I know, I thought that was strange too ... but OU has a huge stadium holding tons of people, maybe that has something to do with it?
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
GA Sold out.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Good deal, i hope they sell all the seats now. We're a big league city afterall!
so did you keep your seats or go with GA's?
I can't decide yet. I have 8 tickets. I have 4 GA and 4 in Section 32 but they are wayyyy up there .. still, directly in front of the stage. Decisions, decisions.
I think we'll take a trip down to OU and sit in the seats if they'll let us... and hit up Riverwind too!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Good plan!
Heres the deal though, ive seen them up close in GA (Elevation Tour 2001) and also way up in the stands (PoPmart 97, Vertigo 2005). Your best bet is keeping the GA tickets for yourself and selling the seats or giving them to a friend/family member. The seats are nice because you just show up and have reserved seats, no long lines, etc. But GA is great because if you can really get right up in front of the stage, once you have been there nothing else comes close. It's an entirely different show from that perspective, to see the color in the bands eyes and so forth, very cool. And yes they will interact with you, plus ive met other really cool people up in the front its a real party.
Good luck with your decision either way.
Thanks so much. That's the input I'm looking for!
I hope I don't have any problems selling the seats though.
$95 a ticket is pricey for a lot of people in this economy.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
So, GA is actually better seats than the $95 seats? I'm so dang confused with all of this. Where the heck are the $250 seats then?
The $250 seats are directly beneath the $95 facing the Stage.
It depends with GA... my husband wants to be on the Floor... I'd prefer to sit but he doesn't mind standing for hours.. if that is your thing, then yes, you'll be happy with GA and getting close to the action.
The $95 seats are still high up there but at least you can see the front of the stage and can sit the entire concert. I have 4 for sale.. lol
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
i got my tickets in the mail! Gotta keep them in a safe place now for the next 6 months.
GA is good if you are able to get up to the front, yes you will probably have to stand in line for several hours to accomplish that. Whats good about that is if you take a buddy with you in line you can take turns going to the restroom, eating, go to the bar, etc. If you are up in front or near the stage GA is the place to be. If you can see the color of the bands eyes and they are staring back at you it seems like they are playing for just you and its the coolest thing.
The $250 seats should be the best "seats" in the house. There wont be a whole lot of sitting though, from my experience, the way this band plays people tend to lose themselves and really get into the music.... even in the nosebleed section.
Im going off of past experiences of course, their last three or four tours i have attended. First time around i had no idea what i was getting into, ive been hooked every since. This tour should be the same, but we really don't know much about it till it starts. But hopefully there won't be a bad seat in the house.
here's a picture of the stage
That is crazy!
Now I'm thinking GA might be hard to see anything because of the height of the stage.. decisions, decisions!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
That is incredible!
i park cars on gamedays. i was wondering if this will be like a gameday parking and traffic wise.
how many tickets were sold?
i dont know how many tickets were sold...but that stage is awesome. I dont think there will be a bad seat in the house. That thing is going to look like a spaceship landed in Norman!
Just went out to the stadium today and checked out my seats ... wow, I have great seats - facing the stage.. perfect ... Hubby can stand in GA if he wants, but I don't think that will be the best place. Yes I'm pretty high up but the angle isn't as steep as I thought.. I'll be able to look down straight at Bono... I can't wait.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
It was about 100 degrees and there athletes running up and down the bleachers/stairs. I thought I would die just climbing up once! lol
thanks for the pics!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
well you have to be pretty well conditioned to run up and down the bleachers like that in this heat. I could have probably done it back in my army days, not so much now, nor would i want too!
no problem on the pics, lots more floating out there, this stage is amazing and we are going to have a great time i believe
i haven't checked it out, but i understand there are clips on youtube from the opening night.
Don't all seats face the stage as it is in the round?wow, I have great seats - facing the stage
Well technically yes.. but you can sit looking at the band's faces or butts depending on your seats, (unless they run around in circles).
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Well, usually, at in the round settings there is no front and back and they play to all sides, so everyone gets face (and butt) time. Essentially, yes, they run around in circles. The whole 360 design was conceived of as a way to maximize the show in every direction so that they could sell more tickets at lower prices without compromising the production.
Yeah, I think so too. The only difference I think might be the stage setup, the fixed instruments - drums etc.
I do know though that the tix facing the front of the stage were going for much higher prices than those on the sides or the back of the stage so that leads me to believe that the front of the stage will be set up for maximum viewing. But they do have a nice Big Screen wrapping around the stage too so I really doubt there will be a horrible seat in the place.
I don't really care either way... it's U2 baby.. sitting on the highest row of the back of the stage will still mean you are in the building.. I mean, really U2 playing in Oklahoma? I think it's pretty awesome.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Yeah it's pretty cool. I saw them on the 4th row of their first zoo tv tour and really, that's too close for a stadium show. All of the lower bowl tickets are $95, on any side, and reviews of the Barcelona show said they moved all over the stage, so I think it will be a pretty good show for anyone that's not in the nose bleeders and even then it will be a spectale.
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