I just got a puppy two weeks ago and my puppy is always cold outside when I walk him. Should I get a sweater coat for him?
I just got a puppy two weeks ago and my puppy is always cold outside when I walk him. Should I get a sweater coat for him?
Just like you and me, sweaters and outerwear are so important for us, so I don’t see why it would be any different for your pet when they’re outdoors this winter…. Yesterday, I saw this article online and I think it would appeal to you and answer your questions. It’s online at PetProducts
If he seems to be cold, then yeah. Some dogs seem to handle cold better than others. It may depend on how much hair he has, but sometimes small dogs don't handle cold as well as larger ones, I think.
I have two dogs. My older dog has always gotten the shakes when it's cold outside, so I got her a sweatshirt to wear. My younger one doesn't seem to be overly bothered by cold weather, so we got him one to wear, but only put it on him when he's freshly groomed and it's extra cold out.
I am from minnesota and I can't believe your going to get your dog a sweater.
What kind of dog is it?
Maybe I am wrong but I always thought dog clothes were more for the people than the dogs.
At the same time, I could see putting something on a dog who was shaved for surgery to avoid sunburn. In the interest of full disclosure - my dogs are Samoyeds and have a heavy double coat. But it never crossed my mind to put anything on my labradors and they seemed absolutely fine outside.
I vote no.
We have three dogs - two very hairy terrier mixes, and one short-haired beagle mix. The terriers are about 25 lbs each, while the beagle mix is closer to 20 lbs.
Throughout the winter we put a sweater or sweatshirt on the beagle mix because, well, she shivers, even when just roaming around the house. She got used to them very quickly, and appears to be genuinely warmer and more comfortable when wearing them (does not shiver).
I like to think the sweater or sweatshirt is just an extra layer - and helps her hold in her own body heat. Now that temperatures are warming up, we won't put them on her.
The two terriers are so thick-coated they could play in the cold for hours on end and not be bothered, and we don't put sweaters on them (no need). We have to watch them in extreme heat, though.
I've owned long hairs and short hairs most of my life. None ever wore a sweater that I can recall. hay and blankies lined the outfoor huts, and many a cheap vacuum gave its life to clearing hair of the indoor critters.
just please don't dress them up in reindeer or bunny outfits.
My mom did it to our family dog, I think he held a grudge towards mom for years.
The result: my rottweiler was nevered dressed up.
Now my little bassett-beagle mix dog "he's a rescued animal", if I see him shiver he goes in. and yes he has a fleece blanket near the couch to keep him warm.
I vote to your dog pants along with a sweater!
That dog is really an alien.
That's a cute pix.
I think it is okay to dress them up...only if they like it. If they don't, then discontinue.
I always feel sorry for a dog when I see him wearing a sweater.
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