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Thread: anyone know who lives in the big house?

  1. #1

    Question anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Located at Britton Road and....im thinking Air Depot but i could be wrong. If you know the house im talking about you would understand why im asking, its easily the biggest house i have ever seen in person. It looks like a spanish church or something, its been under construction for a long time. I think that President Bush visited this house last year maybe? Also it sits across the street diagonally from a very nice neighborhood called "white fences".

  2. #2

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Just because it's common knowledge: The guy who owns Premium Brands. Oklahoma City's own Cindy McCain, if you will...

  3. Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Yes it is a sight to be seen. Doesn't it have a bell tower or something like that?

  4. #4

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    I didnt know we had a Cindy McCain, you must mean the owner of the Beer distributorship off of 240?

    Bell Tower....i think it does have a tower but i havent been out that way in a while.

    Anyone know how much this house cost to build?

  5. #5

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Here's a great pic of what you are referring to:

    Your web browser and the Maps site are incompatible

    Just click on the link regardless of what it says. It works for me.

  6. #6

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    thats a great pic, thanks.

  7. #7

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    It is Aubrey McClendon's new residence who is the CEO of Chesapeake Energy.

  8. #8

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    John Crisip is the owners name..... his family started premium beer - distributes all the bud products. shortdog you need to do your research.

  9. #9

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Quote Originally Posted by khook View Post
    John Crisip is the owners name..... his family started premium beer - distributes all the bud products. shortdog you need to do your research.

    ...or John Cresap. 9200 Sooner Rd, according to the county assessor. Charming little cottage he has there!

  10. Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    I believe Bush had a fundraiser there last time he was in OKC.

  11. #11

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    I believe Bush had a fundraiser there last time he was in OKC.
    Bush visit for a McCain fundraiser.

    Very good attendance & a nice chunk of change for the fairer candidate.

  12. #12

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    Nice guesthouse they've prepared for me. Can't wait to see what they build for their own selves

    Shhhh, don't pop my delusions. they keep me warm at night

  13. #13

    Default Re: anyone know who lives in the big house?

    When they were building it, my friend's hubby, who's in construction drove up to look at it. He was met by some kind of law enforcement, can't remember now which agency. The officer who was on duty told him no one was allowed on the property and asked him to leave, which he did.

    Is it as big as Funk (Express Personnel's) house in Yukon? I've seen both, but I can't tell.

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