not a defining value to the extent that respect for gay people might be. Moreover, he was raised in Kansas by white, middleclass parents and his wife was raised in the African American culture, which as I understand it, is pretty conservative on this issue.

  20. #45

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by GWB View Post
    What say you?

    I say it was two different elections. Obama took his position and won. Miss California gave her position and lost. Same answer...different outcomes. That's life.

  21. #46

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    If you aren't politically correct, someone is going to be throwing a tantrum.

    It's always been that way, except we used to call it "courtesy" or "diplomacy" instead of "politically correct". Only the terminology has changed.

  22. #47

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Has anyone asked why that fool was on the panel and allowed to ask such a controversial question of only one candidate? Now ask yourself what is fair regardless of your stance on the issue.

  23. #48

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    I say it was two different elections. Obama took his position and won. Miss California gave her position and lost. Same answer...different outcomes. That's life.
    I'm not complaining about the outcome of it, and neither is Miss California. She's going to get rich from this, and she'll be in demand as a motivational speaker, so it's all good for her. She isn't bitter, unlike the jerk who attacked her verbally for stating her honest opinion.

    Now, how about answering my question?

    So, does Obama's answer regarding this issue make him a "loose cannon" or was he just being "honest"?

    Another question, if you so chose to answer. You said "Obama took his position and won". Do you think he was being honest or just giving the politically expedient answer to gain favor with the traditionalists?

  24. #49

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by GWB View Post
    Now, how about answering my question?

    So, does Obama's answer regarding this issue make him a "loose cannon" or was he just being "honest"?

    Another question, if you so chose to answer. You said "Obama took his position and won". Do you think he was being honest or just giving the politically expedient answer to gain favor with the traditionalists?
    I think he was being honest. I think that in taking the position he did, he ran the risk of alienating more voters than he stood to gain.

  25. #50

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    I think that unless his values are dissimilar to the majority of Americans, President Obama told the truth. For all his reported socialist leanings, Mr. Obama has lived his personal life pretty mainstream. One wife, two kids, support his family, be a good dad, etc. Nothing in his personal life suggests to me that he has anything other than a traditional view of marriage. Just because he is a liberal doesn't mean that he doesn't have this view of marriage. This is certainly not a defining value to the extent that respect for gay people might be. Moreover, he was raised in Kansas by white, middleclass parents and his his wife was raised in the African American culture, which as I understand it, is pretty conservative on this issue.
    Not sure what you mean by living his life mainstream. Sure, he comes across as a decent guy, and I'm sure he is. But, let's not forget who is circle of friends are (or were), or where he attended church for 20 years. Would you sit under the preaching of someone who spewed out hatred and racism week after week? I know you wouldn't.

    Obama's political views are among the most liberal in politics today. It's no secret he was rated the most liberal senator in congress when he was serving in the senate. Maybe Obama sincerely believes what he said regarding marriage between a man and woman, the reality is, not everyone believes him, and for good reason. He's been known to say one thing, but behind doors he's been "caught" saying the opposite at times. I think many liberals believe Obama said what he felt was the politically expedient answer at the time. Time will tell.

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