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Thread: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

  1. #1

    Default I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    Is it really as bad as people make it out to be? So far, I've been able to conceptualize the material; I'm nearing the end of Chem II with an 'A' for a professor who is known for demanding. However, I keep hearing about how OC is an entirely different animal. I can't think of any reasons people much smarter than I would collectively exaggerate about a course, so I'm inclined to believe them. At this point, it is in my best interest to keep charging hard and put it behind me, but I am curious what the damage to my hairline and GPA will be.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  2. #2

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    It's really all about your approach to the class. I see many students, particularly pre-med students, looking at o-chem like a "rite of passage" in which the only way to get out alive is to memorize...everything. This makes things quite difficult, given the enormous breadth of material and the pace of the class. Moreover, I think most texts reinforce this method of learning. As a problem-oriented class, it's much better to focus on deeply learning the concepts--which may be harder at first, but will pay off in the long run. Conceptually, o-chem is a definite departure from gen chem, but nothing a motivated student can't adapt to.

    My suggestion is to practice LOTS of problems from multiple sources. Most sophomore o-chem books have supplementary solutions manuals, so check these out from your university library and use them to your advantage. Bottom line: o-chem isn't really that hard if you're willing to study and work problems on a regular basis.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    I never took it but the people I know who have just loved it. It is tough but for some reason, that was the chemistry course that really did it for them. They liked it much more than basic chemistry.

  4. #4

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    If you are making an 'A' in Chem II then getting through Organic shouldn't be that bad. OC is different however. Chem I & II are more math based while OC I & II are not. Math, problem solving & conversions always came easy to me so Chem I & II were easy. In OC you have to memorize a lot of chemical properties and use those properties to synthesize new compounds. I did well in OC, but as those before you have said, it is a different animal. It is challenging, but that's the very reason to take the class!

  5. #5

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    There is a lot more stoichiometry-based problems in organic chemistry. It is a different beast but not one that's unmanageable. If you're worried now, you can start memorizing your organic chemistry prefixes such as prop-, but-, tert- and suffixes like -ol and -ane.

    I remember long nights studying for the NMR spectroscopy. I think the toughest organic chemistry are the different reactions. Reactions are based on electron affinity, stearic hindrance, and are affected by functional groups. As long as you're a good student and attend class, you should do fine.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    Thanks for the insight everyone. Would you recommend I take Intro to OC or would Gen Chem I/II be sufficient for comprehension in OC I/Lab?
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  7. #7

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    Quote Originally Posted by HSC-Sooner View Post
    There is a lot more stoichiometry-based problems in organic chemistry. It is a different beast but not one that's unmanageable. If you're worried now, you can start memorizing your organic chemistry prefixes such as prop-, but-, tert- and suffixes like -ol and -ane.

    I remember long nights studying for the NMR spectroscopy. I think the toughest organic chemistry are the different reactions. Reactions are based on electron affinity, stearic hindrance, and are affected by functional groups. As long as you're a good student and attend class, you should do fine.
    Show off!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: I have a question about Organic Chemistry.

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    Thanks for the insight everyone. Would you recommend I take Intro to OC or would Gen Chem I/II be sufficient for comprehension in OC I/Lab?
    You're doing fine in Chem II, so go ahead and take OC I/Lab. What exactly is the intro to OC class? Are you in OU-Norman?

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