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Thread: The Miss USA Pagent

  1. #1

    Default The Miss USA Pagent

    Well - what do you folks think? Did Miss California's "answer" on gay marriage cost her the crown????? Do you care?

    I for one, am glad she is standing up for her beliefs, and didn't let the "pagentry" get in the way of her feelings.....

  2. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Another one already? Geez, time went by so fast. What was her answer?

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Someone I work with showed me one of them said

    The bible states the first relationship was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve (or something like that)

    I thought that was pretty funny

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    I didn't watch the pagent, but I've seen countless clips of the "question" in question. So take my answer with the knowledge that I didn't see all the competition, therefore I don't know if that particular question "cost" her the crown. She is knockdown gorgous...so she didnt lose it on looks. I am disappointed that someone can get to that level in a competition, then stumble over her answer. She later acknowledged that she almost gave a different answer to be politically correct. Which might have led to the fumbling sound to her answer. Kinda sad. Miss USA is supposed to represent the best America has to offer. That includes speaking skills. I'm glad she answered with her heart too. And damn shes beautiful. Congratulations to Miss North Carolina.

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Perez Hilton asked her an opinion question and because he didn't like the the answer, in a post on his blog he called her a "stupid b**ch". He's such a class act.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Someone on TV actually said they oppose gay marriage? The HUMANITY!!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    I didn't even come away with a sense that she actually answered the question. She talked about the "country" she's from and how she prefers opposite marriage to same sex? If anything she should have lost due to her inablity to form a sentence.

  8. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Bible says marriage is between a man and woman so I'll stick to that

  9. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    * not trying to start a religous arguement btw

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    The question should not have been asked.
    Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.

    also why is a homosexual judging a Miss USA?
    He does not even like girls.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    I'm with you Native. Miss California lost the crown due to this question. Perez Hilton gave her 0 points for her answer on gay marriage. Just because your gay, shouldn't give you the right to score someone a 0 on a gay question. There were plenty of other questions that were controversial, yet many actors are backing Perez Hilton. This means there is no such thing as freedom of speech anymore.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by davidmilford26 View Post
    Miss California lost the crown due to this question.
    Has anybody really said that besides Perez? Frankly, I think he's trying to make his one vote more important than it may have really been. Miss California's answer was awkward, at best. Miss North Carolina's was only slightly better...but she was better.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    I didn't even come away with a sense that she actually answered the question. She talked about the "country" she's from and how she prefers opposite marriage to same sex? If anything she should have lost due to her inablity to form a sentence.

    Quote Originally Posted by NativeOkie View Post
    also why is a homosexual judging a Miss USA?
    He does not even like girls.
    Who better to judge them then......he more than anyone should have been unbiased. And the few gay men I know, know more about women (and how they think) than I ever will. Birds of a feather thing I guess. They'd Probably make great wingmen

    That said I cant stand Perez Hilton....but Im not in charge of picking judges. Maybe the complaints should be directed at whomever did.

  14. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    She gave her opinion thoughtfully, and even accidentally touched on a Constitutionally GREAT issue- that states can do what they want to a degree and that's a beautiful thing in our country. That we can choose to live where we want with differing laws is awesome.

    She delivered it halfway articulately, recognized that people could differ, and gave her opinion and how she was raised, which differs 100% from my opinion. And I wasn't offended in the least. Reasonable people can differ on this one, I think... This question probably had no place in a pageant, IMO.

    "don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to."

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    This question probably had no place in a pageant, IMO.
    That's what I was thinking. What possible way does this question have anything to do with Miss USA?


  16. #16

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by davidmilford26 View Post
    This means there is no such thing as freedom of speech anymore.
    Um, no, that is not what this means. At all.

  17. #17
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Um, no, that is not what this means. At all.
    I agree. I wish more people would realize that if you publicly voice an unpopular opinion, there are frequently consequences (Dixie Chicks anyone?). That's not the same as the government limiting your free speech.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Perez Hilton asked her an opinion question and because he didn't like the the answer, in a post on his blog he called her a "stupid b**ch". He's such a class act.
    This seems to be more and more common these days. Someone voices their own personal opinion and then the other person gets royally angered as if they are saying, "How dare you" not agree with my opinion. People are becoming more combative and irrational these days. I think it just is the sign of the times and shows many people are not capable of tolerating any one else's right to their own opinion.

  19. #19

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    Bible says marriage is between a man and woman so I'll stick to that

    The Bible also says its okay to keep slaves. Going to stick with that as well?

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    This seems to be more and more common these days. Someone voices their own personal opinion and then the other person gets royally angered as if they are saying, "How dare you" not agree with my opinion. People are becoming more combative and irrational these days. I think it just is the sign of the times and shows many people are not capable of tolerating any one else's right to their own opinion.
    I see your point. I also see the other side. Just a few decades ago people had the opinion that African Americans shouldn't go to certain universities or compete in sports with Whites. So I can see how a person can be disgusted with someone else's opinion. I do think Perez Hilton went too far though.

  21. Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    I wish she would have said something like "I'm not going to sacrifice my core beliefs for political correctness." Trust me, her words will probably land her something much bigger (financially and otherwise) because of her public stance. I hope she continues to not back down.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    This seems to be more and more common these days. Someone voices their own personal opinion and then the other person gets royally angered as if they are saying, "How dare you" not agree with my opinion. People are becoming more combative and irrational these days. I think it just is the sign of the times and shows many people are not capable of tolerating any one else's right to their own opinion.
    I agree. People used to get insulted by rudeness. Now, they get insulted if someone simply doesn't agree with them and then they go on the attack.

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    I didn't even come away with a sense that she actually answered the question. She talked about the "country" she's from and how she prefers opposite marriage to same sex? If anything she should have lost due to her inablity to form a sentence.

    If you don't think she actually answered the question, I can't imagine what you were listening to. Not only did she answer the question, she gave her reason why she felt that way. I thought she showed great grace under pressure. That wasn't a legitimate question. She was ambushed - not questioned - and she kept her composure as well as anyone could expect under the circumstances.

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    She shouldn't feel bad. There are some people who don't even agree with ME.

  25. #25

    Smile Re: The Miss USA Pagent

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    She shouldn't feel bad. There are some people who don't even agree with ME.
    Stan, I am sure that isn't true.

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