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Thread: Hobby Lobby business practices

  1. #1

    Default Hobby Lobby business practices

    Some good news in a down economy..........

    Hobby Lobby hikes pay rate | NewsOK.com
    Hobby Lobby hikes pay rate
    More than 6,900 full-time workers will get raises, company announced
    Published: April 15, 2009

    Starting immediately, Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is granting pay raises to all full-time hourly employees who earn up to $13 an hour, company founder David Green said Tuesday.

    The company also has established its own $10 minimum wage for all full-time employees.

    "Our employees are the backbone of our company, and we believe that giving them the opportunity to share in our success is the right thing to do,” said Green, Hobby Lobby’s chief executive officer.

    The raises will apply to employees of Hobby Lobby and its affiliated businesses, including Mardel and Hemispheres, he said. More than 6,900 employees throughout the corporation will receive pay increases, with some receiving nearly $600 more a month.

    Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is a privately held retail chain of more than 400 arts-and-crafts stores in 33 states. The company’s revenue for 2008 was $1.8 billion.

    While many retail businesses have struggled with the declining economy, Green said Hobby Lobby has continued to thrive.

    "So far, by God’s grace, we’re doing well this year. We have approximately a 5 percent increase in same-store sales so far this year and about a 10 percent overall increase with new stores,” Green said.

    The company plans to add 25 Hobby Lobby Stores and five Mardel stores this year, which will require the addition of about 1,000 employees to the company’s 18,000-person nationwide work force, he said.

    Hobby Lobby’s new $10 minimum wage is 34.5 percent higher than the federal minimum wage of $6.55 an hour.

    Not the first time
    "This minimum wage increase is the most exciting initiative I’ve been involved with since I started the company,” Green said. "We believe the success of Hobby Lobby is directly attributable to our outstanding employees and our strong corporate values, which are based on biblical principles, including integrity, service to others and giving back to those in need.”
    This is not the first time Hobby Lobby has given employees unexpected pay raises during trying financial times. Last year, when gasoline prices skyrocketed, Hobby Lobby gave workers permanent 25 cent per hour raises to help offset cost-of-living increases.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Yes! Good news indeed.

  3. Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    VERY commendable.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Good for them.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    I think I might shop at hobby lobby more often now, if they are treating there employees well, I just wish other companies will look at this as an example. Most retail and sales, and warehouse employees dont get paid enough for what they do

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    I am not a Hobby Lobby fan, but this deserve recongniton for being a good thing. Good job Mr. Green.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Well, the threats from the recent past to unionize Hobby Lobby, though without success, have done some good.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Well, the threats from the recent past to unionize Hobby Lobby, though without success, have done some good.
    Oh really? Got any facts to back your fantasy up?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Some folks may not be in accord with the Green's views on their faith, but that's a family that regularly (and frequently very silently) walks their talk.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    great, i will make a point to shop at hobby lobby more often. its just so refreshing to hear about employees being treated well instead of being under the constant threat of decreased wages, outsourced work, and offshoring (all while CEO make millions).

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Even though the $13 probably doesn't go out to very many since I'm sure most are part time...$9 ain't too bad for part time work starting pay

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Some folks may not be in accord with the Green's views on their faith, but that's a family that regularly (and frequently very silently) walks their talk.
    I agree. I wish more professed "Christian" business owners would follow suit. Mr. Green and the gentleman who owns Chick-fil-A both seem to practice what they preach, and I applaud them for doing so.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby giving raises

    And its the 4th year in a row they have done this, even during the recession!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Hobby Lobby challenges federal mandate to provide 'morning-after' pills to employees

    The owners of Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday claiming that the Health and Human Services “preventive services” mandate violates their rights of religious freedom and free speech.

    Read more: Hobby Lobby challenges federal mandate to provide 'morning-after' pills to employees | NewsOK.com

  16. #16

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    To clarify this a little, Obamacare requires employers to provide birth control medications at no cost to the employee. This means no "copay". I don't know Mr. Greens feelings about normal healthcare providing a portion of the cost. When my late wife was going through her problems, no meds were free but all were fairly good due to our excellent insurance and we simply paid a copay. I think the most we ever paid was $30. That's the way I read it in today's Oklahoman.
    C. T.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    We will no longer be shopping at Hobby Lobby.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    We will no longer be shopping at Hobby Lobby.
    As is your choice as a consumer.
    Irrespective of how this litigation resolves, I imagine my lovely will continue to shop there and at the local Mardells. She's rather fond of the selection in both stores.

  19. #19
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    To clarify this a little, Obamacare requires employers to provide birth control medications at no cost to the employee. This means no "copay". I don't know Mr. Greens feelings about normal healthcare providing a portion of the cost. When my late wife was going through her problems, no meds were free but all were fairly good due to our excellent insurance and we simply paid a copay. I think the most we ever paid was $30. That's the way I read it in today's Oklahoman.
    C. T.
    According to the article, its the "emergency contraceptive" methods that they are opposed to being forced to provide coverage for.
    Duncan said the Greens are not opposed to all forms of birth control, only emergency contraception such as the “morning-after” or “week-after” pills. The lawsuit refers to contraception methods such as Plan B, Ella and some intrauterine devices as “abortion-causing drugs and devices.”
    "Emergency contraceptive" is a PC term for abortion-inducing. A better term would be "panic abortion".

  20. #20

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    I haven't been in a Hobby Lobby or a Mardel's more than half a dozen times in the last ten years but in order to offset the negative effects of The Big Boycott (see above) I'm going by a Mardel's this afternoon to pick up a 4-DVD set of "Thou Shalt Laugh" . . . I might stop by a Hobby Lobby to pick up some 8-to-an-inch graph paper and then swing by Chik-fil-A for a sandwich.

    I wonder if Mardel's might have a book with a commentary on the Constitution that shows where the Federal Government has the right to cram birth-control down a business owner's throat . . . Or demand that they open on Sundays.

    I shudder to think of the effects of The Big Boycott on the pay scale of the innocent employees who are the real victims here. Say! Do you think there is a market here for condoms with a "religious" theme?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    As is your choice as a consumer.
    Irrespective of how this litigation resolves, I imagine my lovely will continue to shop there and at the local Mardells. She's rather fond of the selection in both stores.
    +1. . .and I'll probably go twice as often!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    According to the article, its the "emergency contraceptive" methods that they are opposed to being forced to provide coverage for.

    "Emergency contraceptive" is a PC term for abortion-inducing. A better term would be "panic abortion".
    Taking the morning after pill is not even close to the same as an abortion.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I wonder if Mardel's might have a book with a commentary on the Constitution that shows where the Federal Government has the right to cram birth-control down a business owner's throat . . . Or demand that they open on Sundays.
    Its not the owners throats, its the employees that would like to have it. Just like they would like to have antibiotics or painkillers after a sickness. No different than the government "forcing down the owners throat" anti-discrimination policies or healthy workplace standards.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Its not the owners throats, its the employees that would like to have it. Just like they would like to have antibiotics or painkillers after a sickness. No different than the government "forcing down the owners throat" anti-discrimination policies or healthy workplace standards.
    There's a LOT that I don't know about the PPACA and Hobby Lobby's contention about it, but it seems that Hobby Lobby only has a problem with being required to provide coverage that includes what they view as abortions (aborted pregnancies -- if that's not the morning after pill, what is?). It looks like Hobby Lobby only is fighting that portion (or at least that's all the paper is reporting about it). Hobby Lobby doesn't appear to have a problem providing health care, as is evidenced by their establishment of a clinic on site at their headquarters in 2010. I'm sure that's above and beyond the standard. And no, it's not required to use it, if you feel they combine too much religion with medicine. QuickTrip does this in Tulsa and is widely hailed in the media as a progressive company for it. Again, if I read the article right, it's the completely free service void of copay that the company must absorb that Hobby Lobby is opposed to.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Hobby Lobby business practices

    There's a big difference between an employer not paying for something for an employee, and an employer prohibiting the use of something by an employee. They're doing the former, not the latter, and on grounds of religious principal.

    What ever happened to the free market, where an employer and employee reach an agreement on employment terms without government intrusion? Yes, certain labor and safety laws go far in protecting employees, but laws telling employers that they have to provide contraception for employees who aren't engaged in sex as part of their employment? If a woman was a porn star and ran the risk of pregnancy, then I can see her wanting to ask her employer to pay for contraception. Otherwise - no.

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